The Ohio Independent Baptist, Fall 1997

, Keeping Up With O Camps Camp Patmos T he Ol}mp1c ~1ze pool at Palmo ha been a \ iLal part of camp life for many ) ear!) No"' lhat lhe litigation ha5 been !)etlled. we decided to open up the area around the pool. hoping to correct some plumbing leaks. In the process, we discov– ered that the leaks were much more serious than Vt.e anticipated . The onl) reasonable conclu ion i to rebu1ld the pool. We are in the process of '-' orkJng up bids from three companies. The ne"' pool v. ill cos t about $100,000. We need the support of churches and ind1vidu– al, to see th1 !) project through to complc– uon The pool has en ed the campers for 28) ears. and Vt. a:; due for an O\ erhaul ! We are ~ long now for gifts toward th1 Scioto Hills 1009 Martin Rd Wheelersburg, OH 45694-8462 740-778-2273 FAX 740-778-3279 E-mail sc,oto T hank }OU for the pn'llege and oppurtunll) to !)er\. e our great God through Lhc S<..1oto Htlls outreach n1inistry . V·.'e see Him at work all Lhe tu11e here and Jt fill s us "' 1th JO) to !)C r\ e ) ou ""1th our hands and our hearcs. V-..'e see God '-''Orking all around us and ,nus Jf you arc not exper1enc1ng tht JO) of (]od at '-''Ork , look around )OU and get 1r1, olved '-''her e God is working. poss1bl) 1n the life of a friend , co- " 'Or e, , or f a1nil y rnen1ber Sutnn1er arnp '-''a!) I RI:MI:.NDOUS I \\' hat a JO) to ht a part of (,od s v. on– drous C,l<A l:. ·rhanl )OU fo1 ) our cuns1sten1 pra)crs fo1 till s ex tension JllJJllSII I r Sun11nc1 l:arnp llendance 1,498 l)cl:t ions recotded !1 0111 coun elor 1epo1 ts Seal, callon 77. Other - 77 Retreat schedule Jan 9 10 Staff Retreat Jan 30 31 Sr t-i1 Advance eb 6 7 Jr t i1 Ad vane Feb 27 28 J, Advance r~ar 7 Couples Retreat Apnl 24 25 lv1en's Retreat # 1 AJ nl 28 30 Sr Saints Spring Retreat r~a 1·2 tlA n·~ Rett at #2 Pt as note our n w ar cod i (740) . project, and the tru tee board voted to turn ~o friends of the camp to loan u money at interest, rather than seek a bank loan. Patmo has an excellent record of honoring its commiunents to jndi iduals who have loaned the camp money in the past. When building Finley Memorial Chapel in 1959, the pool in 1969 , the water treatment y tern in 1987 and the wa te water treatment plant in 1994, all were done without a commerc1al loan. We thank our many friends who beheved Pat!11o was being run by hone t, con er– vall ve, God-fearing men who would ~epay every loan (and they have! ) with 1ntere t. Could you and would you con ider loaning $5 ,000, $ I 0,000 or $15 000 at 7o/c imple intere t? If so, plea e co~tact u · al 216-467-434 1. Former State Representative With The Lord E arl Umbaugh , 85, for many years OARBC representati ve, died Augu t 3 1 in Punta Gorda, Fl orid a. He served as a h_ome n11 s 1onary and pa~lor for almo t sixty years . . During ht n11n1 \ tr 1 )Cars , Un1baugh founded three youth carnps, served on the Cedarville Coll ege board o f tru~tee-... and taught at ,everal Bi ble coll ege~ abroad He also taught at purgeon Baptis t Bible Coll ege 1n J\1ulberry . Florida Ht'-> Vt.Il e of s1>.ty )ear\, erg1c. ~ur\1\ e\, a'> uoc~ J f O~lcr '>011 , Da\ 1d Schutnacher. 7241 T.R. 319 Millersburg, OH 44654 330-674-7511 FAX 330-674-4606 E-mail s kyv1ev. Ranch wi ll hO ' l the B1bhcal Coun elt ng enunar b) Clearcreek Chapel Coun eling Mini tr1e Janual) 12- 16. Pastor and laymen who want to harpen their kill 1n handling the problem of life encountered in m1n1 ' lf) roda 1 ·hould attend. For ten year . k 1 \ 1e \.\ Ranch ha u ed Biblical Coun el ino as the tandard 1n . . e training ummer raff and coun elor . Scripture i held as the ole authontv for life and prac tice: thi place · the foe~ on core 1 ue · young people mu t deal \.\ 1th 1n their live ·. Camper are able to clearl\ ee God·· an \.\ er · to problem a coun. ;lor · give clear 1n true lion from God· . \\'ord We de ire to have this trrun,no "'1th1n reach of rnany of our pa ·cor . 0 All le vel one ba ·ic B1bltcal Coun elin l1 training will be covered, as Vt.ell a ca e :::– studie . There will be 40 total hour~ of tra1n1ng. Evening \.\JII be free for . tud\ and 1nteracl1on \.Vi th part1 ·1pant . Th,.., \ ~ar the cour e I offered 1n one \\ eek. of ~ tra1n 1ng at a non11nal co. t \\'e b1.:hC\ i' th,.., "'ill be an e cellent , alue for .1 4ut11lt) tra1n1ng opportunll\ . The CO!:) t of ch,-.. :·ern1nar ,~ --95 Thi. lee include!:) . cn1inar. n1eal~. .1ccon1n1t) dJtH.ln . and scn11nar notebook The sen11n.u- hc~1n, at I I :00 on lvtonday. Januc.lf \ I.,. ilnd ... concludes at 12:30 p.111 . on Fnda, . Janu ttr} 16. Please call the R~lnL·h for llhH c.' In fon11at1on. \\'e ha\e hJJ .1nt){he1 hle~"eJ ,c.u \\ e pra1~c the LurJ for the oppo1 ttn1ll\ tu n11n1~1er to 1.3 ~4 L· .1n1per, 111 t)Ur ~un1n1e1 pt ogra111, .1nJ .:! • 971 c.unper.... 1n l)lll \ l.' .u ' rounJ progr.1111~ \\ e 11111,h our , l..'.u look.1ng b.1ck. .ll gin,\ th l,I nun1,u·, opp~.>rtun1uc~ ,lrH..I cont1nu1ng prl\\ 1,1~,n l\.,r the 1n1pt o\en1cnt nf Lhc R,tn(h t.tltl1C1t' .1nd pt ugr c.1111 ,ll.' (I\ tl1c-.. Our purpos11 is S•E·M I BRENTWOOD to prov1dt1 God honoring Dss19n/Bu,ld S rv1c11s Our 9oa{.J11 to d9/J{Jht our clu,nts with ·oa1'1s't Design I BUiid l 61 Columbus P,k.e