Elements of Discord in Secessia

11 APPENDIX TO THE FOREGOING ARTICLE— “THE VULGARITY OF TREASON.” Extracts from Rebel Organs. {From the “ Charleston Mercury”) Our women are all conservative, moral, religions, and sensitively modest, and abhor the North for its infidelity, gross immorality, licentiousness, anarchy, and agrarianism. ’Tis they and the clergy who lead and direct the disunion movement. It is a gross mistake to suppose that Abolition alone is the cause of dissension between the North and the South. The Cavaliers, Jacobites, and Huguenots, who settled the South, naturally hate, contemn, and despise the Puritans who settled the North. The former are master races—the latter a slave race, and dedescendants of the Saxon serfs! We are the most aristocratic people in the world. Pride of caste, and color, and privilege, makes every white man an aristocrat in feeling. Aristociacy is the only safeguard of liberty, the only power watchful and strong enough to exclude monarchial despotism. At the North, the progress and tendency of opinion is to pure democracy, less government, anarchy, and agrarianism. Military despotism is far preferable to Northern democracy, agrarianism, infidelity, and free love. Our enemies, the stupid, sensual, ignorant masses of the North, who are as foolish as they are depraved, could not read the signs of the times, did not dream of disunion, but rushed on as heedlessly as a greedy drove of hungry hogs, at the call of their owners. They were promised plunder, and find a famine ; promised bread, and were given a stone. Our enemies were starving and disorganized. The cold, naked, hungry masses are at war with their leaders. They are mute, paralyzed, panic- stricken, and have no plan of action for the future. ' Better, a thousand times better, to come under the dominion of free negroes, or of Gypsies, than of Yankees, or low Germans, or Canadians. Gypsies and free negroes have many amiable, noble, and generous traits ; the Yankees, sour-crout Germans, filthy, whiskey-drinking Irish, and Canadians, have none. Senator Wade says, and Seward too, that the North will absorb Canada. They are half true; the vile, sensual, animal, brutal,