Cedars, September 2017

September 2017 5 CAMPUS { c r e a t i v e s } Jen Yosinski Designer Jen is a junior industrial design major. She excels at finding ways to get things for free and losing games of Magic: The Gathering. Kimberly Acevedo Designer Kimberly is a freshman pharmacy major. She enjoys drinking coffee, listening to Salsa music and loves being outdoors. Abigail Wisser Comic Artist Abigail is a junior English major. She loves Kate Beaton’s comics, seltzer water, and hearing about your day. She hopes to become a proud cat mom sometime soon. Berkeley Benson Comic Artist Berkeley is a senior information design major. She owns a charming hedgehog mug and an actual (less charming) hedgehog named Penderwick. Erica Zichi Videographer Erica is a sophomore broadcasting and digital media major. She is passionate about exceptional camera angles, music and worship, and adventure. Nathan Overlock Designer Nathan is a senior professional writing and information design major. He spends most of his day reading books and playing with his foster dogs from 4 Paws for Ability. Tasha Peterson Designer Tasha is a junior visual communication design major. She can usually be found obsessing over cute animals, enjoying nature, or dyeing her hair.