2013–14 Graduate and Adult Programs Academic Catalog
Adult Programs Course Descriptions
XANT-1800 – XBOT-3125
Anthropology (XANT)
XANT-1800 Cultural Anthropology
3 hours
Analysis of the concept and its importance for the study of man;
an examination of various cultures of the world as they relate to
technological, economic, social, political, and religious aspects of
these cultures.
Biblical Studies — Christian Education (XBCE)
XBCE-3510 Small Group Ministry
3 hours
Study of the theory and practice of the small group process
in ministry. Emphasis will be given to the formulation and
maintenance of small groups. Emphasis placed on how
evangelism and spiritual maturity can be fostered by the small
group environment.
3 hours
Children’s Ministries for Non-Majors
Principles from Scripture are examined to prepare a biblical
philosophy for ministry to children in light of developmental
characteristics and contemporary sociological factors. Students
are equipped to utilize creative, interactive strategies for teaching
the Bible and to develop effective age-appropriate ministry
programs. Course consists of three weekly class sessions but
does not include the teaching lab.
XBCE-3725 Adult Ministries for Non-Majors
3 hours
Principles from Scripture are examined to prepare a biblical
philosophy for ministry to adults in light of developmental
characteristics and contemporary sociological factors. Students
are equipped to utilize creative, interactive strategies for teaching
the Bible and to develop effective age-appropriate ministry
programs. Course consists of three weekly class sessions but
does not include the teaching lab.
3 hours
Leadership of Christian Educational Ministries
An examination of models of leadership for Christian ministries,
emphasizing practical issues such as developing mission and
vision statements, creating effective leadership teams, and the
strategic planning, implementation, and oversight of ministries.
(Fee: $40)
Biblical Studies — General Education (XBGE)
XBGE-1720 Spiritual Formation
3 hours
The nature and process of spiritual formation is examined
from a biblical perspective with an emphasis upon the practice
of spiritual disciplines. The course undergirds students with a
theology of the Bible and an introduction to the inductive method
of Bible study.
XBGE-2730 Old Testament Literature
3 hours
Survey of the entire Old Testament, giving special attention to
authorship, historical background, and the theme of each book
with attention to literary genre. This study traces the history of
the Hebrew nation from its origin to the time of Jesus Christ.
Prerequisites: XBGE-1720 Spiritual Formation.
XBGE-2740 New Testament Literature
3 hours
Survey of the entire New Testament, including the historical
background of the Inter-Testamental period, giving special
attention to main events, the authorship and content of each
book with attention to literary genre, and the unfolding of God’s
redemptive purpose through the Lord Jesus Christ. Prerequisites:
XBGE-1720 Spiritual Formation, XBGE-2730 Old Testament
XBGE-3755 Theology I
3 hours
An introductory reflection on the theological task, the doctrines
of the triune God, creation and humanity, revelation, and sin
by means of a conversation between the Bible and classic and
contemporary theological literature. This theological reflection will
be brought to bear on contemporary challenges. Prerequisite:
XBGE-1720 Spiritual Formation; XBGE-2730 Old Testament
Literature; XBGE-2740 New Testament Literature.
XBGE-3765 Theology II
3 hours
An introductory reflection on the theological task, the doctrines
of Christ, salvation, the Holy Spirit, the Church, and last things
by means of a conversation between the Bible and classic and
contemporary theological leterture. This theological reflection
will be brought to bear on contemporary challenges with a focus
on developing the students’ practice of theological thinking.
Prerequisite: XBGE-1720 Spiritual Formation; XBGE-2730 Old
Testament Literature; XBGE-2740 New Testament Literature;
XBGE-3755 Theology I.
Biblical Studies — History (XBHI)
XBHI-2500 Church History
3 hours
An introduction to the history of Christianity covering the major
people, movements, institutions, and events of the Church from
its founding by Jesus Christ to the present. This course examines
the unique ways Christianity has shaped and been shaped by its
environment, the rich diversity of its expressions through the ages,
and the significant purpose it fulfills in society and the world.
Biblical Studies — New Testament (XBNT)
XBNT-3110 Jesus and the Gospels
3 hours
Study of the four Gospels and their central figure, Jesus of
Nazareth. Attention is given to the historical background, scholarly
methods for studying the Gospels, the trustworthiness of the
Gospels, and a survey of Christ’s life. Prerequisite: XBGE-2730
Old Testament Literature; XBGE-2740 New Testament Literature; or
permission of the instructor.
XBNT-3130 The Prison Epistles
3 hours
Detailed study of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians,
and Philemon including their historical settings and doctrinal
distinctives. Prerequisite: XBGE-2730 Old Testament Literature;
XBGE-2740 New Testament Literature; or permission of the
instructor. (even years)
Biblical Studies — Old Testament (XBOT)
XBOT-3110 Pentateuch
3 hours
Detailed study of the five books of Moses. Attention is given to
the historical material, theological problems, and practical and
homiletic values of these books. Prerequisite: XBGE-2730 Old
Testament Literature; XBGE-2740 New Testament Literature; or
permission of the instructor.
3 hours
Selected Studies in the Historical Books
Selected studies in key issues related to the historical books.
Prerequisite: XBGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; XBGE-2740
New Testament Literature; or permission of the instructor.