A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

122 Chapter 6: Training for Strength Key Terms: Accommodation Fiber type transition Repetition Agonist muscle General physical preparedness Repetition method Antagonist muscle Henneman’s size principle Reversibility Assistance exercise Individuality Sarcopenia Bands Intermediate muscle fiber Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy Bone density Linear periodization Set Chains Load Slow-twitch muscle fiber Compound exercise Max effort method Specific physical preparedness Compression exercise Myofibril Specificity Concentric contraction Myofibrillar hypertrophy Stabilizer muscle Conjugate method Non-linear periodization Strength training Deload Olympic lifting Structural exercise Directed adaptation Osteoporosis Tempo Dynamic effort method Partials Time under tension Eccentric contraction Periodization Traction exercise Eccentric training Power exercise Volume Fast-twitch muscle fiber Progressive overload Learning Objectives: • List and discuss the foundational terms necessary to understand strength training • Address the impact and significance of strength training on overall body composition and bone density • Discuss the physiological differences in regard to muscle hypertrophy between males and females • Describe the association between various load and rep range assignments associated with different strength training goals • Examine the differences and benefits associated with both linear and non-linear periodization models