The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14

PAGE FOUR THE AMERICAN Thursday, April 1, 1954 Ail, fna.- CHURCH SERVICES FRIENDS ROCKFORD CHAI’RL 10:00 a.m. Family Service 1030 - 11:30 a.m. Meeting for Worship CENTRAL CJIAI’EL A, M, E. ReV, Isaac R- Louden, pastor 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:40 a,m„ Devotions / 1100 a.m, Worship . - - • ----- FIRST BAPTIST Rev. Wm. L. Williams, pastor 10:00 a.m., Sunday School 11:00 a.rn, Morning Worship are We Presbyterians YELLOW SPRINGS FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I Rev. Rude's theme for the Morn­ ing Worship Is "Dives to Invest” Mimeographed copies of the Len­ ten Study on "The Church In Acts" will be found In the Nnrthox. The class will meet Wednesday a t 7:30 pjn, in the church basement. The Communicants Class for young peo­ ple preparing for church member­ ship will meet Saturday, March 27, 3 p.m, Loose offering will be re­ ceived Sunday for world-wide re­ lief. Contributions last year made it possible for relief to be brought EPISCOPAL (Rockford Chapel) to the flooded districts of Holland a;00 a.m., First Sunday of month, within hours after the disaster had • been radioed to the world. CLIFTON PRESBYTERIAN Rcv. Richard S. Snillie, pastor 10:00 a.m, Bible School 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship - - CLIFTON UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Rcv. James D. Taylor, SupplyJ pastor .Mrs. Eiwood Shaw, organist 10:00 a.m. Sabbath School 11:00 a.m. Preaching Service 10:30 a.m., Church School | Many ethnologists, she said, be-! L. Johnson's common Pleas Court,] 1030 a m . Morning Worshlp-"Why lieve that the Basque people are >Saturday, March 27, to Hie a reply, lcmnants of the Stone Age men to the injunction against the estab- j this theory Is borne out b y l Ushment of the mortuary a t the lheir language, which bears n Intersection of XehiaAye, Mid W*l- resemblance to any of the romance nu t Street, They Moved for clari- languagcs, and contains, for e x -«Hcatfon of th a t part of the Injun, ample, the same word for "stone” ctlon outlining the original refusal and "ax." 4 j of Manager Kahoe to issue the per- J T.tey are devout Roman cathollesf mlfc A hearing oh this motion was today but In their church services' set for the Friday o r Saturday of and customs are preserved some, this week. I t is anticipated that pre-Christian practices. At services, j the actual hearing on the petl- the women tit In the center of th e , tlon for the Injunction filed by CLIFTON ZION BAPTIST Rcv. Richard Phillips, pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School RVftOiV EVANGELICAL and REFORMED Rev. Eugene Davis, pastor 930 a.m, Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Junior Sunday School 10:00 a.m . Church Service Presbyterian Women Sponsor Ward Party On March 24 the Presbyterian , Women’s Association sponsored > j | Ward Party at Wrlght-Patterson Air 'corct* Base, Fifty airmen were serv­ ed »sandwichesj cookies, and candy* Inch was given a puzzle. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Pieh ar.d Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Eenham wer n charge of entertainment which included slides. Mrs. A. C, Swlnnor- 'on and Mrs, Robert M'efford ar ranged the food with Mrs. Car' Drake chairman. The Presbyterlal Society of Mis­ sions will meet at 10 a.m. on April PERSONALS Mrs. William Beatty, Dayton St. church, while the men sit in the Forest J, Hogue, on. behalf of Marion galleries resembling opera boxes on W. Barr, will be heard within the cither side ensuing two weeks, •The men take orf their berets: ------ -------• ——— ~ when they enter church,'' observed, "but Urn's rlbout tlm' only time they do remove their h a ts ,; except when they're playing pclote, the national game," I t s a tlhy larK<j^ who underwent surgery a t Spring- cUv has 32.000 residents. Amng ts f,c,d c lt Hospital, has returned const are busy fishing ports, made ^ ; picturesque by stone battlements, * » * i which have survived from earlier j days. Back from the coast, nestl d < ^Ir* and *®fs*Ralph Otter, Win- in valleys among the Pyrenees, a r e ;ler s t - who have spent the wln- neal farms, where oxen decked i n . ter ,n Plorida ^ returned home. shceprkin hats are the chief beasts-■ " cf burden, and, eheep-raislng Is the \ Word was received this week from main occupation. j Mr, and Mrs. Cornelius Orinnell and "And. of course, smugling." add s!«>» David th a t they will be located Miss Oldt, "Everybody seems to have j a t 100 Beach Rd., Siesta Key, Sar- i hand in the smuggling trade be- J asosta, F la, untl July 1 . They are tween Spain and France." j *ostlng on beautiful Miramar beach After leaving the Basque country. an<t enjoying the sunshine. Miss Oldt was Joined by Mary Hunt associate director of student per- jonnel at Antioch college. Together BETHEL LUTHERAN 9:30 a.m, Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Service 7 at Troy. Those desiring tra n s -: they toured Norway and visited the portation should contact Mrs, C arl! Jungfrau glacier In Switzerland. V. Drake, 7.7275. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Magruder,: Phillips S t, expect to leave April i for Europe where they will tour the gardens of Southern France. O' * • Mrs. Wayne Anderson, Xenia Ave. returned Monday from a five day visit with her daughter and son ln-law Mr, and Mrs. Carl Fisher Bellefontalne. '• * *. Mr. and Mrs. Paul bawson, Allen St. and Mrs. Mary Sheldon have returned from Durham, N. C. where they visited relatives. Antioch College was listed among 10 Ohio colleges to receive a grant from the National Science Founda­ tion. which is asking Congress for 1150,000 in scholarships for young scientists. Amount of the local grant was not disclosed. TRAIN CANCER SPECIALISTS During the last six years, the American Cancer Society has help­ ed finance the training of 530 young i doctors as cancer specialists. The j 1064 ACS Crusade will provide funds for continued programs of ] research, education and service. | Surplus Items Offered For Sale The Base Disposal Branch wjll conduct a Spot Bid Sale of Approxi­ mately 300 miscellaneous surplus Items. Bids fill be opened a t 9 a.m. April 5 in the Disposal Office, Build­ ing no, Area “C". The material offered for sale are: Office furniture, household furni­ ture, hand, tools, heater pumps, stoves, radio equipment, motors and other miscellaneous equipment. These items are located in Building 208, Area “C", and will be available for inspection March 29 through April 2 from 8 a.m, until 4 p.m. Bid forms are available in Build­ ing 209 And 110, No bid deposit will be required, and successful bidders will be allowed 10 calendar days after the Government's acceptance of the bid for removal of the prop- Court News , . . Divorces Granted Robert A. Voelkcr from Mary F neglect; custody of two minor children adopted by couple trans­ ferred to Juvenile Court. MUNICIPAL COURT (Civil Cases} Guy Vamer, 211 8 . Winter S t, against Chester Gayheart. SOBSouth S t, Fairborn, seeking 8205. Peterson and. Ncatherton attorney for the plaintiff. W. A, Hammond, Dayton S t , pgainst Elmer E. Stafford, N. Whiteman S t, seeking $293. Peter­ son and Neutherton attorney for the plaintiff, Esther Oldt Talks METHODIST Rcv. Thomas R. Smith, pastor. 9:30 Church School. 10:40 a.m. Worship service. Miss OJdt concluded her talk with pictures and a description pf this trip, While Miss Hunt a t the pro*' j lector added her comments, On Basque Country ] At a business session, the chnp- !terp nominated Mrs. Kenneth Hunt Esther Oldt, associate personnel. {0f vice-president, and Mrs. Floyd director of pres . Nlswander for secretary, to serve George Everman,- Jackson Rd. sprained his aim last week a t school, so he has to take it easy for two weeks. That meaas no archery too. . . . Mrs, A, C, Swlnner.on, Orton Dr. has been with the Personnel Dept. Antioch College since April i, t u n Miss Clara Zell, Glen S t, a pat! ent for two weeks a t Springfield I WHAT'S THE USE OF BEING SCAREDf IT MAKES MORE SENSE TO BE PREPARED! fOVB MVI COVMTia NAS OFFICIAL SISAfTU FIBST-Ate SIIFFUIS O v e r YOUR FENCE Y FI l o w s P R ix r s MFTIIODIST entcd a vivld tnlk on thc BasqlIC two-year terms. Election of officers j clty Hospital returned to her home F.U.OH SPRINGS Mf.T.IOD.STiCOUnm lhe T e U O ,',„ « „ < .„ ,•> « WHk. Rev. sm ith will speak op -con -! U» meetlnp on Tlm rstl.y.' Association of University Women i'nr'|i'w ' i , , wVii ^ »n hniviftiinl ! D“ *Ienry Federl(f!li who httsj TiinrAHnir nicht. He, miv t n AprU 22‘ Th ^ opportuni- . been ill a t his home on Xenia Ave. querlng Our Fears." ST\”"l’AUITTtATIfOLIC Rcv. James Byrne, pastor I Thursday night, ci talk followed , dinner a t tire Antioch tea room. I ty for nominations from tire floor, 5;. rcpol tccl improv|ng. .’a t that time, Colored pictures enlivened Mlssj Sunday Masses, 7:39 and 10:00 ■Oidfs reminiscences of her five A c t l O H O f l .m. | niontlis’ visit to ilia unique land.j ^ ^ Saturday, Confessions a t 4:30 to] half In France and half In Spain,! \ f n r f |l ( i F v In iu t1 < * tlO T I 5:30 and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. >where an ancient race has preserved! * ' * Regular week-day Masses, 7:30 ’ jts language, its customs, and Its , Marcus Shoup, representing Ken­ way of living through centuries of neth Kaufman, and Phiilip Ault* . outside changes, site was the guest man, repreaenUng Howard Kahoe of a Basque native, her former and the Village Council of Yellow , college roommote. ; S.prings, appeared iti Judge Frank a.m. 11:08 a.m. Morning Service PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Buckley S. Rude, pastor Mr. Earl Hamilton, Xenia Ave. ! Who was returned to Springfield City Hospital 31, the same day he returned home is still a t the hospital, 'm e last report wm th a t he was slowly improving, ’* * **■ Mrs, Anna B e k ^ h a s (men con­ fined by illness to her home tor the past few weeks. P om Your N onm Nave Official Disaster Rrst-Akl SoppliM Ready? 2 W o 4 FORYOURMONEY OUR STRCIAL SAVINGS PLAN . Brag la Year W ritten Guarantee Ever! MIAMI DEPOSIT BANK Member «r F.D.IAX we’re at yotir service. If s visit to ^our farm will help us solve u money problem for you, we’ll gladly make It. And we always welcome your visits fa re . See us forhelp with a ll your farm financial matters. MIAMI DEPOSIT BANK Cedarville Yellow Spring* • • • D A YW N T H O R O S R t D j " g u a r a n t e e d IN W R I T IN G B 3 i^ v * * Thorebreds e re built with e x f r e f u n r e n l e e a b / e dUollty—th o t5*w hy they a re NOW backed by th* ilro n p ttf wrlHtn § uar- enfee* *v*r. M r »af*ty— f o r s a v i n i i — D a y t * n TKorobreds arcyau rS IST In « buy, S«* th*m today. H O W » * * 0 h. w«w* «r*> U r . u W o n d W * " - ', J v r l l U " OU«rB ,,w * MARATHON PRODUCTS Fuel Oil - Gasoline Oils • -Greases o m o t raotiR 7-7431 MOMS FMKHVR 7-7M3 IOBERT J. GROTE K n b *1 Carry Si. YeM*w Springs BARGAIN DAYS fOg) ifoSEDCARBUYERS] 1950 Chrysler Windsor 4-door — Radio St Heater Nice Job! $1295.CO 1948 Dodge Cuitom 4-door —*Radio St Heater — Good Transportation, $595.00 1949 Plymouth 4-door—Special DeLuxe—Heater—New P*!nt $695.00 1952 Dodge Coronet—Heater—Be Sure To Son It $1295.90 1982 Dodge Vi-Ton Panel — Heater — Fine For Form Use $12M.GO 1953 Dodge Coronet Sedan—Radio—Heater—Low Mil­ age $2395.00 1952 Dodge B3KA 153 2Vi Ton—Excellent Condition- Heater $1395.00 1949 Dodge 3-4 Ton Pickup—Heater $795.90 STOKES MOTOR CO. 8, Main Si. Cedarville, Obis JPhene 8.4SZ1 SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Date 1954 T H O tO aM ® iB S S S S S - T H M O F H F 1 8 2 5 2 2 , , W r H t e e 1 C&L SER V IC E . Yellow Springs “American ,'” & Xenia Ave., ' Yellow Springs, Ohio „ Enclosed is (check , . . money order) for >2.50 fn payment for my subscription tn the Yellow Springs "AMERICAN" for one year. * * H “Marne (Pleaee print.or"Type)" W straaoiuac mow 4 m Mta«e m 4* »b »«kw* m W fm #wa ■ft. KEEP INFORMED SUBSCRIBE NOW