The Idea of an Essay, Volume 4

190 The Idea of an Essay: Volume 4 Part II – communicative interaction. AAC: Augmentative & Alternative Communication , 23(1), 1-15 15p. The use of alternative and augmentative communication systems (AAC) has been widely researched. The participants in these various studies are in a wide variety of ages, though patterns show through all of them, particularly, patterns of interaction. This study evaluates the communication skills of seven young adult men who have used AAC systems at least 15 years. The study finds that interventions may be necessary in improving communication abilities with people using AAC systems, particularly in areas of active participation, social interactions, and communication functions. Straub, K., & Obrzut, J. E. (2009). Effects of Cerebral Palsy on Neuropsychological Function. Journal Of Developmental & Physical Disabilities, 21(2), 153-167. doi:10.1007/s10882-009- 9130-3 This article defines cerebral palsy as “a muscle and movement disorder that affects children and is the result of early brain injury.” The causes of these brain injuries may vary greatly, which is why children with cerebral palsy are considered a heterogeneous group. Specific areas of a child’s life is more affected due to the presence and severity of the CP. Specifically, areas of sensorimotor functioning, language and verbal skill, perceptual skill, learning, and memory are inhibited. This article explains the neuropsychology behind many of these issues faced by children with CP, and how they affect everyday life. What is Cerebral Palsy? (n.d.). Retrieved April 05, 2016, from https:// This website aims to expose Cerebral Palsy openly in an attempt to have better communication and, decision making, and, most importantly, acceptance.