The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 2003

Children's Page The "Road to Statehood'' began wi th a series of events that caused effects. Match the et ent with the effect that it caused. Each 11 Effect 11 will become the "Event" on the ne t line. See box below for list of answers to choose from. '" ED EFFE T \ c> rt h H ·c ,. t () rd, 11 a II ce c l J .. ED ED c ED A ED CAU ED CAU ED Ohio became a state Treaty of Greenville Indian Wars Battle of Fallen Timbers Population grew to over 60 ,000 Settlers moved to Ohio Directions: Find and circle the names of the 4 natural boundaries of the Northwest Territory and the 6 States that came from this territory. (Hint: 5 large bodies of water form one boundary, two ri ver boundaries and some mountains. There are 5 whole states and only part of one state.) A B K T N B N y E p II I N N E s 0 T p F S D WH N s u A N J T c s I N 0 L H N I N C v N Q A L B L Z H B K E c y Q L E R T s N H z H I S L z s N I s s N X X N B p A 0 p OT N L K J N s y I N R s OT Ml s S I s s I p O D E E V E R V E U II Y N U N T A E N F p s y QK V N T Y E S C T Z N T A S HT GR E A T I DK E NT U c v N T K Q U E T C Z s S N B WI SC O The 018 360 College Hill Dri ve Cedarvi lle OH 45314 y R L QC A E E N V Q s s f x I A N A S H S E R II y s N u p y s u Z R B F 0 C E N R H V E HG I D V y E OX O p I R I v R Cl E N s WVBC R Y E L H Q N R N Y L A K E S y T B N U s P L R N N s I N S L R z y E R s N R L N E Q p N c x N p E M I c H I G A N B H R R 0 I H 0 M E y D (Answers to both puzzles on page 7) NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID RANDOLPH. NY PERMIT NO. 31 • Minislering lo the Local hurch in Word & ong • concerts • revival.s • banquets • ca11'1pslretreats • evangelistic meetings Darlene & Dave For in forma tion or booki ng co n tact Rev. David H. Murdoch 624 N. Detro it t . Bellefon tai ne, OH 43311 p hone & fax: 937-599-4287 email: murdochs@brighc. net Prof essional consulting and sales for yourfinancial and insurance needs Auto • Church • Home • Disability • Life • Business • Annuities HELPS FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC Dorr R. Phelps, GP, CFP, RFP, LUTCF 659-H Park Meadows Drive Westerville, Ohio 43081 PHONE: 6 14-899-6000 FAX: 614-899-6022 G'--L.A-.-• TOLL FREE: 1-877-471 -7997 ~ Insurance Education Consistent with Biblical Truth ... Since 1887 Cedarville University • is oBaptist university of arts, sdences, professionol, and graduate programs. • enrolls approximately3,000 Christion students fromall around the world. • offers more than 100 academic programs. • sponsorsmore than 150 volun1ory localand worldwide Christion ministries. • promotes computer literacy and technological awareness through CedorNet, the award-winning campus-wide computer network. • is located in southwestern Ohioona beautiful 400-ocre campus. • offe rs on exceptional educo1ion o1 ocost well below the no1ional overage for privo1e colleges. • invites applicationsfrom committed Christion students with strong academicrecords. 1.800.CEDARVILLE 2S1 N. Main St. Cedarville, Ohio 45314