2014-15 Graduate and Adult Academic Catalog - page 78

2014–15 Graduate and Adult Programs Academic Catalog
Degree Completion
General Education Requirements
Students pursuing a
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
degree must
complete one of the following:
A. Pass two years of the same foreign language* in high school;
B. Pass the second semester of a college-level foreign
language*; or
C. Live in a non-U.S. cultural immersion experience for at least
one school year after the age of 12; or
D. Other Global Awareness electives approved for use as
general education courses in the undergraduate catalog may
be used within adult programs. or
E. Complete an approved intercultural experience of at least four
*American Sign Language courses do not satisfy the foreign language component of
the global awareness requirement.
VII. Physical Education........................................................... 1 hr
A. DCPF-170
VIII. Science and Mathematics............................................. 3 hrs
A. DCXX-XXXX Science/Mathematics elective
(For the ADNs, this is met by the 3 hours of statistics; for other degree-completion
programs, this may be a biological science or a physical science or a quantitative
course. All three areas must be address either through the Associate’s degree,
professional program courses, or through this general education requirement area.)
IX. Social Sciences and History......................................... 4 hrs
A. DCHG-1700 Introduction to Political Thought.................... 2
B. DCHG-2700 Introduction to Historical Thought.................. 2
Total General Education Requirements...................................31
1...,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77 79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,...89
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