The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14

PAGE FOUR THE YELLOW SPP.INGS AMERICAN Thursday, January 28, 1954 I SififflflSMPi it'.30 a.nt., Junior Sunday School 10:00 a in., Church Service DKTIIKD MJTIIKIIAN 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Service MOV IES , M IKES and TELEVISION TALK ----------- By INEZ GERHARD—ANS Fej»(ure» - ! METHODIST * Rev. Thomas R. Smith, pastor 9:30 Church School- 19:40 a.m. Worship service Holy Communion, 2 - ' i v i l i d k 'W -jt m m i rubs SI * * 4N0 BUS F j f WANT ADS ’; FRIENDS ROCKFORD CHAFED 10:00 a.m. Family Service 1030 - 11:30 am, Marlins; Worship fo I IFOR RENT: 4 room medern apart- EVE ARDEN, star school teacher on CBS Radio's Sunday evening “ Our Miss Brooks," has just added another award to her already lengthy list of honor?. Five hundred radio and T V editors have now selected her "Woman of the Y ea r" in radio. "Our Miss Brooks," a delightful comedy senes, has steadily increased in popularity during Its six years on the air and many of her most ardent fans arc the country's finest educators. « • « PRA YERS—.CBS' John Henry Faulk, the T e x a s , philosopher, tells the one about Boots Cooper, a ' good-hearted old boy and pretty religious. "But he was all-fired lazy. He had a prayer framed right over his bed and every night ho would hop into bed, point at it and soy, 'Them's my sentiments.' ” ST, P A l'L CATHODIC Rev. John Ante y, puslnr. Sumliiy Musses, 7;3U uml 19.06j u.m. [ Smurtluy, Confessions ul I “ 'll to ' Si3A unit 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. 1 ItcRulnr week-day Musses, 7:30 a.m. I ment On first flor.r. Mrs. John Pyles - Phone CVdaivllle 0-1733 1.88.54 CENTRA!, CID\ri:i. A. M. E. Rev. Isaac It- Douilen, pastor 9:30 a-m., Sunday School 10:40 a.m., Devotions 1100 a.m., M o rn 'll Worship - - ■■ ■ • F IRST BAPTIST ReV. IVm. D. Williams, pastor 10;00 a.m., Sunday School 11:00 a.m- Morning' Worship PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Buckley S. Rude, pastor 10:30 a.m., Church School 1030 a.m., Morning Worshlp*"Why: are we Presbyterians'.’ ’' . ■EPISCOPAL (Rockford Chapel) j 8:00 ft.rn., First Sunday of month. j CI.IFTON PRESBYTERIAN ! Rev. Richard 8 , Smllic, pastor 10:00 a.m., Bible School 11:00 a.m.. Morning Worship FOR RKN’l' i-Vb HU - 5 room apart- mem with hath, M C Nag ley - Phone Ci’diinJIle 0-2501. 1,38-54 MASTER M IX FEEDS- A complete feeding plan for the Ufa o f ; your hog. Nothing more economi­ cal. Xenia Farmers Exchange, hone 4-4471. A YOUNG EM IGRANT, a church and a red rose combine to make T h e C a v a l c a d e of Ame r i c a ' s "Man of Glass" a highlight for this month. The boy was Henry William Steigel, an immigrant who became a fabulously rich g 1 a s s m a k cr, known ns the Baron of Penn­ s y l v an i a , I n 1770 hej built the church, in ^ ^ B M a n h c im , P a . Ever since then, EVE ARDEN: on Ihe second Sunday of June, ' a red rose has been laid on the .‘ altar, originally as z-ent, now as SEE Our Large Selection of Break- j a tribute to Steigel. Robert Straus lug Plows. HAI,L J. H ILL FARM ! Plays Steigel. Cavalcade is seen SERVICE. Phone 4-9691. ! BAB f netw° rk Tuesday bvc- , i nings. A more famous American, i--s-z- 4 -u : Samuel Morse, is the hero of the •---------------------------------------------i next Cavalcade broadcast, "What H E L P WANTED—Farm Machinery i God Hath Wrought," a story of I Salesmen. Call at Conklin Bros., : M d se’s fight to obtain recogni- ' Fairground Rd., Xenia. Call l n ' “ °n for the first telegraph, i Person ONLY. No Phone Calls, ! MA R K STEVENS, who stars on "Marlin Kane” mystery drama show (NJ3C-TV Thursdays, 10 p.iT\.) has developed one o f the strongest television fan fo llow ­ ings, judging by the mall that comes in, Stevens docs a terrific job in portraying the role of a private investigator who docs not depend on guns or his fists to get results, but who carries through his assignments with a tense dramatic feeling that makes this one of the best dramatic shows on the air—-even including non- mystery shows. Now in its fifth consecutive year on television, wc predict "Martin Kane" w ill rate higher than ever before. And v/hile we arc complimenting this program, let's give it another bouquet for its public service in. giving its time to the American Medical Association about once a month for the A M A "March of Medicine" progress report. We need more of this cooperative spirit on the part o f sponsors ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CAFETERIA |COURT NEWS MONDAY: Spaghetti and Meat, green beam, bread and butter, fruit COMMON I’ IXAS COURT and milk. TUESDAY; Canned roast beef, buttered potatoes, bread and butter, fruit and milk. WEDNESDAY: Meat loaf, spinach, bread and butter, fruit jello, and milk, THURSDAY; Orange juice, ham slice, buttered peas, bread and butter, cole slaw, donut and milk FR IDAY : Macaroni and cheese, green beans, harvard butter sandwich, ice cream and milk, beets, peanut DIVORCES ASKED Anna Mac Stuverts, n minor by her mother, Myrtle Jenkins, Fair­ born, Route 2, against Chester W „ Yellow Springs; neglect and cruel- tyj married at Fairborn, June l, j 1953; parents of 3-week-old son; League of Women Voters The league of Women Voters will meet at the home of Mrs. Clarence Lcuba at 8:30 p.m., February 8 . They will discuss possible needed changes In the Ohio Constitution and will make recommendation for a state current agenda items for 1954-55. 1-28-2-4-11 BOB RINGER MOTORS For Complete and Dependable Service Xenia, o. Phone 2-1431 1-28-2-4-11 — I A T E > H . . I CLIFTON UNITED PRESBYTERIAN James ID Taylor, ! Rev, pastor Airs. Elwood Shaw, organist 10:00 n rn. Sabbath School 11:00 a.m- Preaching Service CLIFTON ZION BAPTIST Rev. Richard Phillips, pastor 10:00 .Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Service BYRON EVANGELICAL and REFORMED Rev, Eugene Davis, pastor 930 a-m., Sunday School SEED Supply *r*>e most complete stock for your farm. Xenia Farmers Exchange, Phone 4-4471 1-28-2.4-11 | VINCENT HEIDER ’ Complete Bookkeeping, Income Tax nnd Clerical Services. 0 ml, from Fairborn toward Xenia on Rte. 235. 1 Phone Xenia 2-185C or Yellow Springs 7-2600 j 1-28 to 3-11 Keep Them Producing With PURITY FEEDS QUALITY and RESULTS FOR HEALTH IER P IG S — FASJER GAINS — FOIL LARGER PROFITS — LINKHART.S YELLOW SPRINGS ELEVATOR Phone! 7-7369 s a l t We specialise in helping every man to look his beat GEGNER’S BARBER SHOP Yellow Springs _______ B [ >ELUXE HAMBURGERS With Lettuce & Tomato IBREAKPAST — LUNCH I STEAKS — DINNER FOUNTAIN SERVICE DICK & TOM’S flOpen to 12 p. m. Yellow Spring*! Mr. and Mrs. D .A. Magrudcr, of Phillips St. exjwct to leave Friday January 29, for New York. From there they will embark on a Carrl- bean Cruise visiting all the popular places such as, Bermuda and Ha­ vana. Tile Kahocs write from Tampa, Florida that they arc enjoying their vacation anil will soon be heading east. Mrs. Lyle Clootie. Davis Street, Is suffering from n throat ailment and has been advised to use her voice only when necessary nnd then not above a whisper, plaintiff asks restoration to maiden name of Jenkins. JUDGMENTS GRANTED Grlnncll Farm Equipment, Inc., Yellow Springs against, William Reid, doing business as Reid Im­ plement Co., Mcchnnlcsburg; $894.07 on a note; judgment for plaintiff. Peterson and Neathcrton, Xenia law firm, represents plaintiff, READ ESTATE TRANSFERS Chet and Marie S. Loc to An- tlonelln Schrclbcr, two pari-lotn In Yellow Springs, $1. ____ PROBATE 'COURT APPRAI SALS ti.lnte or Mary E. Dunevonf; gross value, $51,488.60; deductions, $2,879.10; net value, $48,009.50, 0 MARBLE CERAMIC MIRAPLAS We,—* RUBBER QUARRY PLASTIC 139 Dayton *t. S T E V E N S O N TILE COMPANY Ye llow Springs Phone 7-7209 i u- Year W /jtkh Guarantee ...Strongest Ever! WE DO IT . . . CEMENT WORK CEMENT BLOCKS Sc WORK EXCAVTING AND GRADING —SAND AND GRAVEL; LAND CLEARING ; PONDS Se LAKES W . B. DAWSON COAL COMPANY YELLOW SPRINGS FARM Paints Appliances FARM Implements KBS SALES&SERVICE STORE HOURS Phone 7-7355 8:00 a.m. (o G:00 p.m. Yellow Springs Mon. thru Sat 108 Dayton St. THE F INK & HE INE CO. Buyers Of CATTLE — HOGS SHEEP nd CALVES AT DAILY MARKET PRICE Springfield O. rhone 3-9721 *s0mi0 ,nn03m0nnmmw^0aasm0)0^»0 HOGS, CATTLE CALVES and SHEEP NO COMMISSION F lt t l TRUCK ING Kirk's Stock Yards CALL FOR DAIRY MARKET Washington, C. H., O. Phone: 2599 rt0r0'0m0--0-0?0‘:0:0'.*v0'0i*&t0*0n DAYTON T H O R O B R E O J ' Uncondit>®n fl^ T k *. g u a r a n t e e d IN W R IT ING Therobrsd* art built With extra guarartleeable (Quality— that's why Ihsy •re NOW backed by ths tfrongeel written guar - anleet ever. For *ofsty~- ♦or saving*— Doyton . Thorobrsdi are yourBIST tiro buy. So# thsm today. Tho woiW'» E S m - w h " * , l 3 y r . u n« o " < « » l0 " 0i ’ W r lM « " 0 u a r a i 2 yr. uncondltlo"®’ i t h o r o i m ® Vowr best Rro bu y •• * * u n c o n d W * " * * W r i t t e n FISHING TACKLE AND LICENSES BADMINTON GOLF — TENNIS BOY SCOUT EQUIPMENT BICYCLES - TRICYCLES JACKETS . SWEATERS Baseball A Softball GUNS A AMUNITION USE OUR LA Y -AW A Y PLAN RECO 113 E. High *t, Springfield, a F o r the Beet In s ta l la t io n OF CARPET — LINOLEUM ASPHALT AND RUBBER TILE W ALL TILE — VENETIAN BLINDS Call D a u m & D e t t y C o . Phone Xenia 2*5231 Th»r0, rids y n c e j^ r C&L SERVICE, INC, . ....V - * ’ ' MARATHON PRODUCTS Fuel Oil - Gasoline Oils - -Greases OFFICE PHONE 7 -7431 HOME PHONE 7 -7 6 4 2 ROBERT J. GROTE X*nb> at Carry SL ' YsEew Spring* PLUMBING ■fHEATSN.G u GUYVARNER YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO 211 St Winter Street Phone 7-7688 •■swjjAj IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY DIALING JAMES TOWN 4-9952 FOR YOUR FLOWER NEEDS, GIVE IT A TW IRL TODAY. AR Y ’S GREENHOUSE GRAPEGROVE, OHIO PHONE 4-9952 k s a M W iM m a N d *