The Ohio Independent Baptist, Spring 1997

,~, n lh n, n ' Across the State Past r Oa d S. C slal ulhns Pll .1,.1 nt I l ill llap t i,t h.1, .. UI I..'\.~ I), \ ·d \ 1 11 ll In, , • , 1 ,l n t r , ' r }--1 , , r •rn •n ~ 1... n. tr, ., al, he , l)Uth . - .ind l~hrt u.,n c Ju(',llt ,n .lll n~ ,, •t 11 ~en~r .\I p,1,t ,, .ii ~111 ", tl . ,, ,t "'" n1or ., h 'I - f) .. rl .. n( ' '- l \1 ulltn _.~du.1tcd •r .,, ('ed.1r,il)e l- le.:" 1n 1 O(}h •• .., I ,, ~1 P1::trr1~d ll) h1, \ te Cr. t..11. 1 ('"'ltl n1h~ r Ht t rn1erl~ "cd J, Jdn11P ,tr.1u,'" 1nt<:rn .u , 1e,, B.1pt1 R.1ri ~h \l ll~r hurg. ~11 1onar~ pJ tnr J1n1 Ru ,.,r Emmanuel Bapt~ t ,\ rile . ·· \\"c ~ont1nu..: to th3n · God f r Ha ble int,. \\"c ~ tarted :\ \\' .-\ · 1\ , .. 1th 2 1n eptember and arc no,.. 1n Lhe h1 _h O e, cral ne\\ • .:1 e arc: m1 nQ be au e of ._ A\ A~-,.\ n em \In~ into our nev. - n_1nJunev.eha,e een 19 a,ed 'riev. member_ \ e a, er gt:d I 1n rn n.: er,1 ~ 1n ~1J.rl: h 1 .. .. J'hc 1111,,hu1, \.Ollltn 11 h .'l .,1 l ' \ \ i\ I ii fo rd llap l i"i t h.P, ,ct ., g1>,II Pl ~ 12.()()(} f lH llJ()7. ,\lhl\\ 11\C th e..' L' hllt \.' h to .,dd '"' ' l'f .d flll ~s1ona1 ll' ' ,tnd tllLll'.t,c g t\1nc to '"'\l' r,11 l llllentl, , uppnrtl'd . ·rh, , I' ,l n ltl L f (' , l \C u I ~ (). ()()() () \ c r I as t \ l' ,H - ·rhrce teen, Ir on, lhl' l.hurch :I l l' pl.1n n1n!! ,un1n1cr n11, ,ttu1, t11p,. ()nl' ,,111 \ \ () fk.on ,\Ltln,trULllPtl lt',\111111 lt,ll). -..pcndtn~ L'\l'ntng, ,,llh .1 puppct te.1111. ,tnd l\\ o ,l f' l' hc,1dco lo ( 'h iJ c to ,l,'d'II n11-..,1on.1r1c, ,, llh children ·..., progrt1n1 n11n~ l)1Lk. Sun1nc r I\ ,cn1or ra,101 at i\C\\– \l ii lllfJ i\ lcn1hcr, ~ind guc,t, of " th e Faith Ba pti t hurch of Kenton cnJO)ed a dinner concert \\ 1th the Cedar, ii le Co llcgc \\ ordhearer . aturda\ ~ evening. i'v1arch . The ele\cn co llcee ,tudent~ ,h.1rcd f a,or1 tc \cr,e, o f cr1pturc. te t1mon1e-.. and a ,ariet 1 of mu,1c 1nc lud1ng contcn1porar 1 \Clcc uon . h, n1n arr.ingcment, and tr~1d1t1 onal go pel ft1,or1te The church ·, ~oc1al cornn11tt cc cnordtnatcc.J puhl1c1t 1 . n1cal preparati on and decorating aro und the theme. "Life 1.., \ ) n1phnn 1 .. Denni Burn-.. 1 pa..,tor al Fallh Bapll \l. Recent], Fa ith ; Ba pti t ' \Cn1or higher~ parllc1patcd 1n a 30-Hour Fan11nc. ra1s1ng approxunatel 1 I .000 for \Vor ld \ · 1-..1 on W or Id \ ' I'> 1 on 1.., a Chr1 uan non-profit relief and de,elopment o rgan11at1on meellng the need, of children . fam1he -.. and ommun1t1e, all o \er the \\ Orld . It , goal I to provide food. educauon and the Gospel The teen al~o attended ··FaLtng The Challenge.'· a Teen Life LOnfercncc held at Gra e Bapll t Church in \Ve\ten·tllc ~1 crl, n Jone 1~ se nior pa~tor at Faith ; Bapu t rvl n Ohi o Jj irry f tz r PclSlor K Vin and T an,a Conner L to R, Pastor Vernon and Mrs Jones Pastor Kenneth Spink In Oclohc r of 1996 Ber ea Ba pti t ' hurc h c. alled Kc, 1n \\ '. c·onncr to ,e r\ c J \ : outh pJ,tor. Kc, 1n 1, l1 I99'i gradudtC ._ o r l..1hcrt, L 1 n1,cr , ll\. . - "' here he rnct ht\ ~ 1 lc . T c1n1a Before con11ng to Berea. Kevin \\.a \ on the \LJlf <lt 1aranatha Chr1 <;llan , choo l 1n ('olun1 - hu, . A wch;on1c reccpllon wa, hcl<l for the Conner . and a food \ helped fill the1r cupboard, . 1Jn) o f the teen, he I pcd Kc\ 1 n and 1·,1n1.1 nl o\ c Into the 1r ne,\ hon1c On ' unda) C\en1ng. Fcbruar) ~· Berea he ld a rct1rcn1cnl recepti on 1n honor o f Pa\ tor Vernon Jone\. v;ho conc luded h1\ m1n15try a, a,,1,tanl PJ\tor on that day He had \Cr, cd 1n that po 1l1on \ Ince 0L tobc r. 1991 P.1s tor Kenne th pink. prc\cntcd a LCrtlf ,catc o l apprec1at1on to Pa\tor ~nd 1r, Jc~ncs and an offc r1 ng \v ,l\ tJ"-cn for them . I he congregati on at Berea Bapll\l feels the) have bee n c nr1Lhcd h}' the Jone\ pr<! ence Jnd Cr\. lLC.