2013-14 Graduate and Adult Programs Academic Catalog - page 70

2013–14 Graduate and Adult Programs Academic Catalog
Adult Programs Course Descriptions
XBOT-3150 – XFRN-1920
XBOT-3150 Wisdom Literature
3 hours
Examination of the books of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes,
and Song of Solomon. Special attention is given to their literary
qualities and practical applications for today. Prerequisite: XBGE-
2730 Old Testament Literature; XBGE-2740 New Testament
Literature; or permission of the instructor.
3 hours
Selected Studies in the Prophetic Books
Selected studies in the prophetical books. The ministry of
the prophets to their own times is considered as well as their
predictions, both fulfilled and unfulfilled. Prerequisite: XBGE-2730
Old Testament Literature; XBGE-2740 New Testament Literature; or
permission of the instructor.
Biblical Studies — Philosophy and Religion (XBPH)
XBPH-2200 Introduction to Philosophy
3 hours
Survey of the principle issues in Western philosophy, covering
such areas as epistemology, metaphysics, aesthetics, and the
major systems of philosophy.
XBPH-3240 Epistemology
3 hours
Study of the nature, sources, types, tests, and limits of human
knowledge. Prerequisite: XBPH-2200 Introduction to Philosophy.
Biblical Studies — Practical Theology (XBPT)
XBPT-2400 Personal Evangelism
3 hours
Study of the philosophy, principles, and methodology of
personal evangelism. The course includes developing a personal
witnessing methodology, understanding the current issues in
evangelism, and learning to answer the difficult questions often
asked in witnessing experiences. A one-day evangelistic field trip
is required. (Fee: $15)
XBPT-3410 Discipleship
3 hours
Study of personal discipleship within a biblical framework,
utilizing a variety of resources and practical experience. The
model developed will be applicable in multiple contexts.
XBPT-4710 Ministry Internship
2–3 hours
A mentored and evaluated ministry experience under the
direction of a qualified field mentor. Capstone course for
Comprehensive Bible majors. Prerequisites: approval of the
faculty of the School of Biblical and Theological Studies; senior
academic status; XBGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; XBGE-
2740 New Testament Literature; one theology elective XBTH-
XXXX; one practical theology elective BXPT-XXXX.
Biblical Studies — Special Topics (XBST)
3 hours
Scriptural Interpretations of Gender Issues and Roles
A survey of key biblical components that delineate what it
means to be male and female in Christ. The course includes a
study of various views held within the evangelical community, a
survey of women in the Bible, and a discussion of gender within
the current cultural milieu. Prerequisite: XBGE-1720 Spiritual
XBST-4910 Seminar in Bible
2 hours
Senior course for preseminary and comprehensive Bible
majors. Students demonstrate the ability to articulate and defend
an appropriate systematic theology. Capstone course.
Biblical Studies
Theology (XBTH)
XBTH-2260 World Religions
3 hours
An introduction to the teachings and practices of the major
world religions along with a Christian response to these religions.
XBTH-2350 Theological Foundations of Ministry
3 hours
An examination of theological issues critical for the formation
of a biblical philosophy of ministry, as well as a critical survey of
historical developments in Christian educational ministries in light
of those theological discussions.
XBTH-3330 Christian Evidences and Apologetics 3 hours
Study of the basis for, and the nature of, evidence for
Christianity. Emphasis on biblical revelation and its use in the
defense and confirmation of the Gospel. Prerequisite: XBGE-2730
Old Testament Literature; XBGE-2740 New Testament Literature; or
permission of the instructor.
Communication Studies (XCOM)
XCOM-1100 Fundamentals of Speech
3 hours
Usually a prerequisite for other courses in speech, the
fundamental course offers theory and practice in basic speech
skills for extemporaneous speaking and the use of voice and
delivery in oral interpretation of prose and poetry. Students gain
extensive training in public speaking as an art.
Education (XEDU)
XEDU-2400 Children’s Literature
3 hours
A survey of the early history, major types, and modern trends of
literature for children in preschool through grade 5. The social and
personal value of literature is studied along with methods for using
trade books for reading instruction. Prerequisite: XEDU-1000 The
Education Profession.
English (XENG)
XENG-1000 Basic English
3 hours
Study of nomenclature, identification, and application in the
linguistic process. Admission by departmental designation only.
May not be applied toward the hours needed for graduation.
XENG-1400 Composition
3 hours
Designed to assist the student in developing the skills
necessary to meet the demands of typical writing situations,
both academic and professional. The course will introduce the
student to the common expository writing methods of description,
narration, analysis, persuasion, and research presentation. (Fee:
French (XFRN)
XFRN-1910 Elementary French I
4 hours
Development of basic skills in reading, writing, speaking, and
listening in French, along with an introduction to French culture.
XFRN-1920 Elementary French II
4 hours
Development of basic skills in reading, writing, speaking, and
listening in French, along with an introduction to French culture.
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