Torch, Spring 1982

afraid of anything if you sensed Christ were by your side? Of course not. Then as we pray often, we are constantly recognizing the presence of God, and thus we need not fear any crisis. WHEN TO PRAY I Thessalonians 5:17 states , "Pray without ceasing ." Is this possible? Three other scriptures echo the same admonition: Philippians 4:6; Luke 18:1; and Colos– sians 4:2. Let me share with you twelve suggested times throughout a given day to pray to God. 1. Early morning. Begin your day with God and it will help you to go with God all day (Psalm 63: 1). 2. Pray anytime that you feel the peace of God dis– turbed in your life . Then, it is time to pray (Colossians 3:15). 3. Pray when you face temptation (Matthew 26:41). 4 . Pray everytime you need wisdom or courage (James 1:5) . 5. Pray when you witness (Colossians 4:2-6). 6. As fathers drive home after work, be in prayer (Colossians 3:8 , 12-15) . You are going home to be the spiritual leader in that household. The first ten minutes will set the tone for the entire evening. 7. Pray everytime you eat (Ephesians 5:20) . 8. Pray each time the Holy Spirit seems to be prompting you to pray. 9 . When you promise to pray for someone, do it. This is promising God that you will pray for that person (Ecclesiastes 5:4) . 10 . Pray in preparation for church services (Ephesians 5: 16). 11. Pray when you feel grateful (Ephesians 5:20) . 12 . Pray when you want to do the most you can for someone (Colossians 1:3, 9-11) . IS IT EVER WRONG TO PRAY? Do not be shocked. There are indeed times when it is inappropriate to pray because God will not answer. When? Let me suggest four times. 1. When you want God's blessing on something that clearly violates Scripture. 2. When you harbor unconfessed sin (Psalm 66: 18). 3. When there are conflicts between husband and wife (I Peter 3:7). 4 . When you are not using your resources and your talents for God . HOW DO WE PRAY? One of the most precious experiences that I have had recently was leading a nineteen-year-old fellow to the Lord in my office . I asked him to pray aloud to God just as if He were sitting in a chair right across from him. As he started to pray, I peeked, and what I heard and witnessed really touched my heart . He was praying with his head half bowed, his eyes wide open, and looking at that empty chair. You would have thought Jesus was really there in bodily form! His words were 5 those of a person simply talking to a new found friend - no flashy phrases, no $600 sentences . There is no need for Christians to impress God with their speech. Simply tell Him what is on your heart. He will understand, and He will respond . In Hebrews 4: 16 you are invited to come to God boldly. No problem is too small for God. When you hurt badly, pray, knowing that He understands your innermost feelings . He has already experienced your hurt (Hebrews 4: 15). Pray in the Spirit. This can be done only if we are filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5: 18). If we are controlled by the Spirit, we will pray in the will of God; and if we pray in God's will, we are assured our prayers will be answered (I John 5:14,15). Do not use vain repetitions (Matthew 6:7,8) . These are the rehearsing of words from the mind and not the heart. Christians do this today when they pray in generalities. I believe in "model and serial number praying" - that is, praying specifically. When He answers such a supplication, we know He has answered! We get the encouragement and God gets the glory. Romans 12: 12 reads, " ... continuing instant (diligently) in prayer." How do you feel when you miss a prayer commitment, compared to missing a mortgage or insurance payment? Pray with forgiveness in mind for any who have hurt or offended you (Mark 11:25). Bitterness renders prayer useless. Pray and supplicate (Philippians 4:6). These terms do not mean the same thing. Supplicate in Hebrew means to "cry for mercy," and in the Greek, "ask a favor in special intensity." Include thanksgiving as you pray (Philip– pians 4:6) . This answers the question, "What can I give to God Who has been so gracious to me?" Lastly, pray for your own spiritual weaknesses. This is one of the most important elements in the "how to' s of prayer." This might include praying for a greater burden for the lost, a greater hunger for the Word, a greater hatred of sin, or a greater longing for godliness. We have absolute assurance of an answer to this type of prayer (I John 5:14,15). IN CONCLUSION What our country needs is a revival. But, this will not come as more souls are saved. It will not happen just because we elect a few Christian politicians. I am convinced that the answer to the ever increasing crisis in our nation will only come as Christians get serious about prayer. The Bible is very clear about this: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and tum from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" (II Chronicles 7:14). The question must be asked, "Will you begin to pray - really pray?"