1929 Cedrus Yearbook

The Cedrus i 16—W. R. j>reaches to students at U. P.’s. Several students there. 18— Student body tintype taken. Yiinca function at the yimnasium. Heads scissored. 19— Local holiday declared. Ice cream at the Club. 20— The “ Twoyears” elect Lyon king of beasts. 21— Freshwomen get bibs. Candy party at the dentist’s. Business? 22— Co-ed crowd thumbs and hoofs to Zeenyuh. 24— Gridiron rehearsal with Pinky Wilson’s Central Stars. 25— Presby. recepshun. Cool outside. Cold insides— ice cream. Quorum present. Punch is favorite entertainer. 26— Mary Lib runs out of gas. Mary Lib runs. 27— Pepper meeting after chapel. Girls form “ Bells of St. Mary’s” Club. 28— Males trek to “ Old Kaintuck.” Foster and Beam, pathfinders. Foster eats a biscuit. 29— Hillikans win. Oct. 1—Judgment day for Fresh, femmes. Big Ben disappears. 2—Fac. Jun. Sen. photos. Juniors put on feedbag. 4— World’s Serious. Cedar groups, unserious. Yell meeting. 5— H. S. almost defeats Lanier. 6— Div. “ A” beats Div. “ CC” 31-6. Long division. 11— Jeanhilmaryuth go barefeeted to Cliffs. Soph, phoodphest. Barracks upheaved. Wilson taken for a ride. 12— Old Man “ River” Grande comes tomorrow. 13— Xtremely hot. Rio hot. 12-0. 15—Philos, meet and organize. Philas. disorganized. Prof. Hostettler says, “ Since skirts aren’t worn any longer.” Pun? Wilmington treats us fine—before and after the game. Fresh, feedsters munch at Morton’s. ■MEtliodists entertame. Lucky Luckner packs ’em in and mashes a dime at Opera. Second Republican rally at Clifftown. Curtiss-Cooper warm at festival. Badge beggars busy. Kent 27 on the 27th. WLW— “ World’s Largest Windbag” becomes bothersome. False face frolic at the arena. On the ladies. Girls clean up Gym. Hays cleans up square. Nov. 3—General Motors parade to OSU game. 5— Morgan’s men massacreed. 39-0. 6— Selection Day. Hoover barely gets in. 8— UP function. Third and last. At last. 9— Wilmington wins— they always do. 12—Seedrus playpractice. 14— Hartman House Harshly Handled. 15— Stag bunny bake at Alford. Boys eat. Galloway talks. 16— Hartman housebreakers harshly handled. 17— Last act. Rio seventy-something. They haven’t such a bad team. 26— Full dress rehearsal. Furnace goes Boom and bum. 27— “ Tommy.” Three acts in three hours. 28— Basketbawl steams up. Soffeed at Rumbaugh’s. 29— College closed by Pres. Coolidge’s edict. 30— Turkey’s revenge day. 17­ 19­ 22 ­ 23­ 25­ 26­ 27­ 29­ 30­ 31- Page One Hundred E ight