The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14

T h e Y e l l o w S p r i n g s A m e r i c a n VOL. 2. NO, 2 YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1954 7c PER COPY r * * (Sunday School Officers Elected TJ)C following officers were elect­ ed recently fit the Clifton Prcsby- : terjlnn Church; Jamas Swanton. Community Council To Meet Jan. 20 The regular meeting of the Com- munity Council will be held Wed­ nesday, January 20, at 8:00 pan. at RHODES GOES FOR GOVERNOR Superintendent; Carl Wosnor, A b - !1*', c of Mrs. John Birch, 204 sisumt Superintendent: Wayne ;Dayton ; Corry, Secretary-Treasurer; Juliii "Martin, assistant seerctary-treas- urcr; Connie Swaby, pianist, and Eulft Harris assistant pianist, -I “ , .£ .»**’• 1- Jjrjft lEverman High At Archery ;' *V h v» m LAUSCHE PROCLAIMS — Watching Governor Prank J> Lnuschc sign the proclamation making January “ March of Dimes Month'* for Ohioans, are Mrs. Lausche and 3-year old Randy French, son of MV. and Mrs. Clark French, *1935 S Champion Avr. Columbus. Rardy was stricken by polio In August, 1952, and still must wear a brace and use ranches * ; At the finish last Friday night of 'the •i(h, D I A. A, arehery match Wiighl Field led Aero Products by {about 140 points- There, were 40 .shooters on the line. The Wright Field team was composed of mem- ibers of tin: Y. S. Archery Club. I Highest possible score was 810. J 784 Ri cl Everman i 778 Ira Bnrr j 752 Joe Farris I 733 Ida Farris I 3052 Wright Field, 2C74 Aero Pro­ ducts. | At the conclusion of the 10th ; match, all teams will moot at Aero Products Club House for a cover­ ed dish dinner. SHERIFF STEWART HEADS GANGER DRIVE Joseph Ready Is New Cub Master IPaxson Herd ! Finishes Test Joseph Ready, 509 Xenia Avc., has J The Guernsey herd of Howard been named Cub Master of the YCI- j Paxson & Son, Fairborn, R. R. No. low Springs Cub Scouts. j 1. g e n t ly fis h e d a year’s testing on DH.I.A. The top cow In milk production (was No. 1 with 32,150 pounds of The agenda for the meeting Is as follows: 1. Discussion of Conununlty Chest distribution. 2. Discussion of the proposed sum­ mer swim program. 3. Clarification of the scholarship proposals, 4 Report on the Christmas toy distribution. All members are particularly urged to be present Tin, meeting will start promptly at 8:00 pan. Bulldogs Trounced By Indians By KEITH SHERIDAN Cedarvtlle's rampaging Indians had trouble staying ahead in the first three-quarters of the game, but managed to pull away in the JAMES A. RHODES James A. Rhodes, Stale Auditor and three-ttme Mayor of Columbus, is now officially a candidate for the Republican nomination for governor. ,ln a free-swinging statement, of the other elected State officials (who themselves are seeking re-elec­ tion, demonstrate that the Repub­ lican Party is solidified and geared (for victory In 1954. j **As the gubernatorial candidate 4 Will unstlntingly give all the lead­ ership In the campaign that U •within my power to give.’ ’ Tills last statement Is generally ' regarded as an Indication that Rhodes has been assured that he !will have Htt!0 or no opposition for .the OOP nomination- j Making an early bid for De- Imocrntlc and independent support, ‘ Rhodes said: “All Democrats and fall independent voters who are Uls- isatisfied with the decade of one- jmnn rule will be welcomed, i And, lie continued: "The govern- |ment of Ohio belongs to Its people and not to oily individual who seeks further preparation of power with the possessive instinct of a ruler. The office of governor of this state ,wns not meant to rest in the hand iof one man for a fifth term to be used solaly- nt^l selfishly as a springboard for the Democratic presidential nomination In 1966. The Statement concludes; "It shall be my purpose to carry the Rhodes made his expected forma!!issues direct to the citizens of Ohio, announcement in the * following : "They must know’ of the stagna- ----- - ‘ 7 r “ ” . terms: 'tlon that has fallen upon the ex- “If I were to evade, or shirk, myiecutlvo management of the state duty to be a candidate in view of 'affairs and the incredible mlsman- the multitude of requests that have jagement that Is being covered up in been made upon me by Republicans ;vital state departments to protect everywhere, particularly by the State tlie political ambitions Of the pres- Commlttec, I would deem myself 'cut governor.’ derelict in my duty. j So . . . wham-bang we go Into “All of these demands, plus those ;the 1954 election campaign. Sheriff Clarence Stewart lin1, ber-n .'Mtiptoms is carried out on the named to head the 1954 American county level The third phase or ! „ . Cancer Society campaign in Gree: e "atta<-k”, Cancer Palic-nt Service,' , suc<*ccds. Konnotn rrcelllus^ -rhc )lm i averaged 388.7 pounds County, it was announced today l.v i, alio opeiau-d on the local level.:." , is il(lv2|1cinB “ ,t0 Boy Scout Ibutterfnt and 8595 pounds of milk Dr. Nelson Reeves. prpMdcut <f the 'the Gte.ii,. County unit operates ! 'eadershlp Since his own boyhood }wllh 14r> cows on test tilCy Wcre j„ Greene Co Unit of the Auimcan a loan Cabinet wftli sickroom needs. -*ncmb«rsh,P* Gte n«w c “ *> lcaader • Cancer Society. •or, , die. mgs. and miscellaneous lft? bet'n vltally Il,u‘rcslcd in £C0U1'-1 Sheriff Stewart will have com- it* ins needed in (.tneer treatment. , B‘ plete charge of the April Drive and All phases of the attack on cancer A Project Engineer at Wright Air miik will announce hls crmunUt,.,. mom- are made possible, oil a gratis basis 'Development, Mr. Ready linn nanny, cow No. 2 was high In butterfat bers shortly. Official sanction has becn liven the j hobbles. Among them are archery'with 505.7 pounds. Each township and community <’nn;>r Control Month solicitation Jand model airplane building, Xocnl j Glenn Charles and Everett Grcg f will have a repre'.i’lita'r.e <u» by Act of Congress |Scout leaders expect him to. be ft 1 arc ^ 0 two supervisors In charge committee and every , flmt \u!l !>,. In a-MPlrn U> Dr Re,.Vos, o f f l - 'most c:lI>ab!c leader because of his j of p10duct>on testing in Greene made to cover Greene County with corn of the Greene County Cancer•lon&experience In Scouting and his' literature. Unit are Mrs, Ray Htgle, Spring fo,ltln(’is for working with boys. The cancer control pregram cell- Va’ iey. vie,, pri'ident; Miss Maryj slsts of three plia'^5 In the fight Hunt, Yellow* Springs, vice pr0sl- 1 to defeat this d, ath-ckaler. Re- dctit; Mrs. Irvin Hyman, Xenia, M c F h i l u C ’ Il H C t t a S search is carried on at a national Vice, president; George Tiffany*: . * level. Education of the public ior Xehlcj, treasurer and Mrs, Blond-j S c h o o l B o d t u early detection and recognition of zetta Howard, Xenia, secretary, 1 - .____ ....._______________ t Officers were elected Monday H I _________________________________ _ _ ____ school for a reorganization meeting* I boro- Alabama, Mr. Peterson went , It was announced. hunting with ft shot gun on These elected were Bruce OMaOtaiO ^ U ” * ™ * * -'Phadcn, prerddeiiL who succeeded ? ■ thousand acres. This AlMis third ,?Bdjgt.«c Birch and William Perry dwr this ytar. Hitf otlH-r a 61-42 setback at Cedarviile Fri- iay night. The Bulldogs were never ahead except for a 2-polnt lead In the opening seconds of the game. Codarvlllc's height was the down­ fall of Bryan. The Indian’s center, Big John MacMillan who is 6' 4“ had a three-inch height advantage over the Bulldog center, Leonard Sec, who is 6' 1”. MacMillan was high for the winners with 20 points, while Ron Fisher was high for tlie losers as lie poured 21 markers through the basket. The Bullpupe dippped a hard fought reserve game 40-35. ___ O'NEILL TO PROBE DOPEANDCOMMUNISTS Mrs. S. U. OnderdonB D.A.R. Historian Mrs, fi V. Ondtrdonk, Wain*!’ St., was elected hi dorian ftt f!-«' an­ nual business meeting of tlo* C’fdsr Cliff D. A It In Cttlai.ill.- ia t Saturday afternoon Tlie D AH Is ba kin:; 11:*' Bti. he* Amendment wldcli will i-tiui. Congress shot tty. T ie Ainet dt.ii;;' 1‘- designed to prOUcl tic Bill of Rights against the limHat.on, ,m- posed by treaties cr extcutlve tg- reements with ftrcign pnwr-t United Slates treaty obligations r regarded In our courts tw the premc law of the land", but through the manipulations of the United Na­ tions <of which wc are a nti-mbyi't, several trcnltcs have been adip’ e■’ which have nullified Elate laws -ml jeopardized thc sovereignty o f the United States. Other patriots c .- garlzatloas are aho b.iEkii:" t. e Amendment. Peterson Bags Ten Biiwt Buck Mr and Mrs. Archie Peterson. _1 fficers ere elected onday x enla Pike, fctnrnetl last week from I evening Jan. 4 th wh en t,lic M iam i a ^ ‘n tlfty v-,slt w ,th M r * Peterson a Twp. School Board met at thc Ulsl«r> “ «■ Edna Ro,“ of ° rccns ............................... »hnrn AlnhsirziiL. r. Potnrsdli Wctfi' The way things sum up, Yellow Springs people can look forward to a good basketball team for the ‘ next three*.,or four years. Tlie re- j serves now have a season record of j 9 losses and 1 win. Every game the S reserves have lost has not been by j more than 5 points, With a little, more experience, Bryans outlook for f a good basket ball team looks very j bright- BRYAN W e box score: f . p . r. 1 F.P, F. T R. White, f ..............4 2 R. Ftsher, f _______ 16 5 L. Sec, c - _______ ^ ^ J. Blxler, g ................ 2 , 2 D, Blackwood, g ____2 1 R, L llngo__________ .2 2 j vice president, who succeeded ' lwo w‘crc 8tu* 1,1 Cartnda a" d 4WcSt ! Robert Acton Other niemben are |vtrBtnln- ^ 1'avln'1 tl,e Ahtbanm sMrs. Elizabeth Bctscher, ,J. D. i dt'nd mounted. 1DaWigm and William Marshall | Fay(. Fluke was rc-appointed clerk I of the board. It was decided by the group that a tegular meeting time would be established for thc second Thurs­ day of each month at 8 p. m at the |new* elementary school. | 11KAHOES SEEK SOUTH REST .. .J . . j Mr..and Mrs, Howard Knliop left j Wednesday morning by eftr for ft j vacation la the South. They are 1 seeking rest, relaxation, and suti- ! shine and will travel until they FUiual .‘ ifvices for Lillie •find It. Their two children Patsy IV-V Krtr.hnpr 84. o{ 608 S. High, and Alan **11 accompany them Mrs. Lillie Kershner Taken By Death Mrs. Harris Luncheon Hostess Guests were entertained at ft beautifully appointed bridge lunch­ eon at the home of Mrs, Mac Harris of Clifton last Thursdayy. Those present to enjoy the lunch eon were; Mrs, Hiram H, Petty o f Springfield, Mis. Warren Drake Mrs. Herbert Wise, Mrs. Bernice Ross, Mrs Harry Williams, Mrs, H F. Huppman a^od Mrs. I. U. Barr. Scholarship Aid Sought ( W w t . were conducted a t 2 p m . ! ■.,L.: d.iy m the Yoder Memorial 7 .!<m,. by the. Rev. Buckley s. Rude, i },a*,;rr of the Presbyterian Ghprch. ? , Burial was in the Glfn Foro.M s Cemetery ( * Mir, Kerihner was the datightei*, ?of John B. amt Ahn (Johnson) SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS MEET AT GEDARVILLE Thirty six; of the 49 members t>f'5at London; Grace IiUllereli, *«c * 4 - ** f i $:• ■ •-> / J i C. William O’Neill . . . Attorney General o f Ohio revenue and us a means of under, mining'and weakening our People, O’Neill warned that dope peddlers or "pushers" frequently give mari­ juana cigarettes to high school and college students until they be­ come slaves to the dope habit. Then, in order to get money with which a> buy drugs, the teen-age victims [turn to crimes such as robbery and (prostitution. j T}]C remarks concerning both {Communism and dope were viewed as especially significant for Grtene edtmly. An investigation sparked last June by 8herlff Clarence Btew- !art led to the recent round-up of ’ a large number of alleged dope "pushers" in Xenia and four other Soldo cities. For several years, the inames of Antioch College and Yel- Ochotftrshin Fund Tlie E;liMurJi,p, NV,v 1809 Hiu, fame to Yellow January 7th, at aft nil day meeting; Construction costs Committee is comiw'cd of Cliuir- in 1903 She was the widow.of the uasodtntion held at, Cedarviile, vl" c‘ 81,1001 wW*Uon man, Mrs Valdemar Carlson, J l n r 1 -T Ford Krrchn«r who died in .school jhig projc-ct bV onstruction costs «lf U * Cedari- *nd rnaodel' vc im -T J o dmef S jl rojeci t headed y John r . X »ne, Mitchell, Peg Mercer. Peg Charn.. 1943- I Officials from Greeftc County ^ ia s pney, Bill Deaton, and Ben Katun Mr. Kershner was afarmer and -were H. K. Baker, superintendent of lvw ea MS a uiauclt* Three Bryan High student'! Were was for many years a village |Fairborn schools; R. J, Warner, helped by Scholarships last year. 'Councilman. He fit trie tbnft operat-! superintendent of Xenia city The amount given was $550. Thcr<s ed a delivery service In Yellow (schools; 32. G. Shaw, supervising Is $200 in the scholarship fund now. •Springs. In 1938, Mr. and Mrs. principal of Beavercreek; R. O. if there arc three applications this Kershner celebrated their golden ’ Impson, supervising principal of year, more money will be needed. Wedding annlvorsaary. Mr. nnd Bcllbrook; Lorena BuWs, supervls- It was recommended by the Com- Mrs- Kershncr werc members of thelng principal of Spring Valley... Or- mittee that It would be well to of- Presbyterian church, fer some aid to local teachers going , Mrs. Kershner’s interests to summer schcol. There are some grade school teachers here who do not have their B- S degree. Tlit board of Education allots $150 u each teacher attending sumnioi school. Miami Grange Meets Jan. 20 Thr regular meeting of thc Miami Griuge will be held January 20, at t:0t pm. in the new grade school aiditorium. All thc members of fcgree team are asked to be pres­ ent for practice. cen­ tered primarily around the home, the was one of the few housewives ■vho wt-re adept at, and practiced! val Labrtg, supervising principal of Jefferson; John Halcbin, supervising principal of Miami Twp. schools; E. W. Knvanaugh, supervising prin­ cipal of Ross; and Greco Lutlerell, he art of home making to the ex- (secretary at Cedarviile schools, font of baking her own bread. Her ! Hosts were Cedarviile Supcrln- hlef outside Interest was the tendent, W. W. Boyer, Principal Clyde Waiker, and County Superin­ tendent, Vaughn Lewis, ilnirch Surviving Mrs. Kcrafaer art three sons, Faye c . of Yellow Springs, R. T. No. 1, Fred, vice president of the Miami Deposit Bank. Orvla, local mall carrier! two daughters, Mrs. Bossl® Surras, of North Falrfioid and M*rs. Clara i Collins of Xenia, R. T. No. 4, Three brothers, George and Oliver Spar­ row of Springfield « nd J. B. Spar­ row of Columbus a l » aurvive. There are six grandchildren and four great grand children. Discussions following luncheon at noon were conducted by Boyer, Walker and Lewis about Cedarviile school, Office problems and janitor prob­ lems were discussed by members of a paftel of which W< A. Smith, superintendent of city schools at Washington C. If- was moderator. Other members of the panel in­ cluded Ralph McCanbrldgfi, execu­ tive head !>f Madison local School lout was made through the new* .building Total architect’s fees weir e $333,922 52 It wan announced. Coeds per square foot was $10.87. Enrollment In grades one throughf six is 330; grades seven to twelve^ 261, which makes a total enroll-! ment of 591. ‘ Some of the office praWcms' which confronted tlie group in­ cluded (1) Should the school secre­ tary also act as dork of the Boarid of Education? (2) V/liat about gluing credits to students who assist ,n the office? <31 Do students publi­ cize private isdormatfon in tibe Office? Questions (concerning problems included (1) Do you or the eustodbur do the buying? (2) Are school cus­ todians useful in teaching health habits? (3) What should one do when two good janitors cs$n’t get along together? ADMIT WItUL The Wilt of. Mary B,- Ductevant, late of Yelow springs, was ad­ mitted to probate- ' The twin evils or narcotics and low Springs haVe appeared wltft !Communism highlighted the address j ® , V .. . ... . . Communist infiltration in the V. B, jof C, William O'Neill, Attorney- Iu ln<J rcCen{, narcotics round-up. iGcneral or Ohio, before the South- An employee of Vertwy Laboratories, Total;western Ohio Sheriffs AKOclatlon iYeIlow springs, was among those dinner at Fairborn this week charged With being a dope peddler Sheriff Clarence Stewart, of m Greene County on a weekly route Greene County, was host to the which covered Jamestown and law enforcement officers, -Cedarviile in addition to Xenia and Yellow Springs was represented Yellow Springs, by Chief of Police Russell Bradley | o'NelH told the Sheriffs of a O'Neill pointed out that thc specific case Involving n girl who Communist Manifesto directs Red ‘ was g. student at Western Reserve agents to make grabbing control o f ; university She became a Victim of the central police agency the first the dope habit and was finally thing they do when they are tel*- ’ located hi a house of ili-fanV in lng power in any nation Recom-|the slums of Chicago after the al- mending that law enforcement “ be (jowaiicc given her by her fan-ily kept in the local hands where the (and her own legitimate earnings founding fathers so wisely put It,” proved insufficient to buy the sre- thc Attorney-General declared that qtiired amount of narcotics. Communist agents in the U. S have j The Communists and Other traffic- been frustrated because they have ^kers 1ft dope get a huge profit from not found a central police agency; tj,eir ngly business, the speaker such as exists In European coun-iigald. He pointed out that $25.00 tries, f worth of heroin m jttftly is worth By act of the Ohio General As*(front $25,000 to $30,000 in Ohio, sembly* the ihvestlgatlcm of twoj O'NciJI warned smaSl town t o f tmajor current problems has be- *eftfoteement agencies to be espec. come the responsiblliity of the A t- ,Jnlly alert since drives against dopf 1torney-Geliaral. "pushers”ift metropolitan centers Anti-subveraive investigation will have caused them to float Into of 13 fanners to represent his town- !be directed by O'Neill's office after Smaller communities and rural areas ship on a sheep improvement p rog -,February I. The twin problem cf m-nr cities ram for 1»M at a recent Ar«a [narcotics will also be Investigated Flock owner's Pprlngfleld at the YMCA . R, E, Huprnan and the Fulton i.iroihers were 2 of the winners of a pasture improvement contest 42 CEDARVILLE F.F. F, & Litteral, f ................ 8 2 10 J. JUdy. t ________—4 0 4 h. Stover, f j.__ ,-^--2 3 5 J. MVic Millan, e 1* 2 20 G. Bennington, g -_»-6 2 8 D. Raase, g - —. —^0 1 X D, Tackett, g 10 3 13 The remainder of the Bryan schedule; Tan, 15 — Jefferson — At Bryan ran. 22 — Ross — At Bryan Tan. 29 — Spring Valley — At Bryan Feb. 5 — St- Brigid — At St. Brigld Feb. 12 — Bcllbrook — At Bryan Tournament games — February 18-30-23-24*25, Extra play-off on March 1 We'd like to see more jeoplc out to sec these games and to .give our boys more encourage­ ment. Skinner, Hupman Fultons Honored Brook Skinner was elected one The annual election of offidirs o f election held In‘ and a legislative program again,t the law enforcement group was dope is to be submitted to the next held at their Fairborn meeting, General Assembly Mtetdy elected officers i f * ¥$ffdt Only three slates have thus far Chief dec Slackmote, MiddiHbpi, investigated the dope traffic, O'Neill ’ prcsldeWl; Sheriff Rioydl Spitief, r l- ,* nmmtv Boil’ 8*1*1* In a1' three, the speaker Eaton, vice president, and Detective m t m d h u m , « , « - winrnt Will bn unnmiuncf-d at b :at 4,16 increasing; use of marijuana; tary.trcasurer. wlni ffr . be Oakland *nd hcro,n ^ tecn-agers, ! Retiring officers Included Sheriff Referring to the report by Feder- ,j , Arthur ShUniart, prisidertt, and al authorities that the Communists Deputy Sheriff jf, Walter Gregg are using dope both as a source of iboth Of Springficjd. dinner meeting at Presbyterian Church in Springfield, Tfcw top winner was chosen on a pa*t*re judgment tour in September, H. V, Hupman’s Jerseys were close behind the winners accord- p I P R C A N I A T G lng to the Clark County Dairy Ser- j r A I j O . * vice Cooperative's report for De­ cember, Wg 37 Jerseys produced an average <*f 407 pounds of fat and 772 pound* of milk, Three rows are dry. jm m HUBBARD . jam s us Mr.mud Mr*. John Hubbard, M2 FnllftflgldFlke, announce Jthe arrival of m boby g'irt. *h « wae bom at Mb, ’ey atoqdtai in 'Springfield, Mon­ day, -January 11, i Mrs. E, F. Saylon, of Saylor j Realty, left this week for Mayo Mrs. Wilbur Evcrman, Jackson'0110^ for treatment. She will re- Road, entered Mercy Hospital/.Wr" I/l01nday- Januftry rtel,n« „ . ....................... , *, '.much better, we hope, Springfield last Monday for minor} ’ surgery, Mr, and Mrs. Fioyd Edwards an- noufice the birth of a son- TIuy Mr. Many Tibbs, Dayton Pntc,|„M at 509 LlncoIn Ct. who lias been a patient at City ) Hospital at Springfield, la now home. Mrs. Wilbur Fink 1$ progressing nicely since her return home from the hospital last week, Mrs. Eldon Saycr is Improving slowly since her trip to thc hospital over a week ago. Harold Gibbs, Robert Metcalf and Lee Johnston are home on a 14 day furlough having completed baslo training at Ft. Knox, Ky, Harold Gibbs and Lee Johnston will re­ turn to Ft. Knox, January 22 to at­ tend school for 10 weeks, Robert .Metcalf will go to Ft, Monmouth, )N, J, to attend rador repair school.