Torch, Summer 1978

Ceda1vllle Colleqe GIFT Dl;POolT AGRl;l;M~HTo provide the flexibi lity of a savings account . In addition, the deposited funds assure a significant contri– bution to the future of Christian Higher Education . Automatic Rate of Renewal Interest Date 7% 1 Month 7%% 36 Months 8% 60 Months ADVAHTRGi;o NOW 1. You regularly receive semi-annual in– terest payments . 2. You may withdraw at automatic re– newal date without interest penalty. 3. You may add deposits at any t ime. 4. You have assurance that the agree– ment balance will be used to se rve the Lord . 5. Your funds may currently be used to fund a needed project at Cedar– ville College. Minimum Deposit $100 $500 J $1,000 LATER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Type& of Aq1eements Support is assured for a loved one through survivorship agreements. The gift principal escapes probate at death of survivor. The gift principal avo ids long delays and high settlement costs. Federal Estate and State Inheritance taxes are avo ided . The entire transaction avoids unde– sirable publicity . For complete information, contact the Development Department at Cedarville College, Cedarville, OH 45314