1921 Cedrus Yearbook

1921 THE STADIA OR a College, whose existence covers only twenty-seven years, Cedarville holds an enviable record in Athletics. Turning back over her history we find that in 1897 her footfall team defeated such Colleges as Antioch, Wilberforce, and Witten- berg. The Baseball Championship was grasped by Cedarville the same year and for three years she was acknowledged champion in both sports by all of the surrounding Colleges. Owing to her size it was very difficult for her to send out winning teams but in spite of this she continued to send out football teams until 1911 and baseball has never been taken from her Athletic Calendar. In 1902 Dr. John Alford presented to the College the old R.P. Church building. This was converted into a gymnasium and the organization of Basketball teams was made possible. Since this time Basketball has been Cedarville's leading sport and many fast teams have represented old C. C. on the floor. Teams from Muskingum, Baldwin-Wallace, Denison Uni- versity, and Carnegie Tech. have met our teams and found them worthy opponents. The Girls' Team of 1911 were State Champions. Owing to the War and other unfavorable conditions Cedarville Ath- letics have taken a slump during the past few years but we have not"given up." No, Sir! Some one has said that "You never do know how hard Cedarville can fight until she's in the last ditch and when you think she has lost she hasn't." We have our plans made for bigger and better Ath- letics at Cedarville next year. A Football team is assured and the pros- pects for Basketball and Baseball are bright. No one who is interested in Athletics will make a mistake in coming to Cedarville next year. We are getting set now and next September we are going to GO. A BOOSTER '23. 76