Torch, Spring 1994

• The Scripture speaks of joyful giving (2 Corinthians 9:7), and in my role at Cedarville College, I have seen numerous people experience great joy from the act of giving. Surely they recognized what their gift wOuld accomplish, and that brought joy also. But their primary joy came from the act of giving as unto the Lord. This attitude typically requires cultivation aild practice, for most of us are far more adept at grasping than we are at giving. The amount of joy does not depend on the size of the gift; it depends on the size of the heart. Jesus honored the widow who had but two small coins to ~ve, and on another occasion He ~ed that a woman who gave a lavish gift gave much because she had been forgiven much. In both cases, the giving came from people who knew God in sincerity and whose hearts were joyful from HisDMSrcy. Torch 7