1929 Cedrus Yearbook

The 1928 C edrus Cedarville College D ia ry , 1928-1929 M a y 26—Muskingum loses, 7-5. Umpire bribed. 27— Cedrus autographers get writer’s cramp. 28— Seniors stage “ The Patsy.’ ’ 29— Cedar Day. No airships. 30— Memorial Day for the Blue and the Gray. 31— Board meets at college. Team meets Antioch. Both successful. Grads g o b b le a t G y m . J u n e 1— C a p an d G o w n p a r a d e , tw o b y tw o on th e A v e n o o . J u d g e F lo r e n c e A l l e n s e n te n c e s c la s s . 11— Republican konclave at Kansas City. Hoover sweeps. 26— Democrats at Houston. Waste of time. July 4—Gunpowder day. Three scars for the red, black and blue. Aug. 3—Collitch almost gets $10,000 from N. Y. Ho! Hum! 26—Xenia Homecoming. Old bill owers return. 30—State Fair’s big day. Do people still go there? 2— Labor Day. No work. 5—Clifton’s first Republican rally. 1 0— S tu d e n t s a r r iv in g b y t r a in an d bu s . Billy Sunday strong. Some busted. 11— Cash and register day. Feetball practice. 12— Grand opening. Fess and Begg beg off. YWelcome Tea bee. 13— Jinx number day for adm. card losers. Song street. 14— Parson Jamieson in chapel. Footbawlers begin to tire. C o l le c t io n w ea k . Sept. atldetes. s tu d e n t s , 5 Chillicothe service on Page One Hundred Seven