A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

49 A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise training. Both MRT and circuit training involve performing multiple sets of the compound lifts. For MRT, the last set is comprised of at least three micro-sets with short intra-set rest periods interspersed (e.g., 20 seconds). The unique programming and execution of MRT is believed to result in a higher post-exercise caloric expenditure, up to four times higher, than traditional low-intensity steady state exercise (Cosgrove, 2019). Similarly, some forms of ET may be more effective than others. According to Swain & Franklin (2006), vigorous-intensity endurance training (e.g., high-intensity interval training (HIIT)) seems to promote more favorable results than low- to moderate-intensity endurance training (e.g., low-intensity steady state exercise (LISS)). Figure 3.6. Hierarchy of Exercise for Fat Loss As a result, Cosgrove (2019) assigns recommendations (Table 3.3) as to when and how to prioritize the different types of training based on the available amount of time to exercise each week. For example, if you only have 3 hours or less to exercise each week, and your primary fitness goal is to lose weight, then you should only perform ST, preferably MRT and/or circuit training. However, if you have between 3-6 hours or more to exercise each week, then you could engage in both ST and HIIT. If you have more than 6 hours to exercise each week you could engage in ST, HIIT, as well as LISS. Sample ST workouts for fat loss are provided in Table 3.4. Sample ET workouts for fat loss are provided in Table 3.5. Table 3.3. Prioritizing Training for Fat Loss Available Time Recommended Exercise Type ≤ 3 hours per week ST 3-6 hours per week ST & HIIT > 6 hours per week ST, HIIT & LISS