The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 2003

As You Go From a reader in North Central Ohio he • A You Go'' article are about witne ing during the normal routine of life. The e beginning month of the nev., year have been anything but normaL yet God has opened door for u to peak for Him. The lymphoma ,va taking a de\a tating to ll upon my wife, my partner in mini try. We were finding that during tho e di ffi cult time God not only was upholding u with Hi grace, but also all owing u to tes ti fy of His grace. The phys icians were kind and caring a we faced the greatest tria l of our live . o, when we talked with them about "no hero ic mea ure ' we al o v.'anted them to know of our confidence in the cri pture which tell u , 'ab ent from the body pre ent wi th the Lord ." There. in a Colun1bus hospi tal, for a brief time four doctor became our audience. " tatistic how that you will di e one day. Do you know where you will go when that happen ?' ' I a ked. The re pon e ,,vere aried. Our rnedical tean1 left with copie of the "Ultimate Que tion " bookl et and a promi e to be in contact in the near future. 1 pray that my wife, now in g lory, will one day ee frui t of our witne ing to her phy ician o that they would be able to rneet the Great Phy ician . ***** A l 'vl 'G) 'S be read)' lo gi l'e an ans1ver o.f· J·our J'Olf go. let J'our OARBC .fa ,nil_v kno\,1' about that "open tl oor " Goel gave J'OU lo 11•itness tfuring )'Our 11or111al routines qf"/if'e. Senc/ _vour testi11101n· so that our readers ,night be encouragec/ in their oiFn Vi 'ilnessing a.I· the good nei1 1 s. Da vie/ Chap111an PO Bo_r: 1005 Fostoria OJ-! 44830 .feJs toriabaptist(g., i1 ·cnel. org Cedarville University Future President Speaks at Staley Lecture Series Dr. Bill Brown , President-Elect of Cedarville Universi ty Photo credit: Scott L. Huck Cedarvi lle Un iversity r. Wil liam Brown, pre ident -elect of Cedarvill e Univer ity. delighted the Uni versi ty fa rn ily a the guest peaker fo r the ta ley 0 15tinguished hri sti an cho lar Lecture Program February 11 - 13. Brown spoke on "The World of World\ iew5/ ' descri bing what a v. orl d\ icw is, what types of worldvicv.:s currentl y exi5t in our cul tu re, and hoVv ( ' hr1511 an~5hou ld approach v.·orld\ iev. in order to best engage the culture for hrr 5t. 13rov. n. v. ho i\ \ve ll -knov. n fo r hi~ cxpcrti ~c on v. orldv1ev.i, n1o~t recently ser\ed a') prc\idcnt of Bryan ( 'ol lcgc in l)a) ton. ·rcnn f>r1or to becoming Brya n·~ pre~1dent in 1992. Brov.n al5o ~cr\cd the college as an a\\J\tant profe5~or for bi bl i t.a l ')tudte\ and acaden11c , ice pre~1dcnl and pro, o~t. r----------- -, Children 's Page Answers: I I Northwest Ordinance caused Settlers I moved to Ohio caused Indian Wars I I caused Battle of Fallen Timbers caused I Treaty of Greenville caused population I I grew to over 60 000 caused Ohio became I a state. I States: Illinois , Minnesota Indiana, I I M1ch1gan, W1scons1n Ohio I Boundaries Appalach1c1n Mountains, I M1ss1ss1pp1 River, Ohio River . Great Lakes I L ___________ ...J Brown i a prolifi c author. He ha written three book , "'f\tlaking en e of Your Faith' ' (Victor Books); "Where I-l ave All the Dreamer Gone?~" Ob ervation from a Biblical World ie\J ., (College Pres )~ and "Making en e of Your World" (\vith Gary Phillip , jointl y publi hed by Moody Press and hcffi cld Pre· ). A regular columni t for "WORLD" rn aga7inc, he hold n1en1ber hip~in organi za tion uch as the oc icty of'C'hri ~tian Philo ophers, the Evangeli ca l Philosophi ca l oc iety, and the E ange lica l Theological ocicty. Brown earned his undergraduate degree at the Uni \ crsi ty of outh Florida. l Ic holds a n1aster of theology degree and a Ph .D. from Dallas Theo logica l cn1inary. For tape~ or ( ' Os of one or all of Bro\vn's rncs~agc~, call l ' l) R Radio at 800-333-060 l . / E<I. 110/C!: f)r. Broll 'II \\'ill he .\JJ<!aAer for the /£111 (), J /?/3( ' co11/ere11cc> at l -'11·.,1 /JaJJ/1.,1. (ialltJJo/i\ . / Jewish .Awareness ministries ofOhio "Stinit19 the pews {or the Jews H - for informa tion contact: 811/ McVey 3606 Cedarbrook Rd Cleveland, OH 44118 216-932-5029 " "- FELTY• HEINLEN ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS, INC. 336 Sturges Avenue, Mansfield, Ohio 44903 Phone: (419)526-1988 Fax: (419)526-1989 website: 11 Fell) 1 -Hei11/e11 Arc/1itects and Planners, _yourprofessional pa,tner in cburcb grouJlb. n OARBC Property Insurance Group Plan Participating churches have contributed annual dividends exceeding $13,000 to your State Association Adn1i nistercd bv RUPP ,\ gen~\ . ~ . c· o I u 111 bu s. o 11 i o 61 4--t 6-5911 toll-rrec : I - 00- 1 8 1 -9258 r ,\X : 614-486- ,...i9, r-----------., I Lower Your Phone Bill! I I ,ID 4.9~ I I ~ I a minute I I long distance I s tate- to-sta te (24-hour/7-day) I I No codes to dial I I Residential , Business. 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