The Cedarville Review 2020

Table of Contents 1
Dreams - Kari Hupson 2
Editor's Foreword 4
1903 - Kari Nupson 8
Part 1I Poetry 9
Sing Me an Old Song - Amy Plank 10
All That Remains - Meghan Largent 11
Minty at Eye Level - Hannah Fair 15
An Ode to Dr. Deardorff - Nicolas Heath 16
The Father I Hope to Have - Griffin Messer 17
Living Sacrifice - Abigail Shaffer 19
Patterns - Katie Milligan 21
Prodigal - Griffin Messer 25
Psalm of the Sick and Unclean - Abigail Shaffer 26
Unknown - Ezra Shimabenga 28
To the Girls I Liked in Middle School/To the God I Claim to Love - Evan Ellis 29
1899 - Kari Nupson 30
Part II: Prose 31
The Electrician's Daughter: A Meditation on Love in 13 Chapters - Hannah Fair 32
Limit - Katie Milligan 36
Eternal Woodland - Brendan Rowland 47
October 8th - Meghan Largent 49
21:4 - Griffin Messer 52
Topophilia - Chloie Benton 54
Artist Statement - Kari Nupson 57
Acknowledgements 58