The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1999

. ..... .. " ,,,, -., .. ,~~,-·-, Use pencll, en,all or phone but get your news to us by November15 fort he Decen1ber OIBI Please note "the new emall address: Dave and Pat Warren Y2K i.e., "Y to Kare" T hl' t1n1l' 1-. drav;1ng clo ·er - lhc hl'g1nn1ng of the ~C\\ n1illcniun1 . ~ .... \\ h.1t \\ ill it be like '' Ho\\ n1any of the "J1,J~tcr.. . l<.1rie \\tll oc -ur around Lhe glohe .l \\.hut . hould Chnstian · be doi ng? Onc thing for ,ure- Y2K i. a tin1e ro .... Jlft. /hlrc. 110£ to .,care.' H l) \\ should \\ c prepare'? Fir ·t of all, \\ c . hould . il) thaL Lhoughtful preparalion l Jnnl)t he a bad thing . However . any prcp.1r..11ion ought to be apart from fear. Chr1 t1Jn.. people who ha\e trul y .1ccepted God· g1 ft of ·al vati on and Jc u · Chr1~t ·. \\ ork on the cro s for them. are people of faith. They believe God' \\"c1rd about them elve ·-they know they .ire _inner: unable Lo merit eternal life on their O \\ n Thev believe God' Word # ..ihout Je .... u.. that He 1s the eternal Son o f God \\rho Qave Him elf a. their sub titute ... fl)r the death penalty they deserved. They believe God· Promise that anyone who rc(e1 \ e~ Je~u al o receive eternal Ii fe. Therefore . ChnsL1an ought Lo be peorle of faith. rather than people offear. Chr1 uan can approach 2000 with ~onf1dencc that their overeign God ha the C\ ent of January I fully under Hi s control. Our conver at1on hould How To Reach Your State Rep Write· 98 Ky le Dr ve Cedarville OH 45314 Call: 937-766-5913 e-mail WarrenOARBC@Juno .com 0 C\ 1<le nce thi · faith . rather than rear. What we say to tho c who do not know our avior ought to point peop le lo our all -knowing God . Thi i · a perfect ti1nc to off er people a "reason for the hope that li es \Vithin u ." Where there 1s fear. let u point peopl e Lo the source of hope. Whatever di ·aster, abound here, our God is , til I on the throne. A timely tool for witness may be as implc as a gospel tract. The American Tract Society has publi hed one, enti tled ..Y2K." Beyond thi , concerns about Y2K ,nay provide an opportunity for a church to pread the Word in their community , along with an offer of help, should an emergency arrive in that area . Fuel. food. first aid - what el e might be needed in case of an emergency? If you can't reach the enti re con11nunity , targe t tho e who could be e ·pecially vulner– able. uch a · the elderly, or farni lie with you ng children . Spread the Word of Hope and help; evidence faith not fear . But if there is an emergency in your community, someone needs to be ready . Though there is no need to scare, there is uffi cient rea on to prepare. Churche and individuals can work together to be ready to meet need a they develop. Even if no emergency arise , you and your church have already expres ed your concern for their needs. They know that you will care whenever a need may arise in the ir fan1 il y. But ju t how does one prepare? One church offer everal he lpful suggestions. 1) Collect copies of important documents, in case you need to prove facts about identity and history: family birth certificates, marriage licenses, social security cards, deeds, titles, proofs of ownership, mortgage or loan agreements, bank statements, tax return, records of personal earn– ings and benefit statement from the Social Security Administration. 2) Have safe drinking water on hand , extra water in tubs or.barrels for baths or toilet f lushing. You may want to purchase bottled water, and you can save 2-liter soda bottles for refilling with water for short-term use. The 1999-2000 OWMU project video 1s available by contacting Sue Miller at 614-875-4128 3) Extra food and supplies in the pantry - home and church pantry. Don't forget a good can opener! Charcoal for a winter picnic might be appropriate. [Don't use indoors.] Non-powered tools could come 1n handy, such as duct-tape, rope, wire, nails, cardboard, etc. 4) Some extra cash for a minimum of two weeks . But please don 't wait until December and make a run on the bank. If possible, pay a few bills in advance. 5) Have warm c lothes available: long underwear, heavy socks and mittens, perhaps even a warm sleeping bag. 6) A good first-aid kit would be helpful, plus refills of any prescription drugs. 7) Candles or oil lamps can provide light and firewood or kerosene heaters for heat. Th is could be a good time to gather your neighbors or family together, since body heat can be quite effective in an enclosed room. 8) Communication is important in t imes of need. A battery-operated radio with plenty of batteries could be helpful. Plan how others could communicate their needs to you. Thi s same church group uggest that neighbors comn1unicate, pool their effort , their area of expertise, as well as alert themselves to areas and per ons of need . A group effort always brings people together. A church effort could bring church people together. Think! How could you prepare lo help your community without raisi ng fear? That i the goal. Remember, you are preparing for outreach to others, not because you are afraid. You want to prepare, not scare. And should there be no emerge ncies in your community, you wi ll have offered hope to a people who always need it , and you have communicated concern for people 's concerns. Perhaps God wou Id u e us for "such a time as thi s."