The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 2002

F,~o,n Our Hearts To Yours Dave and Pat Warren State Representative Mixing Business With Pleasure \ , l \\rite thc,c ,,nrd~ l an1 "illing in the ... C1ct,rgL' Bu h lnLCt\~t)nlinenta l irporl in H1.)t1 ton. Tc,a". ~1 \ connec ting tli !!ht i~ ., .... .... due ,)ut ,, ithin a half-hour and look~ like 1t ,,ill he on tin1c. I ot on l) an1 I shifting tli£ht, but l a111 al~o \ hi fting 111) focus. .... .... For the pa t fC\\ da~ .· Pat and I have h~en, 1 iting ,on Oa\ id and 1iche ll e and fdnlil\ in Den, er. Colorado. We have . hccn in a \acati c.)n or plea:urc n1odc. , ctuall~. \\'C ha\'e been \\ orking - helping 1n the con truction of the addition Lo their hou. e. We have al ·o been getting Lo 1'no,, \\' illian1Daniel Warren. our nc,ve t grand:on. born January 2-l-. II of thi. ha been a reaJ plea ure. I an1 nO\\ returning to the Midwes t to take care of son1e bu. ine.. . Thi ..bu. inc ~·· v. ill only take one day and then I return to Den\ er for one n1ore day of "plea. ure:· Mi xi ng bu~ine : with plea, ure i the name of the gan1e for me thi week. The lead arti cle for the OlB i ··what mu t I do to be . aved?.. It focu e on our pri1nar) /1u. ine'>s- v.•itne:s ing. U.:e thi · OTB i : ue a~ a tool for evangeli n1. At the an1e ti n1e let' remember that \\ i cne:. ing i. 111ore than j u: t our bu ine.. - it i~ our t>leasure to witnes: to un a, ed folk . We can and .· hould enjoy thi bu ine . . l likc hov. Paul Little :ay~ it in hi . book. Hov~· To Gi\·e Ai, ·c1)' Yc>ur f ~ai1h. "Witne: . in£ i. . .. the fizz in the .... Pep i of the Chri sti an life.' · Like fi zzle , Pep i our live. can get pretty flat wi thout \\ itne ing to un . aved folk. Witne '~in g .... ..... add" parkle and enjoyrnent. So ... Go ahead and ,ni x bu ines \\ith plea:ure! In thi ~ in Lance. m1x1ng hu'->1ne1., . v. ith plea ure i unque. lionabl y the \\ a\ to 2:0. J .... ? - How To Reach Us... State Representative David & Pat Warren 360 College Hill Drive Cedarville OH 45314 937-766-591 3 Church Planting Coordinator Max & Phyllis Tucker 9163 Steamboat Way West Chester, OH 45069 513-942-1295 Financial Need of our As ociation. Mll)' I s/1{1re 111_.· /1e{1rt - (t11cl i-vill .\'<Jlt C'CJ11sicler c, /1 ec1r(/'e lt giji. Our "urrent Statu : \ c R ahead of our giving fro n1 las t year. but <)n ly by $4()() . We have a healthy ca~h balance of about 8().()00: ho\\ 1 ever . we ha e co1nmittcd to in e~ting alinost , 59.000 of that in church planting. Thi s include salary package and gifts to upco1ning plant~ . Our current gi ing is $ 10,7 12 per 1nonth . Our Ongoing Need: Tc>n1a intain lwo leader for our ssoc1allon - late Rep Da c Warren and hurch Planting Coordinator Max Tucker and offer other service . such as hos ting our annual Conference, ari ous retreats. publi shing Lhe OIB and encouraging struggling churche and pa Lor , we need an incon1e of ' 12,042 per month ...Ongoing c d' ' 1ninus "Cun·cnl Gi ving' ' lea cs 1330 still needed each month. Your Opportunity To Help Meet This Need: V 5 churches to give an additi ona l l 00 a month V 12 churche to give an additional 50 a month V 20 churche to give an additi onal $25 a n1onth v 20 churche · or individual. to gi e an additi onal : pec ial gift of $ 150 Lhi year. V But wouldn ' t it be wonde1ful if 50 churche. (who do not yet : upport us regularly) wou ld upport our Fellow hip for $ 10 a month ! "Where our trea ure i , there will oi,r hea rt be also' (my change. in italic ). I ca re about your heart . - Da ve Max and Phyllis Tucker Church Planting Coordinator Living The Good Life Our . tale representali e, Dr. Da id Warren, hared with the Counc il of Twe Ive how wonderfu 1 it i to tra el the ~late and that he and Pat rea ll y enjoyed their mini try. Phyll i. and I fee l the same way and want to give you a little ·ynop ·is of the month of March to show you why. On aturday afternoon, March 2nd , we headed for Ea. t Liverpool where we were to peak at the Plea ant Height Bapti t Church for unday chool , morning and evening ~ervices. We tra eled_in heavy rain, an ex treme drop in ten1perature and strong winds. ow what can be fun about this kind or a job? Well, it wa a real joy to fel low. hip vvi th the peopl e at Plea ·ant Height~ Bapti ~t Church. and even more ~o, to be in the hon1e of Pa. tor Jame. and Dotti e Read. Dining and fel low ·hipping together with the pa tors and their famili e. bring real ble ·. ing to chi . type of mini stry. We al o get to n1eet famili e who care. We were put in an apartment owned by one of the me1nber at Pleasant Height Bapti t and treated royally . On Monday, we poke at the Bethany Pa tor' Fellow hip where we were greeted by a well attended gathering who were exc ited to hear and get invol ed in church planting and were open to work ing with the EO Fe llow ·hip to make thi , a reality. The meeting wa held in the Fir t Bapti . t Church in ile where Ben Reed i. pa. tor. It was there thal Jim Read explained th at Ben Reed doe , not know how to pell hi own name! What a fellow hip! What a joy di ine ! Being in the Fir t Bapti t Church of Ni le. brought back memorieLfor Phylli . and my elf, because it wa. there that \Ve \Vere married fifty year ago come June. Tuesday morning we met v ith the EO Fe llow. hip of pa ·tor. at Bible Bapti t Church in Madi ·on with Pa tor Bob Ladygo. Bibl e Bapti ti growing, co11tinuecl, page 3