The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 2003

liliiiiiiiiilO i i Deadline for June 018 May 15 email address: or write 327 East Drive Da ton OH 45419 The Purpose of The Ohio Women 's Missionary Union The OJ¥A1U Constitution stales: "The object of.the Union shall he to pro ,·icle a .felloH:ship .for all J1 1 0111en 's Societies(~(our JJarenl organization o.( ch11rches ancl pro,110/e the JJrojec/s unclertaken h_\· scnne. " More pecific definition : The purpo e of the OWMU i that together we c.v:alt Jesus Chri I in our local churche:·; bJ· pro,noting n1issions and enco11rag ing n1issio11£1ries. ear preciou ladie of Ohio, Recentl y we concluded our 5 1 h A nnual OWMU L eader hip Retreat. God brought together 19 ladie fron1 al l over the tate for a tin1e to pra y, eva luate, hare idea . set goa ls and eek God. I mt1 t ay that my hea rt i o erflowing wi th thankfulness to God for the women of Ohio. What a joy to lead and love ladi c -vvho ha\ e tender heart' for Je u · Chri t, for His er vant around the wor ld and for lo t oul everywhere. We have et ome goa l for our el vc thi year to help u better accomp l i h our purpo e and to eval uate how to do it better . Pl ea e pray a · we a · area f ell owship seek to reach out and encourage your local 1ni ionary group through you r leader hip. We are in the procc s of de eloping a network of 1nor e frequent co1nmunica li on \ ith you. V./e are al o eeki ng the Lord to rai e up god l y won1en who ha ea pa ion for C hri t in reaching out to others. We are here to he lp you! We de i re that God wou ld use u to encourage you in your local church as you pro1note n1i s ions e cry unday. Who w ill go'? Who w il l care'? Who w i 11 stand fi rn1 in active l y loving and ca ring f or the 4 sent ones?' My heart prayer i that you w i II say 'Ye !' to al I tho ·c quest ion and go one step further ... let God use you in I ives so t hat those around you would say 4 Yes!' to all those que t ion OWMU goal s for this year : Vvc a officers and area leaders ha e set the fol io\ ing goal. to better accomplish the purpo~e God ha~ given to U!:> to promote 1n i ssion. in our loca l churches. I. To touch local church mi ssionary l eaders fc)r encouragcn1cn t. eva luation. and offering of resources. 2 To 1ncrea!:,e co1n1nunication using ~01nc forn1 of 1nonth l y nc\vslet tcr to gi\ c idea~. !:,hare God '\ \\-Orking in lives and share pc11incnt prayer request~. 3 'f o 1nentor leader \ in our local churche!:) \vhon1 God \\ ou ld n1akc pa~~ ionatc ror C hr1~t ·\ heart for people . ~ c t:oncl uded that there 1~ yet n1uch \\- ork to be done to accon1pl1 -.;h our purpo'>C or exa lting ( ' hri '>t b) pron1oting 1111~'l1ono.., and encouraging n1i ~o..,1o nar1co.., . \~'c are, er) con Jidcn t that \\e are doing (1od' ~ \\ ork and th<ll lfl:: has a plan for U"i . ·1ht~ year v. ill be a 1 ca1 or cncourag1:n1en t and e, aluat1on. ··Nu\, thanks he to (,od \\ho alv.ay '> lead .... us to triun1ph in C'hri . t. .1n<l through ll'> dlf lt1"iC'> thL l1ag1ancc or 111 -.. kno\\ lcdgL Ill c, er, place·· (2 ( 011 nthians 2 14, I ") All 1t11 Jesus. Susan John~on coll\,g rClttA.LCltLoV\,s ! to James Burnett of Madison & Andrew Manwiller o f Lima on thei r recent ordinations to the Gospel ministry. OWMU officers: Left to Right, Secretary Betty Dyak , Vice-President Margaret Warren , President Susan Johnson and Treasurer Francine Beres 2002-2003 PYaject Fa VlA-LLk:j t-toVlA-es foY oy-p~aV\,s. IV\, LaVlA- b ta, Af y[ca M LV'vLS.tYrj of jLVlA- aV've1 Rac~aeL c.~a VlA- beys. PYes.eV 'vtLk:j we ~ave tsgoo of ouy goal of .f1.0,000 foy s fa VlA-LLk:j uV'vtts. (C'l .,'I, 1 .,/ l•e - I -· '.11-- 'I. }ll J.,,. • t \ i .: ) Left to R1gllt Bac k Row : JoAnn Frank. fla1ne leche<:> Marg,uet Wc1rr cin M1ll1e Krieke . Charlotte Dular Sally Buti1nsky Betty Wellborn Front Row St andi ng : Getty Oya" D1c1ne Varner Gerri W, lc1o. Betty Bower Debbie Gullet , Fr c:tnc,ne Beres Front Seated : Pat Warren , Susan John~on, Ecf1th Collier h. uen Bc1tt:~ "\ '