Channels, Fall 2023

112 • Attitudes of Students toward Foreign Languages Channels 2023 Tp rhoi sg rias ma . sTthued my eotf hoondeo lhoiggyh osf cthhoi so sl ’tsu Fd Ly cs cohuol do l bteo rceopnedautcetd f uwr itthhe ra nr eostehaerrc hh iog nh At omwearri dc aFnL ss e. Fc uo nr tdhaerryr setsueda er nc ht sc’ oaut tl idt uhdeel ps rt he ef i nset ub dr oe andt qquuael si ttai ot invne aqi ruee sat inodn s cfor uo ml d fbi inl idt ya owf a tyhteo Li mi kpe rr ot vi et etmh es ipnet er tranianli nr egl i tao- tohnel yo ur ge hs et -atroc Lh 2e rs ei nl f . tMh oi sr esot uv de ry, Iawn da s ht ahde lmi my i dt eadt a t. iWm ei t ha nmdo rree stoi mu rec, eost ht oe r afna ac tl yozr es sl euvcehl ac os ugl ednhdaevr ,e abgeee, nF La,n aa nl ydz/eodr tgor as de ee ha no dwmt ho et iyv aitmi opna tcot waasr tduad eFnLt. ’As sattht iet uodnel ys rs eosne atroc hveer r, iIf yd i dt hneo tt hheamv ee sa ntohtahte rwpeerre- do ni s ct oh ve eqr ue da l i tt ahtriov ue gdha ttah, ewmhai ct ihc i sa naalliyms iis- tation of this study. Conclusion To nh di sa rsyt usdt yu di en nv tess’ t iagtat ti teudd eAsmteorwi caarnd sFeLcs- uc asni n gs eDc oönr ndyaer yi ’ ssLt u2dMeSnSt s. Of rvoemr a ltl h, Ai smhei gr ih- sact thi ot uodl esse et omwtaor dh at hvee FgLe nt he reayl layr ep os st ui tdi vye- ivni sgi.o nT hoef c sr teuadt ienngt sa nhiadveea l ssoeml f ew hf uo t hu ar es shoa mv ee ak nb oa swi cl ekdngoewo lf ead Fg Le , owf ht he et hlearn igt ui sa gt oe oa nr dt ot hgeoyoanl stoo fbi nedc osmt ued ay ni nagctthi veel aLn2g uusaegre, it nh tee rl ei tsetri na tgu, r we ht ihcaht ee fxf ae mc t ii nv ee lsy aat tdi dt us d et os aF nu dr t hme ro trievsaet ai or nc hs ios f n leaendgeuda gt oe bl ee tatrenr earss-. cleearrtnaiinngthe ought-to L2 self and the L2 experiences. Additional ra et es etahrec hviasrai ol suos npeaerdtes dotfo tbheet t Le 2r Md eSlSi n ien- At hmi se rmi caayn si me cpoancdt a trhy esi rt u dmeonttisv aatni odnh ot ow- ws earrvde aa s FaL coa vs ee rs ttui md ye .f oTrhai s l asrt ug edry smc aal ye sr ot ul ldmy e no nt i fna cat oFrLs aanf fde cht ionwg st ot u md eani nt t ea ni n- shtiugdhesncthso’ oeln. rollment during and after