The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 2003

o Pr entatio11s On World View 'I.his Fall \\ <lrld, i<.''' R<>,1d111,1p Sr111i11,1r \,llu1d,t~ . Sl'ptL'lllhL't {). lro111 l) .OO ,\. Ill. l n _ :()() p . 111 . I ll,,lL'd b~ lt11111,lnucl l~.1pt1,1 ( ' hurch . ;.,i I .. l\tl1nt'lll' St . l'l)lun1hu,. () 11 ...iJ2()..l . I t,u, l'llL' -hnu, ,c ,H)n, gL'a rL'd to thl' 11onac,H.Jc111ic layperson "' ill inc: ludc ~uch ital ll)l'tL' ' .1, thL' dL'fin1tion nr a,, t) rl d, icv,. the C\~cnlial c lcn1cnt:-. or a hri stian ,, l)tld, 1c,,. thL' four,, tH·Jd, it'\\ la,,"· and c,~enti al hri stian worldvicw truths about th 't) h'~). rhilo,oph). ethic,. h101ng 1 . p1.,)cholog). ocio logy. Ju,,. polit ics. l.'L't)lll)fllll'"-. h1,tor,. and the art, . fh,.., ,c1111n,1r ,, ill equip C,od·, people to in teract n1ore c rrcctivc ly with the . ccular culturl' fhL' cnur,c 1nl roducc" ~ludent. to a !-ic ri c!-1 or questions and technique · for t~1rting non-threatening con, cr... ation v:i th non- hri 1., tian~ that open the way for a prc,ent,ll ion or the Go,pc l. 1Jur,c ,, ill be tau~ht hv 1ark Blocher. Pre. ident of the Worldvicw In. titute and .... ~ Prl)rc ,nr l)f lntcrdi~ciplinary tudies at Corner ·tone Uni versity in Grand Rapid:, ~ I1L·h1gan. ~ lark. 1, a nat ionall 1 -k.n()\\ n spea k.e r and lec ture r in the area o r bi oethi cs .1nd C'hri tian ,, orld, ic,,. The \\'orld, ie,, In titutc (,,.,, ,,. .v.'orldvie\\·institu le.con1 ). based in Grandvi ll e. ~l ichigan. i-.; a theologica lly conser, ati ve Chri. tian orga ni zati on who c goal is to enable belie,ers lt) connec t \\hat the Bible teaches about the worl d wi th how they li ve 111 the ,, orld and ,o i,npact their "'orld for Chri sl. Contact ln1111anuel Bapt i~t Chu rch 61-l--?7-+- 1 687 or e1nail Pa torBill @ibccare. .org fo r ~t rc~i . tration for 111 . - Fall OARBC Conference ~l on<la, -Tue\da\ . October 1 0- 1 1. 1 003 . ~ Fir t Bapti t Chu rch. Gallipo li1., Dr. Brown Dr. Bill Brov. 1 n. Pre. idenl of Cedarvi lle Un ivers ity. author and . peciali ':,Lin Worldview. wi ll addrc ·s the topic. "Engaging Your World for Chri . L." Dr. Willian, E. Brown became pre · ident of Cedarvi lle Univer. ity in June 1 003. fo ll owing a ten-year pre, idency at Bryan Co llege in Dayton. Tenne. see. He joined the Bryan facul ty in 19 4 as an a s i: tant professor for bibl ical studie · and \.\'as na,ned Brya n· : academi c vice president and prO\O\t in 198 . A<:, president, hi s leadership of Bryan Coll ege took the school to new he ight. in spiritual, acadern ic. phy\ ical. and financia l vitality. A graduate of the L;ni, er\i t., or outh Florida. Brown holds a mas ter of theolog) degree and Ph .D. fron1 Dall a~ Theo logical en1inary. A. a nati onall y- recogni zed c\pe11 in \\Orld, iev,:. he ha\ authored three books (Making Sense<~( Your Fairh ; Wh ere H ll\ e .4.// rhe Drl)a111ers Cone ?: Oh.\er,·a1ions fro,n a Bi/J/ica/ Worlcl,·ie~1': and Ml1king Sln,e of Your \\ 1 <>rl£1 "' ith Gar) Phillip~) and more than a hundred artic les for journaL·. n1aga7ine,. enc 1 c lopedia\. and newspapers. Brown is a regular co lu,nni sl fo r WORLD n1aga1ine. and he hol<l1., n1e n1ber~hip~ in organi zation~ : uch a: the Soc iety of Chri . tian Phil o <) pher . the E\ange lical Phil o ophi ca l oc iety and the Evange lica l Theo logical octet\. ... Bro\\ n and ht ,, tf e. L 1 nne Jone\ Bro\.\·n. ha, e been 1narried for 26 year . They are the parent c)f ,\pril and Alex. J - ille University Cedarville University's $12.8 mill ion campaign to build a new Fitness-Recreation-Health Center has been issued a $600,000 challenge grant from the Kresge Foundation. Credit: Scott L. Huck/Cedarville University 1c Fitness-Recrea tion-Hea lth enter is expected lo open in the fall of thi\ yea r. The building will include a 60.000 ~quarc foot recreati on area: a 200- n1elcr trac k: space for frec-weights. cardiovascu lar 111ac hines.and aerobic and othe r exerc i ·e area. : a 40- foot climbing wal l: and a new health care c lini c. For n1ore in forn1a ti on about the Center, visi t http://www.cedar tree. ··w e' re gratefuI to God and to tho e people who· vc n1ade thi. possi ble:·. aid Dr. Paul Di xon. president at the time of the announce ,nent. "e:pecia lly the Kresge Foundati on. The ir 600.000 chal lenge. we believe. will pro ide the impetu. to reach our ultin1ategoal in thi . can1paign." Education Consistent with Biblical Truth ... Since 1887 Cedarville University • is a Baptist university of arts, sciences, professional, and graduate programs. • enrolls approximately 3,000 Christion students lrom all around the world. • offers more than 100 academic programs. • sponsors more than 150 voluntary local and worldwide Christion minis1ries. • promotes computer literacy and technological awareness through CedorNet, the award-winning campus-wide computer network. • is locoted in southwestern Ohio on obeouliful 400-acre campus. • offers on exceptional education ot ocost well below the notional average for private colleges. • invites applications from committed Chris1ian sf udents with strongacademic records. 1.800.CEDARVILLE 251 N. Main St. Cedarville, Ohio 45314