The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 2002

Dead line for June 0 18 May 10 email address: dandlthomas@g or wr ite 327 East Drive Da on OH 45419 What Must I Do?, cont,nued J,Jl/1; · t/1e Lord J estis Chri t? Plea\e notice that Paul and il a~ did ri ver the jai ler 's attention on Chri st. They d id not g ive hin1 a fe teri a li st.. of po. ib lc ..sav iour ·: · Chri . t alone \Vas hi ole hope - our~ too! That' s becau e of Who He is. He i: God in a body. He is perfec t hu n,anity and und irnin ished de ity uni ted in one per. on forever. And so He i a un ique. one-o f- a-kind person. o one before or . incc equal Hi1n ~ l t is also becaulie of Wha t He llit.l . At the cros\ ··He bore our s in . in Hi. own bod) ·· (I Pete r 2: 24). He paid the pri ce of ou r in . He died our death - and the n rose victori ously over ~in and death. The cruc ified, bu ried. and resurrec ted God-n1an is our real hope for .· a lvati on! Living The Good Life, coJ1t1nul'd renC) \ ating. and ren1odc ling. Pas tor Bob v. ill he ord ained in May: hope that all of 1 ou pas tor\ can go and g ive hin1 a rough tin1e~ Wha t a fe ll owship ! What a j oy ! The pa\Lor turnout al the NEO I~cJlov.\hip Meeting v.a\ great and the en th u\ ia\nl for chu rch rJanting \\.U\ exciti ng. We v. ill be return ing to Lh i, t.1rca to cx r lore <.: hurch pl anting in the late ,pr1ng or earl 1 , un1n1er. Wh ile in !\1ad1,on v.c , taycd in another lo\Cl) apJrl n1cnt connected to the hon1e of the 131 a k. c fa n1 i I} (, uc, ~ v. hut? They ha\ c a nine hu ndred -pound dog na n1ed ··Max! ' ' '\ov.. there·\ fel l<>v. ... h1p for }OU! ()11 \,\, cdne... day v., e found ou r,c I \ e ... v. llh Pa, tor J 1111 11a 1 e ... at the ( ' haruon f~i.tptt \ l ( ' hurch 111 hardon. ()h10. 'J'he Sll<>V. capitol or the v.or Id d id ll Ol ha\ c any :-:. tHJ\\ 1 We Lould nu t ~dY tha t Jor l\1ttdi so 11. J11n ttnd ~u ... an 1-J tt}l'\ are hc.1\ i ng a grl'a t 111111, ~try : the1c v.:.i, ._i h.u gl' all end ,lllL'L' out f< >1 \,\, ed llL' ,J .i) SL' f\ ice, and a great in tere\l 111 l. hurch planting as thl') ren1L'111be red the tr o\\ n hl'gi n11i ngs. ()11 l<> l3 eJJ,illt: and f\1an~ ft eld. v,hich \\ ~ ht' I t' h) d t' C' I a I l' as :t rt<> l h L' J h U l \ ( H > I j 11 IICed <>1 a l' hLJIL'h of like J)fL'L'lt>ll S f~ti th. \\ L' i1n1nediatel) 1110\cd nort h aga111 ,a. herl' \.\ t' \\ e,e sch ;">duled h> ....PL'a" nn the\\ cekend at J·l'lln\\ ship f1..ipti st ( ' hLHl' h in I n1:.1in , and Ci,acL Ji.ipti st ( ' ln11 c l1 in \\'e tlal e. Ja~k and I .u IL'IIL" Have yot1 do,z e it? Like the Ph ilippian ja il er or o ld have you admitted your need? Ha c you ensed your inadequacy? Have you cast yourself on Christ? There is no tin1e like the present to do , o. He i. onl y a prayer away. Lore/ Jesus, 1 acln1i11hc11 I neetl to be rescueti .fi ·on1 Ill_\' .\in ancl that \ 'Ou are the 011/r One \Vho . . can dtJ that fo r JJte. Thank .rou .f<>r t./.\'ing .fo r 111_\' sin at the cross ant.l .fc> r rising f ron1 the cleacl. Right no\\· I cast 111_rse /j'o11 .rt111 anll trust _rou ./i·o111 t!tis JJ<1i11t 011 ./ .or Ill) ' sa!, ·otion. Thank ) 'Ou ./ .or hearin,{? ,n.r JJra_re r. A111en. Whal ,nusl I do Lo be . a vcd? Beli e e on the Lord Jesus Chri st and you wi II be saved! A nd you \Viii be singing. too! Ison. Lorai n. always pro ide us a hon1e away rron1 hon1c. aturday anc.J unday brought heavy, fierce rai n and gus ti ng v. ind\. The v. 1 eathcr \ as colc.J . hut the fe ll ov. ~hip warn1 ! It \ as greaLto ge t to knO\\ Jack anc.J ancy J acohs \vho arc a great blC\\i ng indeed to the sai nts or Goc.J th at worship at Grace Bapti st C"hurc h. As v. 1 c wri tc. arc headed for J: n1n1an ue l Bapt i"i l hurch in enia for Thu rsday evening. ancJ on to ' ald\i\.'t: 11. Nev,-' I lar1nony Bapti \ t C' hun: h. f<H. the v. cckcnd . V\' c arc th ank f'u I that C:i oc.l ha... g 1 \ en u..... "iea,oncd c.: iti,cns that \\ e are. the hcallh and ~tre ngth to pre,ent ancJ cncouragc c hurch planting in ()hio. ()nc ) oung pa\ to1 \d id to llll\ "What 1, ) our lel1 -)' L' ar goa l a .... chu rch planting coord inator'!" ,\nd Ill) an,\, er\\ a" lo , 111 1p l) be al r\L'! So 111c people arc alt \c, but not Ii \ 1ng' \\' c arL' indeed 11 \ 111g thL' good Id e. th.i nk .... lo a ll o l 1 uu CH URCH LOANS ( 'on1monwea lth ( "hu rch •"inance I.on, : / err,, f 'u :ed Rate .. wll.o•.,e.\t / / e11.\ ( ;ontact: (;arry Bea inger (800) 207-0699 Please send cont ri butions to the OARBC to OARBC c/ o Phil M iller 1750 Flinthill Columbus OH 43223 'l 'l1c tl1ir(I i11 ,1 Nf:\i\f series <>f. l\1c11's llil1lc Stta(lics f 'rt>111 1{111>! ' . R l-:AI J 1\11 F-:N l,EAI> RBP;:>fl) · I\B 'o H7))7 ,on Bt'( ()Ill<.' cl I t'cll llltlll \\'I( fl ( ht• c cljh l ( It \ lo lt '< ld ~I ltd\' l ht• l1 f~ · nf I >,l\ 'ld cllH I ll' tll 11 ho\\ 111, lt•,1cl t• r,l1 iJl l"l'lclt cd clll t'< th lo 111, r t• l,,t i<u1,l1 i1> ,,,,th< ,nt l ,ll ld Ill.._ (lllt'<lit' ll(l' Io C,nd..., \\ t>I d R EMNANT M INISTRIES P.0 . Box 211 00 Cleveland , OH 441 2 1 (440) 684-0220 Cleveland • Cinc1 nal , • Pt1oen1, • F1or1ds • R,o Ot:J Ja•,e,ro Brazil Quiet Time For The Whole Family? Yes , the whole fan11ly 111 the snn1e passage yet each nt their own level of con1prehens1on! Grades 1-2; 3-4; 5-6; Teen/ Adult For informa t ion c all Ken [)c1dy 1c1 t 931 t,9~ 0 J!'-,8 (Kdady (.a) clubs .\:vol.orq) WORD OF LIFE Tools For The Who le Church Fan1ily ., '