Channels, Fall 2023

46 • “A Guiding Star to the Youth of Every Land” Channels 2023 nd oo et se mt op lcooyn vsiennctei mtehnet j ua sd goen ea nlda wj uy reyr tbhurtohueg ph a es smi oont iaot ne l ya nc od n nf rootn tt rs uMt hr . W( 5 a1l9s )h, wT hhoeung rhe jCe lcat ui ndgi aM’ s r .mWa rarl isahg’ se cbarseea k( 4s 9h4i)s. hp er oa mr t ias ne ds darfitveerswhai rmd st o taol c onheovl e, rI s hdmr ianekl awghaoi n a( l6l o0 w4 )s. Shoi us t he mw oo rt itohnpsr et soe ni nt sf l au emnac ne hc oi mn t froorl lgeodoHdebrumt anno. tHceornut rsoel ohfi mt h ea ss et hn et iy- mental in Ishmael harkens back to male ds eonetsi mneontt i ni ntchoer epiogrhatteee nut hn-ccoennttruorl yl abbul et e1m1 2o;t iPo ent eor rs o nm i8s p3l)a, cseidg n ma l ionrga l itthya t( Bs he lel vr aatl euse s ac okni nt rdo ol l fe dm a nehmoootdi otnh a t i ni ntcoo r phoi s- bMeahdaev i oMra. nA, s Swo ui tthh wt hoer t chu lrte od fe et mh es Seellef -- fme ee lni nt sg oaf nt dh ei neci go hr pt eoer na tt he s- c tehnet mu r yi nmt oa Ins ho -f mael’s character. Southworth’s Ideal Man and Mobile Morality Sc oo uu rt hs ews oor ft hmi annt ehroaocdt s t wo ict rhe av taer i aonu si ddei as -l tehmapt haadsdi zse tso rt ehset r aliinmeidt amt i oannsh o oodf . Srhee- sMt ri da di nl ee tdo n m’ s amnahnohoodo dbbyu t parl saoi s si nhgo wMi nrg. hf ai ms si hl yo retxc iosmt ifnogrs .tMh er . mM iodsdt l eptaornt ainnd thhies hmoi mt mee snpt at coer, eal ni gdi otnh et hy r sohuogwh at tht ee inr dcaonmc e- ai nt hcehrui trsc ht h( Se oi ru tfhowr t ournteh, 1e9l i6m) . i nT ahtei nf ag mt ihl ye need to build their own wealth in the pMui db dl i cl e tsopnh earned ohf i se cwo ni f oe mriuc ns , aa nsdc hMo or l. fcrhoi ml d r et hneai rn dh loamt eer, I ks he me pai enlgwai tl lh ionf at hs aefier dt oonm e sstui cp psopratcse ( 2I s7h0m- 2a7e 1l ) . dMurr. i nMgi d dhl ei s- f( o2 r8m0 )a, t ai vned ySeoaurtsh, we sopret hc i da lol ye si nn oe tdduicraetci tol ny ckri ni tdi q aune dMgre. nMe ri dodulse tmo na nb. eSctai lul ,s eM rh. eMi si da- de sl epteocni adl loye ss i nn oc et rheepcr oe ns ef inntetshhe i isdme aol rma lai tny, tsou pt hpeo rhto md ees sepr taecde awnodmdeone.s Mn or t. pMuibdldi cl el y- tI sohnm da eole’ ss pnaor et n thso ladg a ti nh set Ims hi smt aakeel ,s b uo tf hI seh mo naleyl ’ as c pc eaps st si oNn aotrea ’ sa rignunmo ceenntc eo na f ht ei sr mM iodt dh leert’os nbde oh ea sl f n(o3t1b7e)l. i eI nv eaIdsdhimt i oa enl, wMirl l. wd ei anvMo rr s .“ Wa aflosrhl ’osr cna she oapned” c a( 5l l0s 2t )h. e Me nr-. Mw hi dednl eItsohnmi saaebl swe ni nt sf r ot hme t hcea sceo,u rt ht roouogmh Sh oi su at hb ws eonrct eh ( d5 o2 e0s) . nPoe tr hdai pr es cSt ol yu tahdwd or er tshs oh mi s imt s oMr arl.i tMy iidndtlhe teohnobmeec asupsaec eh ea nkde ebpes- cmaauns he ohoed dboye se xneor tc ins ienegd ht oi s vma loi dr aalti et y hiins tchr iet i pc iuzbe l iMc rs.p aMcied. dTl ehtooung, hs hs eh eddo oe es spnoor t- tprraayc t ihc iems h iass mao r rael ist tyr ai ni n he ids hmo amne ww iht ho hr iissk fsa mh i isl yr. eIpsuhtma tai eoln, oans tah lea wo tyheerr thoa dn ed-, fme no dr a l iMt yr si. n Wt hael s hp uabnl idc sepxheer rcei s e(s4 9h0i)s. Sp or auitshewwoorrtthh yd e pviec rt ss i oMnr . Mo fi d drleest torna ianse da manhood, but she broadens the