The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1999

hie> I ... <1.~~...<1.-e:1r11.t Bc11.ptls.t. The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol. 72 No. 5 October 1999 We are devoting this issue of the 018 to outreach on the home front. The articles present a variety of methods we can use to make an impact on our communities. We can "stimulate one another to love and good works" when we know what others are doing. So, read... enjoy... learn... then do! Tow the r I pacting our Communi ournal of our Progress • • by Mikal Kildal Micah 6:8 " H e has shownyou, Oma,i, what is good; and what does the Lord require ofyou but to do justly, to love rn ercy, and to walk humbly with your God. " ong before the GARBC initiated its IMPACT 2000 campaign, the leader hip of Washington Heights Baptist in Dayton had begun to lay a founda– tion for developing mini stri es that would mobi li ze and equip its mem– ber\ to impact the communities in which they li ve. ~or many year~WHBC has used '>pectal event~a\ an effecti ve outreach tool. Our women trad iti onall y use Chri~tmas home tour~ as a point of in11)act for thej r neighbor~. The annual Super Bowl Ou treach i~ very ef f ec t1 ve In cor111nun icating the go\pel This past spring and summer we partic ipated in the di l:) tributr on and fallow-up of the Je~us video to every ho1ne 1n the greater Dayton area . But were we reall y impacting our con1r11unrt y'J In November 1998, we organi,ed a special ser1e~ of ~,11all -group 111eeting\ to discuss how to make a difference in the community in whi ch God has placed us. One di cu ·ion a ·ked why we should consider helping others out ide our church, i.e. the !o t, the poor, single parents, e tc. Field trips were scheduled to area ministry locations uch as the women's center, the city mi ion, and a con1munity center. During the nex t few months a team of indi vidual met to produce a strateg ic plan. Member of the church were polled to determine who among us was already in vo lved in a commu– nity-based mini try and identify others open to such an outreach. From the beg inning our goal has been to produce team of indi viduals who would work together on a spec ific long- term project or mini stry. Under the directi on of the staff and church leadership these groups would be equipped in evangc lis n1 , service, and tean1-building skill s. Each tea ,n would then functi on as a unit , serving its spec ific mini stry obj ecti ves. Today we are ready to take the first steps of irnpacting our con1n1unit y. Our initial targets include: I ) single rnom~and children in a near-by ~ub5tdi zed hou~ing proJect; 2) a ct t \ t , pregnancy center and 3) internationa l students at a local , late univer ity. It is our expres ed de. ire to bring the name and love of Chri st to our neighbor that they might find the way to a personal relation ·hip with Him. We will share the j ournal of our progress in the month ahead. --Mikal Kildal is pastor of at/ult 111i11is– tries at Washington fleighrs Baptist Church in Day ton. Ohio. • Eight things your church can do to be Y2K ready. page 2 • Make sure your church treasurer has thi s address . page 3 • Calling construction volunteers! page 5 • Scioto Hills announces new camping concept page 6 • Ohio wel comes three new pastors . pages 7 & 8