Inspire, Winter 1998-99

A lumniHomecoming Chapel Alumnus ofthe Year Loren M.Reno'70 Loren Reno has made a global impact since his days as a Cedarville comprehensive science and education student. During his 24 years of service in the Air Force, Loren has served in 21 different capacities. Today, he is a colonel and the director oftechnology and industrial support at the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center,Tinker Air Force Base,Oklahoma.The 750- person Logistics Center provides technical and industrial support to the Air Force's largest air logistics depot. During his Air Force travels to 35 countries on six continents, Loren has airlifted troops, delivered medicine and supplies to refugees, resolved military petroleum issues, and discussed national security issues with U.S.embassy officials. He has been decorated with awards such as the Defense Superior Service Medal,Legion of Merit Award,Defense Meritorious Service Medal,Air Training Command Instructor Navigator of the Year,and the Defense Logistics Agency Director's Award for Organization Excellence. While at Cedarville, Loren was a President's Trophy winner,class officer, Student Council vice president, and Student Court chiefjustice. He was also a part of Varsity Club, Alpha Chi,WCDR,Xenia OSSO Home ministries, and varsity cross country and basketball. Cedarville basketball had a particular impact on Loren."I learned to eschew mediocrity and strive for excellence on the basketball courts at Cedarville—a pattern that has magnified the Lord's name since," he explained. Through Loren's involvement with Athletes for Christ and Venture for Victory basketball ministries, he went on five evangelistic basketball trips to four Central American and four East Asian countries. He has played numerous roles in church ministry and in the community,and has also served on the Cedarville College Alumni Council. Loren and his wife Karen(Chrestensen)'74 have three children: Rachel '00,Joseph,and Joshua."My greatest possession is my relationship with God,second is my wife and children," Loren added. He also shared a favorite verse of his—Micah 6:8: "He hath shown thee,0man, what is good,and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy,and to walk humbly with thy God." Young Alumna of the Year Kendra King Tsibouris'88 As assistant professor of nursing at Capital University and pediatric nurse practitioner at South West Pediatrics in Columbus,Kendra Tsibouris uses a blend of her nursing and teaching skills to minister to others."Kendra has quietly, but markedly,influenced her arena of the medical world," noted Jeff Brock, Cedarville development officer."When someone like Kendra is asked to teach her discipline to others, it is not only a testimony to her knowledge and understanding, but also a confirmation that others believe she is a role model within her discipline." After graduating from Cedarville with a nursing degree in 1988, Kendra went on to earn her master's degree in pediatric nursing from The Ohio State University. She took up the position of staff nurse at Children's Hospital in Columbus in 1988. In 1995 she was named Children's Hospital Nursing Faculty of the Year. Kendra and her husband Konstantin(Dino)'90 have been faithful supporters of Cedarville College. Kendra was instrumental in organizing the Cedarville class of 1988 reunion at Homecoming '98. While at Cedarville, Kendra ministered through Summer Swordbearers and ministry trips to the Heathergreen Nursing Home.She also served as vice president of the class of 1988 during herjunior and senior years. Today Kendra serves as secretary to both The Ohio State University Nursing Alumni Board and Sigma Theta Tau(National Honor Society for Nursing),Theta Theta Chapter. She is active in her local church as Sunday school teacher, children's choir director, and keyboardist. Kendra and Dino are awaiting the arrival of their first child."God has blessed my husband and me in so many ways,and we give Him all of the honor and glory," Kendra shared. One of Kendra's favorite verses is Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." Honorary Alumnus of the Year Clifford W.Johnson '98 Cliff Johnson's contributions to Cedarville have left a lasting impact on the College and its students. Through Cliff's work,the College gained regional accreditation from the North Central Association. He was instrumental in studying nursing and engineering majors as possible additions to Cedarville's programs—programs which are a vital part of Cedarville College today. Cliff also aided the College through his support of extension courses and study abroad programs. After serving his country as an Army Air Corps fighter pilot in WWII,Cliff earned his bachelor's and master's from Western Washington State University and his doctorate from the University of Washington. He worked in Washington as an elementary school teacher and principal before coming to Cedarville College in 1962. Through the years, he has served Cedarville in many capacities, including registrar, director of admissions, academic dean,and academic vice president. Since 1987, he has been assistant to the president. Cedarville College named Cliff Faculty Member of the Year in 1972 and conferred an honorary doctor of humanities on him in 1987."Cedarville College has been a wonderful opportunity for personal growth and service," Cliff shared."Friendships made here have been lasting and helpful. The Lord's hand is so evident in so many lives and in the progress of the College." Cliff's service activities include leading an MIS team to Brazil in 1973,serving as chairman of his church board of deacons,teaching Sunday school, presiding over the Xenia Rotary Club, involving himself in the Golden Age Senior Citizens Center Board of Trustees, and chairing the College United Way and the College Art Acquisition Committee. He holds memberships in the National Education Association and Phi Delta Kappa. Cliff and his wife of46 years, Eunice, had two children: Tim and Merilee Shank '75. Eunice passed away from Parkinson's disease in 1993, and,subsequently, Cliff married Pamela Diehl. professor of exercise and sport science at Cedarville College and Cedarville's 1990 Honorary Alumna of the Year.The Johnsons have three grandchildren. Distinguished Educator Award Irene B. Alyn Irene Alyn, whojoined the Cedarville College faculty in 1981, has been an invaluable asset to the College and her profession. Irene, who serves as chair of the department of nursing, was instrumental in initiating Cedarville's nursing program and guiding it through two successful accreditation cycles. Central to the excellence of the department's BSN program is the strong emphasis on Christian character development that prepares each graduate to use nursing as a ministry for Christ. The department's ministry trips to Togo, West Africa and the Central African Republic,led and/or participated in by Irene, give students a chance to apply the principles they have learned. Irene's many accomplishments and contributions led to her being named Cedarville College Faculty Member of the Year in 1986 and Scholar of the Year in 1997. Irene received her B.A.from Taylor University, her nursing diploma from Cook County School of Nursing,and her master's and doctorate from the University of Illinois. Irene taught at the University of Illinois for 14 years and earned the University's Faculty Member of the Year award in 1968. In 1980 she received the University's Distinguished Alumni of the Year honor. During her years in nursing and education, Irene has involved herself in a myriad of ways. She has been a member and/or chair of numerous health profession boards and committees on the local, state, and national levels. She has written books,chapters in books,journal articles, book reviews,and audio and visual materials. Her research and knowledge have been shared through her presentations at workshops,seminars,symposiums,and conferences. Outside of the classroom, hospital room,and board room,Irene is making another impact. For 25 years,Irene has been the camp nurse/Bible teacher for an annual canoeing and camping excursion to Canada. Irene has a great love for nature, as is evidenced by her membership in community nature conservancy groups. As a certified biblical counselor,Irene remains active in the counseling ministry of her church,as well as in the music and education ministries. Irene is always eager to show pictures of her first granddaughter, Nicole, born March 31 to her son Mark and his wife Mary. Distinguished Service Award Richard G. Walker'74 For 28 years, Dick Walker has served Cedarville College in a variety of positions. He has made contributions to the College as assistant food service director, resident director, dean of men,faculty member,and through his current position—director ofcampus activities. Yet in all these positions, one thing remains constant—Dick's humble,behind-the-scenes service to the College and community. His caring attitude and servant's heart have not gone unnoticed. "What has impressed me the most about him is how good he is about encouraging people through giving ... He loves to see faces brightened by an unexpected gift!" shared Jeff Beste, assistant director ofcampus activities."I have learned a lot about encouraging others by working with him over the past six years." Part of Dick's responsibilities as director ofcampus activities is advising the Campus Activities Board(CAB).Through his role of advisor,Dick is able to counsel and mentor numerous students. According to Jeff,"He teaches them what he does so well — all the little 'behind the scenes' details that make things so special." After earning an accounting degree at Bowling Green State University, Dick served in the Navy as a deck officer. He attended Cedarville for two quarters and later received his master's in education at the University of Dayton. Dick came to Cedarville College in 1970. In 1971, he traveled with the Swordbearers ministry team on their first outreach trip. His leadership guided the work of a Cedarville church planting team in Austin,Texas in 1981. He currently ministers as a deacon at his local church,and,as at Cedarville, he serves his church and community in many quiet acts of kindness and thoughtfulness too numerous to list here. Dick is married to Linda Madsen '71 and has a daughter,Tricia '96,and son,Scott'00. One of Dick's favorite verses is Galatians 2:20: "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ in me.The life I live in the body,I live by faith in the Son of God,who loved me and gave himself for me." He also appreciates the song "Find Us Faithful," a fitting song for a man who is faithful in leaving a legacy of service for others to follow. 3WINTER 1998/99