The Ohio Independent Baptist, Summer 1997

' • I unh r h , 1un1t, h' t un n th thr ,, l'C .. , 111, ,t cd.\l, 1 lll' nt , h t' fl ,n, the ll·th11 t11n l 1f'. , lllf ll lC'f 1.1 r \ .. lrth .u, , lilt r, tu, t", n ", 11 .,n \ uthot . ... s -. ll'll c nn I \\ l''t I l , ,re ,n, '-'' 1h, "·, ,\I .111 I 1.. h.ur ,)I tht· I) ·1 .u t n .1nd \l .,th·n1.111 .,,a, I l\ 1 Ill 'f lll th' ) l',H f,,1 - 11 · l ,11,~ n.un d lurth.1 h r ,tu"i nt h ·.,Ith 1n,ur .1 \. l I n,lt r t r l'.1tter ,,n l11P , .\ I le 1tx· , t th .. '\ c.1r I r Irene \ I, n. r.. r t r ~ .u1 I -. h.ur I lhl· .... [ I'·' ,•, 1ng. re\.' ·,,l·d the f • Ult , ... U \ I the 'f C lr ,l\\ ard. h., \., ·~.u1n1.1n ,,,. ult I n:llt'" ,,r t .1 \. , ur i' 1 1 \.! ,lt ' i. n • 1 • t' II e ~~ ... c,, "J th\.· Jur1 I) ·tor "h.. ·~n.:'t' tr,,n1 the ... L , "r ll\ , I [ J\ ll n I .,,, "' l( l' l l'r.1 iu.1t1n~ ,unu11.1\.·tn111.1uJc. •,e ' '·'" .... ~n11 'd 1, r hl I hn~ the h1~ 1l'"t ... - .... J .id "Illh.•1, era~c 1n lht• \. ),l,, .~nd ~ .. 1, c the - .... , J)eJ1 t f\ addr" , I unn~ l..1,\ '"'·hul)I. . .... r-l.mn1..1n re.. ·e1, "d thrc • . \\ ard t 1r le~ .. 11 ... \\ nt1n..: .1nd \\ 0r t"d n lit. [.._,\, Re\ tC\\' for - l\\ , e..1r . en 1n£ .., \.. ,c uu, c cJ1t,,r the - 1... nd, tle ...... p.eted ,1'1 \t~rn,h1p n D1 1 ute R ",olulll r ' \ 1th tt,~ --uprcnlt.' l un t L)h1l dur1n..: ,un1n1er l'>\Jo. H.U1n1.1r 1 1 ~ aB. \ .. 1nd.n \l 8 .1\ . fron1 \ 1 ... h,_J.. e l!n1,cr It\ He, , 1ncd the ... ~ ·J\.u t~ 1 ~t:Jan1He' Dcparuncnt of Bu 1n"' " \ dn11n1,trat1 n 1n I q 9 OJ, 1d \\'arren. pro,e r o f B1hlc at l'eJd.f\ tile Cull "~e. rt1..l'..1,cd an honoran ..... . D l r t 01 n • de ~ee iron, Grand - R.1r d 8J(:ll ..... 1naf} The degree \\ a r-e enled Jt t, 1... 'lltnaJ) on, mcn~c- t:nl ~,er, e l n ~t a\ 1-. \\'arren \\.1 • .... _n11cd t ,r h1 n1an, , t ex ellent - . . ~f\ .._e 10 t~a h1n:. r _ r ra, Iaunl,lf) and n-ej ... h1n~. and ·hol r-.. p and\\ riting. He .iS r,ee n al CedaJ, 1 h'" 1n e IQ 1 fhe C lie _e \\ 111 ho t the 2"'r :\nnual - ( cJ.11"\ 11Je C lie.::e Open .::011 1ournan1ent .. \ n't.:mhier ...! ' Thee, ent \\ · 11 J,.c held at Rt: d PJ.r G lfC ur e I r'ln..!ficld. ..... P.ift ... pdnt ,, 111 enJ ! l.... I -hole f _ J Jnquel and pr Jran1 e Dr Dix n C... dar, 1lle C lle£e - e .!.! pea.. er and an a,\ .ird 1 re lhan : ) _ lter are ..... attend th1 ti, er ann 1, er af) r m re int m1au n. onta t ~ lark mament d1re\.l r. al e , tfthe 1997-9 , Ill ,t , c.11 "1th< ictt1n, ~t.utcd \\ c kcnd . s I tc1nt 1 19 a. I ll1c l·.,11 l\1hl{' l .. rH1fc1 n c ,, 111 t • Scptc111b , ' h , lc,,t\111 n , •uc,t 'I .,~c, \\ .u,cn \\ 1c1shc 1 T tu Ct' Oh 1,, lt'<' n, "c It' ,Hill> n g the ·1,\lt'nt\ r ,11 hrl\t \\ inner ... ,\l thr 1997 <.i \RB<.' l'on lcrcnLc 1n C,r.1nd R,1p1d, . \ Il l h1g ..1n Jenn lier l)rc,cl. 1~1r,t Bapt,...,t. (, ..1linn. ,, on .. 1 l1r,t 1n t·c1n ..1lc \ ' n ice [),1, id He ndcr,llll. Gr ,lL c B apll ,t. ("cJ .. 1r, tile. ,,c)n l1r,t pl .. 1tc ,n 1alc Puhltt pc.1 l-..1n g: .1nd Juli .., F.irlov•. Gr Jee B.. 1pt1,t. c<l ..,r,dlc. v.on ,ecnnJ pldcc 111 f=cn1 .. 1lc Puhlic . pc .. ,k1ng 1=1r"t pl .. 1cc ,v1nner, rece ive ful l- 1 car ,chol.1r,h1p, to ,ln) GARBC appro,cd ,ch~)ol, <1nd ,ccond place \\ inner, recct\C half year ,cholar,h1p-.. Each al ,o rc t.u n, the -lOO ,l\\..lrded for t .. 1k1ng a f1r, t J t the t.1te le, cl On The 'Net I n .1 recent nc" lcncr. Cah ary Baplr t of To r,\c1lk addrC\\CU the quc li on. "Wh) ,hould a church be on the I ntcrnet ?" TI,e rea on-; given arc these : ... l Ian, of ou r m1 1onar1c , are on the Internet Pra\cr concern . f1nanc 1al needs. J ble 1ng, Jnd updt1te can be rccc1\. ed hy the tl1c" of a button 2 ~1o t Chr,~llan organ11at1on have elected the Internet a a medium of LC mmun1cauon Thi include, n1i ·,,on hoc.1rd . Chr1 llan college . L hurch re ourLC ,upplter, .ind all puhlish1ng hou,e"' . fhc Internet 21,e-.. u, the abtlll\ to ..... J re ear h countlc "'\olun1c~ ol b1hlical 1nformdt1on to .11d 1n er,non prcparc1t1on. as \\CII "1 t1nd ing tec.1th1n~ mater1JI. ... ..... m1n1 tr\ 1Jea and outre.1c.h too l, . -+ . \\'e ha,e the abtlll\ to commun1c.ate ., the n1es age of Chr1\t \\ Orldv.1ide through the use o f our "v.1cb,1tc " \\'c c.11,o have 1nlormat1on concerning Cal, Jr} Bapll\l Church for those 1n ou r fcllo\, \hip\\ ho ha\e the Internet. hroughout hi c., to r J. the go~p el ha~ h cen con1muni ca ted in man, forms. •la nd- • "ritten \C ro ll ,, printed page,. and modern air,, aves ha , c a ll been u ed a~ m di a to .spread the gospel. .\ t ,eda r,ill e o ll ege, tudent~ uc.,e the medium of the ir gener a ti on to reach the " orld fo r ( ' hri st. f,r om c, er) res idence ha ll room on campu • lude nt u e the ne " es t compute r techno log) to acces data "'·orld,, id e. order librar) ma terial , r ead the latest magazine or j ourna l. corre pond ,vith famil) a nd fri end • a nd pread the gospel-2-t hour a da). 7 da) a '" eek. . \II thi a nd more is a, aila ble at no extra co t through Ced a r, ille' a \.\ ard - "' inning computer ne t,, ork . CEDARVILLE COLLEGE