The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 2002

Cedarville University edarvill e Uni ve r ity ce lebra ted another enrolln1ent n1ark a tudent arri ved for the beginning o r the 200,-03 year. "We had a reco rd undergraduate enrolln1ent o f ,,986 tudent for the FaII ernc ter," Ro coe 111i th , di rector of adn1i ion ' , 'aid . '"Thi i our 12th con ecuti e record en rollment." 1ni th empha ized that th i fa ll enro ll n1ent will n1ark the 24th record en rollment in the 25 year that Dr. Paul Dixon ha er ed a edar ille' pre ident. A Cedar ill e Uni er ity we lcon1ed ne\.\' tudents, it al o, elco1ned a tudent fa ori te. AIi ta ir Begg, a gue t peaker for the Augu t '6-30 Fa ll Bi ble , ~ L.S "~ ~.JJ PtAstoY , , .__,A-p-p YeCL.lAtL.OV \; MOV\;tV\ Do SoVlttet1'1L~g ~ cre£At~ve for r1 OIA.r ptA.stor! Buses & Vans For Sale 15-84 passenger vehicles available Buy quality for less at ~l'J1'!'J,:f Transportation 1/1,;liJJ,;tiJ Equip. Sales Corp. 6401 Seaman Rd Oregon OH 43618 419 836 2835 I oll- free nationwide 1-800 227-3572 "819 church d1scounts 11 ask for Bud Graham Following Cedarvill e University's first Patriot Day ceremony on Sept. 11 , students had the opportunity to personally tthank the firefighters, police offi cers, and EMTs wh,o were on hand. Photo credit: Scott L. Huck/ Cedarville University Confe rence. Well-known fo r hi col ti sh accent and profo und Bibl e teaching, Begg encouraged Iisteners on a nu1nbcr o r prac ti ca l topic , including controlling the tongue, ha ing a hun1 b lc attitude, and choo ing a godl y 111ate. Ori gina11y rron1 G la 'gow, cotla nd, Begg i , the seni or pa ·tor or Park ·ide Church in hagri n Fa 11 , Ohio. To order conference tapes or CDs, cal l DR Radi o a l 1-800-333-060 I . An ove rfl ow cro,vd of nea rl y 4,000 people packed the Jcrc1niah Chapel fc)r edarvillc Uni er ity ' first Patriot Day ceren1ony on eptember 11 . The cercn1ony, ca lled ' 'United We tand: A Patriotic Progra1n or Ren1c1nbrancc, 1-lonor, and Co1n1nitn1ent," honored our nation, loca l firefi ghter , police orfi cer , EMT , and 1nilitary e1 ice 1nen1ber ' through ideo, patriotic 1nu ic, and dran1a. Follo'v ing the c cnt, attendee had the opportuni ty to per onally thank the firefighter , po lice offi cers, and EMT "' ho were on hand . r------------, I AtteV\,tLoV\, : I I "CCl LeV\,~Clr MClr~LV\,g I I I II\, Prog ress" I : MSN OF CiDD : I 2003 I S Cl t tA.Y~Cl yj , MCl YCVl 1- : s-peci ~er:J o Vi 111, c; ree111,~Vl-9 : I c~Lvco"tj B»~pttst I "E.eLLetoll\,t~ Lll\,e I w~tcn for ~et~tL.s. ~II\, tne V\A.~LL! I L _________ __ _J , . . FELTY• HEINLEN ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS, INC. 336 Sturges Avenue, Mansfield, Ohio 44903 Phone: (419)526-1988 Fax : (419)526-1989 website : "f 'ellJ 1 -Hei11/e11 Arcbilects a11c/ JJ/a1111ers, ) 1 011rprofessio11al pa1111er i11 cburch grouJtb." OARBC Property Insurance Group Plan Participating churches have contributed annual dividends exceeding $13,000 to your State Association /\clrn ini tcrcd by !{ LIPP Agcnc} c·o1u111bu~, ()h io 61-l--486-59 11 tol l- f'rcc : 1-800-28 1 -9 1 58 F/\ : 6 l -l-4X6- 1 -19 1 J e,visl1 1\ , \ ra r e11 ess i\ l i 11 is t ri l'S ()[ l1it) "..., . . I ,· tl J II ::--l1rri11~ l ll' jll' \\ ::- l>r ll' l'\\::- for information contact: Bill McVey 3606 Cedarbrook Rd. Cleveland. OH 44118 216-932-5029 Our purpose is to glorify God through our excellence in Design/Build Services. S·E·m / BRENTWOOD Our goal is to delight our clients with the process as well as the finished product. 167 South State Stret.l W0s1<1rv1lle Ohio 4308 I 614 794 3100 DovuJ S Boemon AIA Jilek A Chupln, Jr , AIA Gregory O Ellur AIA design 61 Columuu Pilo.t Cedar111II~. Oh,u .153 1-1 937 766 5585 M Josoph HarkluroaCJ Pros,tte,u bulid Church and Christian School Design and Constr i1ction -,