2014-15 Graduate and Adult Academic Catalog - page 71

2014–15 Graduate and Adult Programs Academic Catalog
Adult Programs
General Education Requirements
General Education Requirements
The University requires a pattern of proficiencies and courses
to help achieve institutional objectives. These objectives are
designed to provide an educational experience that broadens the
student’s outlook and knowledge.
The general education pattern is:
University Study Skills Requirements. ....................0 hours
Students may satisfy the University study skills requirements
through one of the following methods:
1. Score 22 or higher on the ACT Composite (writing section
optional) or score 1030 or higher on the SAT (Critical
Reading + Math combined score) AND achieve a high
school GPA (unweighted) of 3.0 or higher; or
2. Score a 21 or higher on the ACT Composite (writing
section optional) or score a 1000 SAT (Critical Reading +
Math combined score) AND achieve a high school GPA
(unweighted) of 3.5 or higher; or
3. Achieve a cumulative college GPA of 2.75 or higher in at
least 12 hours of 1000-level (or higher) college course work
completed prior to enrollment at Cedarville. Proficiency will
be satisfied and transfer credit will also be awarded; or
4. Successfully complete the course COLL-0900 Foundations
(one semester hour; fee: $150), which is to be taken during
the first semester of matriculation. This credit does not
apply toward the 128 credits needed for graduation. NOTE:
Pending availability in the course, COLL-0900 Foundations
is open to all students regardless of whether or not they
satisfy the college study skills requirement.
II. English and Mathematics Proficiency. .................... 0–5 hrs
Each student upon initial enrollment at the University must
demonstrate proficiency in English and mathematics.
A. English.........................................................................(0–3)
Students may satisfy the English proficiency requirement through
any one of the following methods:
1. Score 21* or higher on the English section of the ACT; or
2. Score 500* or higher on the critical reading section of the
recentered SAT; or
3. Score 59 or higher on the CLEP College Composition
Examination; or
4. Complete a course equivalent to Cedarville University
ENG-1000 Basic English with a grade of “C-” or higher
(A = 4.0 system) at another approved institution of higher
learning prior to matriculation at Cedarville. The credits will
not be transferred, but proficiency will be established and
enrollment in ENG-1400 Composition will be permitted; or
5. Complete a college-level composition course with a grade
of “C-” or higher (A = 4.0 system) at another approved
institution of higher learning. Proficiency will be satisfied
and transfer credit will be awarded; or
6. Complete the preliminary assessment for ENG-1000 Basic
English with a score of 80 percent or higher; or
7. If proficiency is not verified by any of the means listed
above, the required proficiency must be achieved through
a successful completion of the course ENG-1000 Basic
English (three semester hours),
which is to be taken
during the first semester of matriculation. These three
credits do not apply toward the 128 credits needed for
B. Mathematics. ...............................................................(0–2)
Students may satisfy the mathematics proficiency requirement
through any one of the following methods:
1. Score 19* or higher on the mathematics section of the ACT;
2. Score 500* or higher on the quantitative section of the
recentered SAT; or
3. Score 53 or higher on the CLEP College Algebra exam; or
4. Complete a course equivalent to DEV-0900 Intermediate
Algebra with at least a grade of “C-” or higher (A = 4.0
system) at another approved institution of higher learning.
The credits will not be transferred, but proficiency will be
established and enrollment in college-level quantitative
courses will be permitted; or
5. Complete a course equivalent to the Cedarville University
GMTH-1020 College Algebra with a grade of “C-” or higher
(A = 4.0 system) at another approved institution of higher
learning. Proficiency will be satisfied and transfer credit will
be awarded; or
6. Complete the ALEKS assessment with a score of 100 on
the mathematics section and a score of 80 or higher on the
algebra section; or
7. If proficiency is not verified by any of the means listed
above, the required proficiency must be achieved through
successful completion of the course DEV-0900
Intermediate Algebra (two semester hours), which should
be completed during the first semester of matriculation at
Cedarville University and
must be completed no later
than the last term of the sophomore year. These two
credits do not apply toward the 128 credits needed for
III. Biblical Education........................................................ 15 hrs
IV. Communication.............................................................. 6 hrs
B. COM-1100 Fundamentals of Speech................................. 3
V. Humanities. .................................................................... 9 hrs
B. Any 2000-level literature course......................................... 3
C. At least three semester hours from the following:.............. 3
Other Humanities electives approved for use as general
education courses in the undergraduate catalog may be
used within adult programs.
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