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Welcome to the

Commencement of

the Class of


Today is the celebration of the 107th Commencement of Cedarville University. There were five

graduates in that first graduating class: John Bickett, Raymond Gorbold, Homer McMillen,

Calvin Morton, and John Orr.

In 1887, five godly men were led to found Cedarville College. They envisioned the need to train

preachers and lay people for the work of God at home and abroad. Today their purpose lives on

at Cedarville.

Our theme for this academic year has been

For Christ

.. .

For Others

.. .


This has been

a fitting emphasis for my twenty-fifth and last year as president. Institutionally, we have had

a major emphasis through the years on evangelism, discipleship, and the Great Commission.

Our 667 graduating seniors are indeed committed to reaching their world for Christ.

They intend to model biblical Christianity in their families, the workplace, and every area of

their lives. Mrs. Dixon and I, along with our University family, congratulate the Class of 2003.

The hand of God has been on this institution. Cedarville has achieved a balance that is

distinctive - quality academics in harmony with a strong spiritual emphasis. The heartbeat of

every Christian school is what happens in chapel. As the chapel is the center of our campus, so

God is central in all that transpires here. We intend to maintain this focus on the centrality of

chapel for decades to come.

It is our prayer that you might have the joy of knowing Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.

Consider what the Bible says: "But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we

were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). "For all have sinned and fall short of the

glory of God ..." (Romans 3:23). "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal

life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23). "Yet


all who received Him,


those who

believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God ..." (John 1:12).*

This is a day of beginnings. Our graduates are beginning a new phase of their lives, and you can

begin your new life in Christ.


you do not know our Lord, won't you consider the claims of

Christ and make a commitment to Him today? You, too, can make a difference for Jesus Christ!


Cedarville University

*New International Version