1917 Cedrus Yearbook

JANUARY 1. JANUARY 2. JANUARY 3. 19 17 NOVEMBER 13. Rev. Koontz of S. Charleston gives talk in chapel on Alaska and his ex- periences as a missionary. NOVEMBER 14. Bids submitted for printing of 1917 Cedrus. Mr.Evans lectures in Opera House???? NOVEMBER 15. State Sec.of Y.M.C.A.Mr I3joelke visits Y.M.makes big hit in chapel. Forfurther information see business manager of this "sheet." Mr. Evans actually arrives and in lectureon "What America needs" he takes the conceit out of us and shows what America does need. NOVEMBER 10. Prayer-meeting in chapel in behalf of evangelistic services. Dr. Atkinson opens three weeks' evangelistic services at Opera House. NOVEMBER 17. "Newly-weds." Doc. Lloyd '15 and • Miss Dallas are belled. Dire threats of being "canned.'causes several perfectly good R. P's to quake in their boots. NOVEMBER 21. Dr. Atkinson leads chapel service with inspiring song service. He presents 100 new song books for chapel use. NOVEMBER Basket Ball starts for girls and boys teams. Good prospects for both."Tom"Kennon elected captain of boy's team. NOVEMBER 3. Normal class pays visit to Ross Twp. schools thru' mild "up to the neck". Mr. Sullenberger sings in chapel. NOVEMBER 4. Mr. McIntyre visits chapel and organizes I. I'. A. Association. H. S. and college night at evangelistic meetings. NOVEMBER V. Carl Duncan, an old student of 1912-14, here from Darlington, Pa. NOVEMBER 9. Dr. McChesney gives Thanksgiving address In chapel. P.II. Creswell comes in (lur- ing chapel. NOVEMBER 30. Thanksgiving vacation. Few of the students go home to feast on turkey. DECEMBER . 4. Fourth number of the Lecture course., Reading by Miss Bewly. Some rain,especially down at the station. For particulars ask Senior (lass Pres. "et cetera" of the Sophomores. DECEMBER 5. Everbody back from Thanksgiving with turkey and pumpkin pie in their eye. We decide to remain in State Oratorical Association. DECEMBER 0. Boy's B. B.team putting on finishing touches for first game Fri. night. Dr. Chesnut pays his first visit to practice. DECEMBER 7. Boys divide proceeds of Hallowe'en feed,(a 35c box of candy). Chapel piano develops sudden wheezing in inward parts and Prof. Wright pulls a great sheet of paper therefrom. DECEMBER 8. Mr.McIntyre from Xenia Sem. here helping raise funds to send delegatesto Lexington convention. B. B. season opens with 52-20 victory over Springfield Y. M.C. A. DECEMBER 11. Nine rahs for Girl's and Boy's B. B. team. "Don't forget to pay your tuition." DECEMBER 12. Rev. McLennan gives a great talk in chapel. Several students journey to Yellow Springs to see Antioch defeat Wittenberg in B. B. DECEMBER 14. Pep meeting for B. B. game Fri. night with Bliss College. Sophomore spread at Creswells. DECEMBER•15. College closes on account of scarlet-fever. B. B. game canceled. Vacation begins. New Years resolutions made only to be broken next day. Students return. Prof. Rob.Harper talks in chapel. Cam Ross and mustache appear in chapel. Hesings a solo. JANUARY 5. Both teams go to Wilmington. Score? Nuf ced.. JANUARY 7. Geo. Smith elected cheer leader. JANUARY 10. Dr. McChesney announces thatsince June 1910, the endowmentfund has been increased by $7000. 98