The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14

PAGE TWO THE AMERICAN YELLOW SPRINGS AMERICAN Phone 7-7740 Yellow Sprint*, Ohio THE AMER I CAN W AY DOWN ON THE FARM RALPH E. SIIUPE ... THOMAS J. WELLS JOHN ELL IO TT ...... Editor & Publisher ... Composing Room ........... Press Room fir****' fsss&s* TO BUILD 'SSB. fit?.'*: S w -w *? gf* •; W i t h a Bu ckeye In C on g ress ... Br CLAU1MCB J. BROWN MMhtr •> T i-r 'ir . M M b WilrM Them Is growing Year on Capitol Hill that the armed forces of the United States ;nay soon become Involved.In the war now going on In Indochina, Congressional leaders arc watching the situation closely with the. feeling that some of the public statements now being made by those In high places nrc for the purpose of "conditioning" the American people for our later involvement in the Indochina conflict, The President signed Into law last week the bill creating • new Air Force Academy. Under its provisions, a “site board" will determine the location of the new Academy, which Is expected to cost $125 million, from among the hundreds of communities making application therefor The Secretary of the Air Force has announced from ten to fifteen thousand acres of land will be required for the new site. The Air Force Academy Site Selection Commission announced Inst Thursday it will consider ad­ ditional proposals for sites for the new Air Force Academy which may l>c submitted to the Spcclni Assistant for Air Force Academy Matters, Headquarters United States Air Force. Washington 25, D. C., on or before April 21, 1954, Beginning July 1, 1955, the Air Force Academy will be tern- FAITH i IN OUR CHILDREN ■■tSSSSS* CJt- MM* m r<o *March Test Report Dn Local Herds The following herds have reported a test of over 30 pounds or fat In the March D.H.I.A. report, i Holstein herd of Marvin Beam As ICcnneth Ycaklcy, Cedarville R-R. 1, 19 cow herd averaged M2 pound! ; and 41.G pounds butterfat. * Herd of D.F. K yle and Monroe Pyles, 39.4 pounds butterfat and :1091 pounds milk. ; Herbert Fields herd, 36.0 pounds * at and 960 pounds' of milk. J John Stover herd, 36,3 pounds l fat and 005 pounds of milk, ; Harlan Butts and Sons 35.3 ?pounds of fat and 1044 pounds of ! milk. | L>auri8-Straley and Sons 33.8 lbs, i of fat anil 970 pounds of milk. Thursday, April 15, 1954 1for the evening o ti ‘‘The Future of * the Family Farm ” The discussion 'brought out points o f Interest on '"w h a t can we do as neighbors to make life on our farms more enjoy- •able and worthwhile.” , Mr, Amos Frame, the group prcsL i dent, led a short busines session. A Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ault, Clifton * report was given by Mrs, John /Hbcrforc* Pike, were hosts to Stover for the Farm Bureau Wom- icmbcrs of Farm Bureau Council ens’ Committee meeting and Mr. io. 0 at their home on Friday even - t John Collins gave a report on the ,rg of last week. Approximately six- ’ Legislative Committee meeting. Icon members were In attendance. J At the close of the evening, re- Joseph A. Finney Jr„ discussion freshments were served by the leader, was in charge of the topic i hosts. Family J^arm. Survival Discussed f&sSlSSSi NfflONAlSWWfSCMMtftoM *fe#*»ocsp by *THg u r n * * H t n o m . i porarlly located at some present Air Force Installation not yet selected.- f v „ T n u r n n m o n t Members of Congress have been requested to submit the names of L I C P 3 X C L O U r T t a l l t C I l l Held A t Wittenberg qualified youngsters to tnkc n competitive examination for appointment, as members of the first Air Force Academy class, In which Ohio will be entitled to eighteen cadets. ‘ i Wittenberg College at Springfield * played host to first year debate stu- Thc Administration’s bill to authorize foreign aid expenditures for dents from seven Ohio colleges and the coming fiscal year, totaling *3,497,000,000, Is now before the House universities for the Ohio First-Year Committee on Foreign Affairs. The largest single item In the measure Is, Debate Tournament on Saturday, *785,000,000 for the Indochina War. All together, the Far Eastern area *April 10th. would receive *1,768,900,000 of American money under the measure; Ten affirmative and ten negative E a c h ^ n l ^ T h i s own g ift Ir a n t Agriculture Benson’s farm program Europe, *947.700.000; the Near East, Africa and South Asia, *589,100,000;, teams participated in debates during i God, one after this manner, and! is "one of the big problems o f the Latin America. *47.000,000; with a total of *185,000,000 being allotted to j tj,e day wjth Thomas H. Didcon of j another after that. lCor.7:7| present Congress," Congressman non-reglonnl programs. These amounts do not, of course, Include the * | i cost of supporting our own armed forces and rtrlous other U, S. a c ti---------------------- — -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------George H: Bender, candidate for he ' * Republican nomination for United iKeith Linkhart I Host To 4-H Club j \ Keith Linkhart of Goes, was host [ to members . of (he Progressive 1Farmers 4-H Club for their April ! meeting at his home on Tucsdny of j last week. 1 Projects on the calendar for the ; coming season were the main topics |of discussion during the evening. ‘ j Refreshments were served to the 1group by -Mrs. Linkhart during the ^ . . I One feature of the Tenth Aunl> 2nd Marine Education versary Edition wui be a new forc- F t i n a i P . a t a h l i s h p H ’ word by the author, in which the I U n Q U jo w U M I o n c U smns up Ws A Special Tenth Anniversary Ed!- ‘ reaction fro mthe perspective of lo­ tion of Robert Sherrod's memorable day. __ Another feature will be the "Tarawa — The Story of a Batue ■ , » thoughts - "after L0 years -of Fleet will be published during the month; Admlrai Chester W. Nlmltz,, Lieu- of April as a practical tribute t o ; tpnanl 0 cn.. Julian C. Smith, Ma- thosc gallant Marines who lost their j jor ocncraj Merritt A. Edson, Gcn- Uves on its beaches. eral Shoup, Colonel Henry P. Crowe The anniversary edition will lay ( an,j a ^arc of others who played a the foundation for a fund with which the Second Marine Division Association will finance college edu­ cation for deserving sons and daugh- role In that historic battle. As Admiral Nlmltz says. "Never before was such a tougli Job done so completely in such short time,” Ohio State University as Director. Subject of the debate was "R e - ' social hour, lolvcd that the President of the- The next meeting will be held at , , , . 1the home of Stanley Bull of Brush United States should be elected by _ _ . . ; Row Road, on April 20th. the direct vote of the people". _________ _____ Donald Waite who is professor; ' ' w of Greek and Speech at Cedarville B e n d e r S & y 8 Baptist College and Leon Franck, j ^ „ student at the college, attended the j v*0 wlOW sessions as observers, Pointing out that Secretary of ers o f th* Division’s heroic dead. ; Teh years later, the Job of buSId- According to Brigadier General ’ ing a f Untj for the children of fallen David M. shoup, who won the Medal comrades promises to be done Just of Honor on Tarawa, a portion of •as completely. Copies of the Tenth tiro price of every book sold will be Anniversary Edition may be ordered earmarked specifically for that pur­ pose. Additional direct contributions to the fund will be accepted and placed one hundred percent to the credit of the fund. Plans fo r man­ agement of the fund already are bc- ng worked out. from The Tarawa Book Fund As­ sociation c/o Brigadier General D. M. Shoup, P, O. Box 2042 Potomac Station, Alexandria, Virginia, nt $230 per single copy; *2.00 per copy in lots of five or more, postpaid any. where. vltles throughout the world. * * The Federal Government Will lose two of Its most valuable officials* the end of this month, thru resignation: Lindsay c . Warren, a former Democratic Congressman from North Carolina, who is retiring as Comptroller General because of health, after 13 1/2 years of outstanding service, he has saved the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars,] Joseph M. Dodge of Detroit, who has served as Director of the Bureau > of the Budget since January 90, 1953, has brought about many reforms! and savings In our fiscal structure. Both of these very able men will be] greatly missed In Washington. • THIS NEWSPAPER. rot By a vote of 12 . 9, the House Bommlttee on Post Office and Civil t Service voted last week to delay further consideration o f postal pay In-! crease legislation until hearings can also be held on several pending Mila! proposing pay Increases for other government workers. ' i l « * 1 The Ways and Means Committee of the House has been holding hearings tar the last two weeks on the Administration-sponsored bill to amend the Social Security Act no as to increase benefits, and to bring ten million additional Americans — mostly farmers and professional people — under Social Security. The bill is not expected to reach the* Floor of the House for consideration until late In May or early June. : • • • • • • , » The first Stale primaries — those In Illinois on April 13th — take place this week. The New Jersey primary will follow on April 20th;; Alabama, Florida, Indiana, New Mexico, and Ohio primaries on May 4th; ’ Pennsylvania, Mhy 18th; Oregon, May 21st; North Carolina, May 29th; Nevada and South Dakota, June 1st; Iowa, June 7th; and California and South Carolina on June 8th; with others following throughout the Sum­ mer, ending with the Rhode Island primary September 29th. Maine holds Its general election September 13th, All other general elections come November 2nd, The American Medical Association last week came out In opposition to the Administration’s proposal for Federal reinsurance o f pre-pald health plans, charging that such action could lead to socialised medicine. ’ The proposal calls for a revolving Federal fund, starting with *25 mllkm,• la encourage voluntary health organisations to extend coverage to a 9 larger number of people. The A.M.A. feels such k plan^majr lend to th e, regulation o f rates charged by physicians, and to other Ifederal controls of medical practice, : • * * * • • UnemjJloyiwnt in the United States rose 54,000 during the month of March, to a total of 3.725,000, However, the number of gainfully employed ] also Increased during March by 45,000 — to reach a tots! of *0.1 million, ‘ An increase o f 100,000 persona in the nation's tabor force during the! month explain* the rise In both employment and unemptoymet, j C *u [Driver Training Oomptated.' Ail persons who have completed' Driver Education To Be Evaluated an accredited course ate asked to; A program aimed at evaluating ^ v^*’t *** ***** ***troi raat or Regia-« and encouraging expansion of driver j *r,f *rK* prewnt ***• "Certificate o f, education in high schools and eol«;f^ktatiey Issued fa tbfae who auc- \ leges will be launched today by [eesafidiy completed the course; The the Department of Highway Bafety, {* • * « * " • « «* * • * ! • * « on duty will With the cooperation of the BUM »t«mp the operator’s Bcenae. Highway Patrol, Sheriff’s Depart-j Patrolmen, Sheriff's Deputtae and menu, and all other taw enforce-' city Polk* win he asked to note on rnent agencies as well aa Deputy.. rrlf..nt ______tnn„nlj,.. n g Hi* uiipmi , u ^ x iRccwen* npuH Rnyetit mvoiVN Hi Vehicle*, the safety Department win nM WRn be able to record the value of driver training in schools. Director U, O. VMtRof the Bhfety Department said, "Driver IMucta. Mto eondueted in the achoole to an extremely imporUnt phase of tritffle trot br his romptafad * ifL . w ■.hove. R h T j ‘ tub of OTucsuon in wsm proprMii fines (u faelptkm fa ’lMl,” 111 iffigSsBiiT li , M ^ XMlwIfVli l>VMI XJITVCwf pottmo OKI that although K is "daflidtety be­ lieved the program ta helpful Hi making bettor drived thSre hea never seen -any, way ..eri iraMauiig it*; Sfadir'the . 4 ». Ga&ChMa&rik&t $ 210.00 T O C U T E S T G I R L $ 250.00 T O C U T E S T E O T ' 4 (CONTEST COVtftS EASTERN STATES) t* S/Utdf 7Ut/U*?t* £tf/ G Just to l* your eKlMren fa tHe place end fang |lvm bofaw. An sxperl deMrsn'i pMesrspfter km W e fa -A lm Sfa^iii w E fa it FR EE entry pkluret. • Proof* wil bo tKown a l « isfar tfafa. . . m M yaw favorite poto and your cMUl it aufamalkafy anfarttl in fa * contest OMtilw or bar picture w E bo printed in fail ntwepapaf i t i futoro date. • You may, if you wish, order ptotefrapb* for fHfaf or teop* u t e faroct bom (bo Siudio * , * but fab b ig % i y up to yon. | G TftSo S* note booutyoontotL Awotdi art mod#faacbor^eter f as tofkcted in fao portroiL i fWSGffll 'Ifl ffOWfa WM, fPEG^^WlB State# Senator, said today that farm legislation, in the last analysis, de- j pends upon the weather and the market. "Secretary Benson’s program far the nation comes at'a dfflcult time,” Congressman Bender said. "There 1* not much enthusiasm to change what we have at this moment, even if we think the change would be healthy In ,the long run. Eight now, we are.thinking in terms of an un­ settled world crisis, in my book, i that I* a go-slow sign." , | Congressman Bender, endorsed for , the Republican senatorial nomina- 4tion by the Republican State Cen- : tral and Executive Committee of (Ohio, recalled that the American Farm Bureau Federation is support- ' Ing the flexible price support prog­ ram and added: ‘But many member* of Congress are opposed to changing the sys- . tom o f high supports now in effect because of the uncertain economic outlook,” j ----------4t---------- ;Area Fanners Enjoy Dinner ; Sixty five farmers and their fami- ! lies of the Cedarville area were present to enjoy a delicious dinner i sponsored by the Greene County Farm Bureau, which was held at the auditorium of the Cedarville School on Thursday evening of the past week. The ham for the dinner was furnished by the Farm Bureau and members brought covered dishes to complete the dinner. Mr. Richard Dabney of Jamcx- , town, Field Man for the county .Farm Bureau, Mr. and Mrs, Carl d ick erin g of Jamestown, and Mr. Herman Ankeney, of Xenia, State ; Representative from this district were among the honored guests , present, Mr, Pickering is chairman 1o f the County Farm Bureau Board. Talks were given by the three men on farm policies. Music for the event was under the direction of Mrs. Harold Stor­ mont, who led group singing, A comet solo was given by Paul Staigers,, accompanied by Carolyn Collins, The program for the evening was under the chairmanship of Mr. R. H. Cherry of Xenia. EHfMw * • l 1 '.GAgJjb'. JyAj£Af«L^uJ J H I M I * T H f T I M « rfW*l , mm 10 A. Ml to t'p «4$g »j LEGION HA L L ’ ■ r **r. YMCA Bcidgc Club Scores The Bridge Club of the Xenia YMCA which met on Friday April 9th reports the following scores with five and one half fables of player*. Scores aa follows: Par North and south 41; Cot, and Mrs James Tillard—59^; P. Basel Stanael—51. Par East and west 40; Tim Beggan and Rudy Ruptoistor—47; Mr, and Mrs. Bd Moraskl 45; Mr, and Mrs, X. A, Brown-45. The dub meets everyother Friday and will meet April »rd , Him Prov. a,• •lite T a lk w ith us ab ou t .the financing you ’ ll need to bu y equ ipm en t, f e r t iliz e r o r a n y o th e r e s s en tia l f o r th e scmor ahead . Y o u w i l l fin d us r e a d y t o l is t e n - a n d re a d y to h elp in e v e r y w a y w e can . S ee us f o r low-coal bank credit . Com e in , a n y tim e . MMMI DEPOSIT BANK Cedarville Yellow Spring# B A R G A I N D A Y S F O J M I^USEDCARBUYERS f M i , TBP U l M 1954 Dodge Royal V-8 Coupe— R, db H.—-Very C le a n - Low Mileage $2695.00 1946 Dodge Custom 4-door — Radio St Heater — Good Transportation. $595.00 1948 Buick Super Sedanette— Radio & Heater $795,00 1951 Hudson Sedan — Radio St Heater — Excellent Condition $895.00 1952 Dodge J/.-Ton Panel — Heater — Fine For Farm Use $1295.00 1953 Dodge Coronet Sedan— Radii*-—Heater— Low Mil­ age $2395.00 1952 Dodge B3KA 153 21/* Tpn— Excellent Condition— Heater $1395.00 1949 Dodge 3-4 Ton Pickup— Heater $795.00 STOKES MOTOR CO. 1, Mala St, Cedarvllfe, Ohto W »iw *-4«2t ‘ EASTER FLOWERS Excellent Quality Liliea, Tulips, Hyacinths, Gloxinia, Be­ gonia, Tuberous Begonia, Asaleas, Cineraria, and Ger­ anium. A ll beautifully wrapped. Price* 75 cent# and up. Panties and early cabbage plants for tale. BUY RIGHT BUYTHEBEST % AGNOF.GREENHOUSE 34 Cellige St. Cedarville fr4871 .■Ku>