Torch, Spring 1982

Our country is in a spiritual crisis, our churches face mounting opposition, and Satan appears to be getting the upper hand. Why is this happening? I believe it is because Christians are not praying. It has been said that the average Christian in America spends only four minutes a day in prayer. It was found that pastors spend an average of only seven minutes per day conversing with God. In recent years, God has given me the privilege of speaking around the country on the subject of prayer. It is my favorite topic, because it is the one thing that has changed my life completely since I gave it totally over to God nine years ago. THE DIFFICULTY OF PRAYER Anyone who tells you that prayer is easy evidences the fact that he does not spend much time in prayer. A Christian who is serious about praying becomes an instant candidate for Satan's hit list. He opposes what hurts his program. Prayer is also difficult because it cannot be done just out of habit. Nominal Christians can attend church faithfully, read their Bibles, tithe, and even be a witness, and still remain nominal. This is because they have developed all the acceptable habits. But, there is one thing a believer will not do just out of habit - spend time alone with God in prayer. This is because only one of two things can happen if one prays with any seriousness: either his life gets right with God and remains pure, or he quits praying. There is no in– between. It is interesting to me that the terminology of Scripture alludes to the difficulty of praying . God uses words such as "wrestling," "striving," "laboring," and "agonizing." Friends, it is a battle to pray! THE PREPARATION FOR PRAYER Foremost, a person must be a Christian prior to any attempt at prayer. It has been said that the first prayer God wants to hear is the "sinner's prayer." This Praying As A Priority by Reese R. Kauffman involves confessing sins to God and by faith receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Secondly, a Christian must be in proper fellowship with the Lord in order to expect his prayers to be answered. This means there is no known sin harbored in the heart. "If I regard iniquity ill my heart, the Lord will not hear me" (Psalm 66: 18). I have found that the most important prayer time of my day is my first waking moment. This is before my mind gets cluttered with the events of the day. First, I examine my heart to see if it is free of sin. Next, I yield myself to the Lord for the day, giving Him control of my thoughts, my eyes, my tongue, my hands, and my feet. "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight ... (Psalm 19:14) . WHY PRAY? Frankly speaking, there is only one word for prayerlessness - sin! God has commanded that we pray and He expects us to obey (Matthew 26:41; Philippians 4:6; James 4:2). That is why we must pray . If the President of the United States called me on the phone and invited me to dinner at the White House, believe me, there is nothing on my busy schedule that I could not cancel in order to make that dinner date. Why? Because, the President asked me to come. Yet, has not the King ofKings asked us - yes, ordered us - to pray? Do we arrange our schedule to comply with His request? In addition, Christians should make supplication to God because there is power in prayer (Matthew 7:7; John 14:13; John 15:7; Luke 10:2). It is God's way to accomplish His plan and purpose for our lives. We pray, and He answers. It's simple and powerful. Lastly, believers should pray because it is a valuable exercise in itself, aside from the response of God. What happens to Reese Kauffman when he prays? I am conscious ofGod and His presence because I am talking to Him. Your day and my day will always be better if we are constantly aware of His presence. Would you be