2014-15 Graduate and Adult Academic Catalog - page 70

2014–15 Graduate and Adult Programs Academic Catalog
Adult Programs
Transient Study
second grade instead of the first.
Under these repeat policies, any course may be repeated.
Although the first grade is no longer calculated into the cumulative
GPA, the course and grade information does remain on the
student’s transcript. In all other cases when a student repeats
a course, both grades are calculated into the cumulative GPA.
However, credit hours for a repeated course may count only once
toward the credits needed for graduation.
Students repeating courses are required to pay all applicable
tuition and fees for those courses. Other program-specific
requirements may be listed under the academic program.
Independent Study
On occasion special student circumstances may suggest
that an independent study course option should be considered.
Such an option might recognize opportunities to explore areas
not covered in normal course structure, reward self-motivated
students, and encourage joint study by faculty and students on
specialized projects.
Individual students and faculty members develop the specific
criteria that must be met for the successful completion of
independent study projects. However, the following guidelines
govern the independent study program:
• Only one independent study project may be undertaken in an
academic term.
• The maximum credit that may be earned for any one
independent study project is three semester hours.
• The faculty member supervising the independent study and
the Dean of Undergraduate Studies or director of a particular
graduate program must sign the student’s independent study
form. Registration for the independent study must occur at
the beginning of the semester in which the work is to be
• No more than six semester hours in independent study may
be counted toward the graduate degree.
• In general independent study projects cannot be taken in lieu
of required courses unless special arrangements have been
made through the department sponsoring the course and the
director of that particular graduate program.
• It is the prerogative of individual faculty members to offer
independent study courses or not.
• Participating faculty members determine the letter grade.
Reservation Deposit
A reservation deposit must be submitted by new and readmitted
students as an indication of their intention to enroll. The amount
of the deposit is $150. This money is credited to the student’s
account and used to cover first semester expenses. A student
must submit a reservation deposit to register for classes. The
reservation deposit is nonrefundable. Instructions for submitting a
reservation deposit may be found at
Undergraduate Transfer Credits
College-level credits earned at accredited colleges are usually
transferrable. Courses in which less than a “C-“ is earned are not
granted transfer credit. Grades for courses taken at other colleges
and transferred to Cedarville are not included in the Cedarville
cumulative GPA. Only work completed at Cedarville is included.
Information concerning the transfer of credits is available from
the Office of the Registrar. Specific course equivalencies can be
determined upon receipt of official transcripts.
Consult the Undergraduate Academic Catalog for degree
requirements such as the number of credit hours required to be
taken from Cedarville University.
Transient Study
Course work to be completed at other institutions by a student
enrolled at Cedarville University must be approved before
the course is taken by securing the signatures of the transfer
coordinator, the student’s academic advisor, and the chair of the
academic department governing the course requirement that
the transferred course is to satisfy. Transient Study Applications
may be obtained by contacting the Office of the Registrar. An
official transcript must be received before transient credit will be
evaluated and recorded.
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