The Ohio Independent Baptist, Summer 1997

Scioto Hills 1009 Mart in Rd. Wheelersburg OH 45694-8462 614-778-2273 FAX 614-778-3279 E-mail • . • - • f f • to t - • • ··1·0 GOD BE .A.LL THt GLORY.. for v. ork1ng al ~LIOlO Hill s. 'yl,'e are into our '- l h H d ,~ ee~ of ~urn rner c.amp - \\ hat a 2rea1 n11ssion (1eld God h.i gi,cn U\( To - ·l~1nl. of a!! the Lan1per'-> ,1.c ha,c cont,1c1 v, uh . and the potenuc.11 thL) hJ, c for Christ. 1s thrilling God hJ .... pro\ 1ded c.1 super slaff. a great group of ) oung 7241 T A 319 tv11llersburg OH 44654 330·674-7511 FAX 330-674-4606 E-rna1I (Jui stat r began the surnrner v. nh 1ntcns~ tra1n1ng to prepare thern f<)I the11 1n1n1su) J he stal f consists o l l 'J co llege .... tudcnL, JU l11gh sc hool student s, .u1J 6 L llt:~c: graduates Staf I 1111:111ht·1 ~ c.1ch lc,el ha,c a u1114ue opportunit) to learn p11nL1ple of the< h11 sl1dn life dJH.J 1111ple n1en1 1he1n dur 1ng the '> lltn111er I he) ar~ ldught b1bl1cal p1111c1ple .111<.I the propc:r all1tu h::s and ,11.: 110 11 ~ lo I ack u1 the tcall11ng o f God'~ \\'01d At the \.Oft of ou, tra1n111g plulo uph) .11e the e t \ gr eat Lon1111and1nen1s to lo, c (,od \\ u It a II u, ht ct It .t n d to Io, e o the, s c 1, 1ng ( 1 d and {JtJ1er ~e lfle ~1, 1s uu, go11I for cctL h staff 1ne1nhc;1 I ~pe11en1.:t J su1 Cl IS( IS hcl1} l o ft'Jlll lJI Lt' ,inJ 1., ntJnuc th1 ua1111ng 1lu oughout the un11nc:r J he ail b1ht) u l 4u lu su1 e r 1 01 ha I en the e to our turf lldllHng UL c 1oll 1nd } l)I C) I ough, ate g 1d 1npll: f 4ualll) upcr I ur lht I th L 11 d s lugh clu 1~u1pu11 people wllh scrvanl!; heart . Our tudy 1n II Tunothy ha been n great cha! lcngc. We all face ob ·tac le in our li ve and God 1 \\ tth u 1n · truc ting u no t to fear He is there lo uphold u with Hi right hand of righteou nes . At Scioto Hi II ·. camper of all ages face "The Boulder.' ' \\ he re they are chalJenged to hang in there and overcon1e the unique and unforgettable challenge of The Boulde r and of life it ·e lf. While gripping onto the rock hold , each campe r 1· challenged to focu\ on areas of their lives ,vhcre the) need accountabil1Ly. ·upport, and 1110 L 1111portantl) , God. to ove rcon1e ob tac le~. The Boulde r (64' x 12') 1s one of the lonoe l hor1Lontal c lin1b1ng v.all. e . around. and 1s located ins ide an open ,.llr pavilion. making it available for u ·c as a tool 1 ear ' round to bring can1pc rs c loser to Ch ri · t. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLOR y f Or th OS c Or )' 0 u V.' h O gavc ll 111e. talents ar.d treJs urc'.> to sec this v. a ll con1pleted 1n 111nc I or su 111 n1c r can1p. UPCO 1I G FALLJ SCHEDULE Sept 5- 7 Ladies Rell ca t Sept 27-28 Tentat,,c Golf Re treat Oct 4-5 Couple~ f<cLrc,11 Dec 7 Chr1\t1na Dinner slaf I hcl,lll\C L<> un,clo1, ... tnd h,t\l' n1u, cd int o ,uper, I\OI) , o lL'" I ht:) no,, ..11 e p,t\'il ng o n lhL'll 22 } l.!.t l-.. o l L·o ,n btn(.'d 1:xpe11en<.:e KPrl') a, n1.11ntc11.111Lc ~1s,1stant. help~ Lllo1J1n.1tc thl' hi gh sthuul gu}s stall f\1 oll) O\l'I\L'L'\ the k1tL·hcn sta ff ·1ht} h.1,c oppn1tun1t1c, tll 11npac t sta f I ,, 1th 1hc11 .1tt1tudt·..., l'llllt1,cl \\C}rk eth1~. and l\l\L' fut thL· l .lHd ( ) UI 11 VC s lJ p L' l \ ISll I S t Ji IS S lJ ll ll l\ L' I h, I\ l' 32 ) e .ti s o I · o Ill h II l L' d ~ x Pt' I It'll l' c I h L') L' llt hu 1as t IL' :tl I) lake tliL· oppn11un It 1L's to ~11 e11g1hr11 ,HH.I build l>U t st .. \ll 111 tht' I 01 d '1111 " It\ 1ng dts<.: 1plt· sh1p" h.1s helpt·d tlt l' l{dnch hll' ll s lls 1111111st1) ,)n (, ld's \\ l Id lllloUgh Ulll t'llll11.:' jllUg l:tlll \\'c tli.uik. (,od lo, tht• oppn1tun1l ) l > lll\t'Sl Ill t,111 lll t' lllht'IS ,llld lht• l tht'\ ha, e 111 th"· II, es o l l{ ttllt hL'I ~ "'•t ·h . Ullllllt'I l Hll f'ro~ra111~ S1..' ht•<fuh•: Sc:p1e 1nhe1 I 2() I .1d1c~ l' et1 L·,ll {Jl.tohtt 7l) 14 Jo Sen101 t 111,c:n l>.1)..., O\t1nht 1 14 I~ ( ouplt, l{ clll'ctl Bapti t C hild rcn ' H ome ....______ & Fam.ilv Mini try • • l) r oviding C l1ris ti a n H o 111es fo r n eedv h il c.ire n . - Ohi c> () f f i c (9 '{ 7) '322 -0006 C harle Mo r1roe , () l1io l) ire to r Camp Patmos T he Patn10: taff hJs a datl\ t1n1c of • de, 011on afLer It '.., earl\ 1n the n1orn1ng, but th1~ partJ cul ar n1orn1ng lhc ~t.iff \Va~ eager to report their hies Ing, One fc ll o," . \\ ho \\Ork. 1n n1tt1n1cn,1ncc. had the jo 1 o f leading l\\ o to d profc - , 1011 0 f fa1 th. \Vh de d ~ I rl :-, . COLI n \CI or tl) IJ ... of four profC\Sh.>n~ \\'c .111 ,,c,c pr,u 1ng the Lord' l 'herc ha, c been \)\ c, 1_-0 Jc"-·1,tlH1, llf dcd1c.111on 0 1 rc-dcd1c,ll1lHl 111 the IJ,t l\\ o ,, ec k.s. It 's n..uur .. ii lu he ,\ hll \ k. cpt I ca I ah ou l "l l 111an) d cc 1 , H Hl Ho,, e, er.•,~ I 1110 , c ahout the ,t.. ttc . I n1cc L ,nan) ,, ho 111adc ,l dee I'> HHl o t dcd1c.tt1on at C,1n1p Patn10" .1rHJ tht') ,lrt' ~t ill gll1ng on 111 the L1.Hd lt ', ,l grc.\l 1111 n1 .... t1) . (-'.1111p dL'C l \ltlll\ ol tcn L·u111plc tc I) ch.111gc lhl' dut'l'tl1.)n l ll .1 pt•r...,lH1 . .., l I lc: ·\1 l' \ Ull luok._111~ fn1 a ~(hlcl rl'llll ll llll . ~ ~ \ o u1 111,c ... uncnt,, ('un .... 1dcr the l ' h11,t1.1n ~· ,llllp.., In ()h1 u \\ L' h,I\ l' lhrL'L' .• 111 d1.)lfl:! .111 etL'I '" l H k._ ,, c 11 ,, lll th! l ll , l l lll -.upport I ·, I l h , "-'. u t h L' ~ 1 n ~ I c , R L' t I L'. tt • ti . P:ttnh1, .1ttt .11.. 1, tlllHL' .tnd llhllL j1l'l 1 pli.. lhl \ \t.:.11 thl' flllll ll,ILl\ h.t\l l\ i..'Ld 111gl, 1. .1p,1hl c lt·.idt·1-.. l)r l 'hl'l, 1·.t\\ l\. ll , P,, ...,lli1 Jdl' P1 1.l p11 d11t\.l ll1 1.l l l h1..· l ! 1 hI I l'. ti ( \) u 11,l.' I In~ I n, t It u l l In ( 1,ll I L[{",\ tlll.' ,lfld l ),Ill ~llllllllll\, \\ lh l \\ ill sp"-·,tk. .tnd d11t·1. l tltL IL'll 1.:'.ll l 11i.. d a l L' s , I I L' l · 1 Id , I \ l \ \ ll n d .1 \ .1 ll . I I h \ .. ,\ll t!Ust 2l) ~ I .l{t , .._ hlllL' ' ,lit ,I\ .1d.1bl' I I l I ll I \ 11 ll I{ l h I l' I .... • 7 ::-i " t ' I) l ) \ d l' ll 1, l . ~ '.tlll\llL' ll tll,. ()li .1 Hl<, FREE BOOK OFFER Ken Seu . ~ booh. The se er,tl cop1e~ c ~. ct1ltlble ,,ttt, 10 018 PO Bo _9:.;0~8 K£~ttering ()• i 4 S4... 9 Of clll 93 / ._ 94 02 3