1921 Cedrus Yearbook

1921 LI SEPTEMBER 13. Those anxious to begin work arrive in town. SEPTEMBER 14. Those who were not so anxious arrive just in time,for— SEPTEMBER 15. School began. Address by Rev. Foster. SEPTEMBER 16. "Oh,those classes." SEPTEMBER 17. C. E. reception at the R. P. Church. Yes, we got acquainted and also learned some valuable dope on beauty hints. SEPTEMBER 20. Talks of having spreads. SEPTEMBER 21. It really happened. The Juniors had a spread. •Just the Juniors, you say? No, the Sophomores did too and many gladly received the rinds from the watermelons. SEPTEMBER 22. Gentle hints by the Prof's to "cut out spreads during the week." SEPTEMBER 23. Close watch on the Freshies. Many thought they were going to break loose. SEPTEMBER 24. Freshies really had a "2 minute" meeting to get acquainted. Ep- worth League entertained the college students. Some time we had, too. But afterwards! Ask Clarke and Brown about that! SEPTEMBER 25. Who stacked the rooms? SEPTEMBER 2'7. The thoughts of the Sophomores: "The Freshman never will have a spread." SEPTEMBER 28. Soph's never do study. Another spread. SEPTEMBER 30. And—the Freshies had a spread. OCTOBER 1. Chicken feed at the Gym but several Freshies could not stand two nights in succession. OCTOBER 5. First meeting of the Foreign Mission Study Class. The attendance was fine. OCTOBER 8. Did you say spreads? Juniors and Seniors had some spread. Freshies and Soph's made a visit to the grave yard. OCTOBER 11. First meeting of Orange and Blue. Splendid attendance and program. OCTOBER 12. The girls had some spread at Ramsey's and then—kimono parade. OCTOBER 13. Iron rule of the Seniors teaching. OCTOBER 14. Glee Club practice. OCTOBER 15. Boys' spread at Cooper's but do you know our Science teacher seems to have been present? How strange! OCTOBER 19. "The Climax Company" as the first Lecture Course number. There was a fine attendance even if some did go to the wedding. Whose? Why, James Chestnut's. OCTOBER 20. Yes, the Freshmen had a spread. Why didn't we chase them? Really we didn't have time, a good reason. OCTOBER 22. Sophomore spread. They have nothing else to do. Bible Reading con- test tonight with thirteen contestants. Results: McKune, first; C. Duncan, second; Markle, third. 76 ••••