The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

SPR IN G F IE L D 'S G R E A T E ST SHOE S T p R E We Save You Money / h v q t y P u rch a se o f | Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers Saturday, Dee. 17, 1904 We Inaugurate Our Famous Sale Men’s; Women’s and Children’s Slippers and Shoes, Men’s Com- ■ - , . bination Felts and Rubbers. . , ?aJJ tHs ssle.our premier sale of the year. The sale that is well nwiRirisf&fcr all our, patrons m the many cities where our store? are located, aB the GREATEST MONEY SAVING opportunity # the Beacon. I t will be a Bargain Sale long to be remembered. Brim* your Holiday list lo us for you Ca“ t J v , ^ rc®e 11?0,re yotirmoaey heretban at auy other store in this or any ^ ther city. No wise shopper should pdas these bargains comfortable toes, fu r trimmed, Saturday. Lot 2. Lad ies1fine vici k id Shoes, 39c k id and p a te n t tips, a ll weigh i* soles, every size and w idth, qJH sty les,,($2.00 and $2.25 v a lu e s / Satu rday ; Lo t 3. Men’s a ll solid Shoes ins good, serviceable lea ther, a i r solid soles, tip s a n d p lain to e ,^ . , lftce and congress, a ll styles, $2 values. Lot 4. Misses’ shoes in Mongols k id! and kangaroo, bu tton and lace, a ll sizes, regu lar $1.50 value. -Saturday. .23 $1.24 Sat. L o t# . Men’s house flippers, alligator. . and embroidered uppers, good leath ­ e r sole, well, worth 75c Saturday;, L o t 6. Ladies’ juHetts, all colors and ; '• figures, fu r trimmed, regular $1,251 values. S a tu rd a y ,....„ ........... Lob 7. Mon's viei k id an d velopr c a l f / ' A opera and E ve rett slippers, as K o o d 'a s n U /'* 1 you can buy for $1.50, Saurday..... , U / V Lqt 8,' Ladies'* heavy grain and knn ga -rf i , roo calf, a ll solid, in lace and button, / / I f t regular $1.25 and $1*50 values, Sat; f T T V ' Greatest Bargain Shoe Store in America. Distribution Direct From Wholesaler to Consumer. 35 E a s t Main S treet, Springfield, O. H eadqua r ters a n d W h o lesa le Haase Cincinnati, Ohio. Free fo r the J tsk ing—J l H and som e 190S Ca lendar. " * Drawing from his iabled store, rooms filled .with choicest .Xmas Gilts cannot compete w ith ihe assortment of beautiful and useful presents now bn display in our store. TIBET'S TEA TIPPLERS. fait, S«d« and Butter Go to Make it < Th#ir National Prink. | Tea forms ,-i> »*f vt- j*rhn'ir3l § articles of uhomwcc throughout I Tibet and Mongolia, Tim native is f miserable without it and wh-n: it j cannot he obtained is to j cheat himself liy various cypuU* | ants, such a* boiling dried onion heads, herb* or even nu infusion of chips of wood in water, iu order that he may not he Qt least without a suggestion of his favorite- bewr- age. The tea imported from China is pressed into small oblong- shaped bricks, made up into ea-ve of m m bricks, securely sewed in i windy, and not only is it a beverage, but in fact forms a staple of cur­ rency as negotiable as Bank of Eng­ land notes or American paper cur­ rency. ' • The native method of preparing this delicacy is not appetizing. Tito .tea is first ground to a line powder by vigorously pounding it in a mor­ tar until no splints of wood or oth­ er impurities are visible to the eve; it is then put into the kettle, when the water is hot, to-boil ten, or-fif­ teen minutes. By way of giving in­ creased flavor, salt or soda is added, and, this part of. the operation being completed, the all important bus!-, ness of drinking it commences. The family being gathered around the fire of yak dung, in order that at­ mosphere, as the painters would say, should not he lacking, each one draws from'some hidden recess ‘in the folds of his voluminous sheep­ skin coat a little wooden bowl, and, with.a-satisfaction which, must be seen to bo appreciated, fills his pri­ vate dish with the liquid, All this, however, is by way of preliminary From a skiu full Of butter, planed, within convenient range,• each per­ son takes a piece of oleaginous com­ pound and lets', it melt into, his bowl ■-of steaming^ tea. . Then, -oh joy! oh raptureTwith furtive gusto he draws the. nectar to his lips and “heaven is opened unto him.'’ The bowl, is again filled; info the steam­ ing liquid he throws a, handful of. ts'amba, (parched barley meal), add, drawing fo r th ' the sodden lump, works it into a hall of brown dough with a ,deft movement of his left hand, and successively’ biles off nieces of this delicacy and drinks his buttered tea until the. visible supply has vanished, when, in order .that -his table etiquette may npfc be impugned, he licks his bowl clean, wipes what superfluous fat he has npfc got on his face on his boots, and .eagerly looks forward to the moment.whan gods and fate shall again become propitious.—Outing. Properly Appareled. “The evening wore on,” continu­ ed the, man-who was telling the story. , “Excuse urn,” interrupted the. would be-wit, “But can yon tell us what the,evening wore on that, oc­ casion?” . “I don’t know that it is impor­ tant,” replied- the story teller. “But if you must know, I believe it was the close of a summer day.”—Cin­ cinnati Commercial Tribune. «WW» Then it’s probably ton 1 > . You. neglected dandruff. If you had only taken out* r,d« •vice, you would have cured thedandruff, savedyour hair, and added much to in If not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve it. “t Uave weld Aytt'i IlnlrVI,"orform:i -Tf yc,ta. I yrarculit *ini’rtvru invvy prowfli of rfcli lnowii linlr. duu, I sUely toAFoiMHat* Vir-ir.’’ ' lifts. II, a. Kirrm, iteiievUic-, Id. 9:Siv * Xi I-.-5 - 4 - * - •1 :t to ■* * 1 1 }v-:nt I U3-* j * it { - ft f *\+ ,Y| b.:*r’ ■ -.x-hi: •*Jv* i 2 l ,J" I ti1 1 >■ Gl r I '1 f'£it 4^*p- . ’ 3 sr‘ ! Jk*' i f I . i1 fl : \ ‘ r->! ffi ?; -0 1 ■4f.j<l iu a Id ■! \ n ll |‘‘- ffiih «>:il EXPUNGE M B CM3DAIiYILU'.a --MiUk r*i and Ia- divMtiafe e-li Ifui / <v.Jiw'tioae A JL ’OUNLS Mew. 'promptly mmh mi.J x tfn tw h ili^ 'i r enoi’gli/* flno ho i <• go and fi iu-1:-* j.i-, veldt * :i lu *■ taken 1.7,0 . hi M’nujry mv- 'u;>! wdl •ail, tlierv were1 if V. Viih wuutfil to) - ». a *Jnoi-.-if, ovwu away h r . pi-;* a uf; ib e,, j.l nr :m tm -at idm n hadn’t ■ t )«:;;} would terna- up and >.iy the broil his and hi-! didn't want- v»i\i there, ” f»V.01V fl-WlltiOttlB, ,AltdroeeWs. Janwiw iMnniiBimii for a .c AVv.u<iO., t T.OW0M. I’t I*--. ) Good Hal ii f ' Scotch Dog Story.' -Collies in some parts of the high­ lands are supposed only to under­ stand, English. The Spectator has hoard of a Cael'c speaking shepherd gravely assuring an Euglishman that it was impossible “to 'work a dog” in Gaelic and adding: “There’s Sahthynow. He’s hardly a.word of •the Gaelic/' while Sandy sat with-a look on his face whicln seemed to say. “It's quite true, I have never been able to acquire more -than the barest smattering.Cf tpe vernacu­ lar.” .' . * ' Hol/iian Hunt’s First Portrait, One day when Holman Hunt in. Ids olfice boy days »vas alone in the office a gentleman called and asked for the-principal on business. On tin; principal's return poor Hunt could not remember the- callerV. name,' but he said, “I can't remem­ ber the gentleman's name, sir, but this is what he was like.” And he promptly drew a picture of iihe yis-' itor which was so striking ’a like­ ness tha t the principal forgot iru annoyance in his astonishment.— Public Opinion. A ftomortaWo Needle. Simeon Kurd wn-; showing a bote-1 keeper from up fho stale, fiome of the ' bea ut ir-; of ( Vr.tral p-ark. f’\\ burs that ‘muiitmi.ej \i - over there?” inquired llm -granger, point­ ing to the obelisk. ' ' “That is: <’3c/q»atr;i/ in-'ctlJc/' re­ plied Mr, Ford, , The rural bmih;jM»’ .'hir'd a t .it long iuul Iho’eeffid'uliy. 'Finally he remarked: • “Well, if she could rt-w with that thing I don’t woiffim- Amonv fell in love with .her,^ Wdh a needle, like tha t a stitch in iiin.e would save a million!”—New York Times. ■ —Ptminsular''ranges are wonderful bakers aml cookers, TinVrupply hardly equals the demand. Better see them at K© « & Ilws'mofe Bhon.. -• T\RAET>) on New yvdc and fin* ** cmoatleobi atlovfst cheapestandmv-t convenientway|to send mmey by mniL' .T OANH madeonBeal E<jtatv, Ber- senal or fldlateml Security, William Wiplnmu* Pres.,'' Beth W.Fmith, Yice pres., W, J , Wildamn, Cashier, 0 /E . Bmitb Asst, Cashier ih>uK»* . HOME-SEELEfcS’ EXCURSIONS/, To Fill Out. “Yon are entitled to five words ■inore to make the last line full if you want them,” said the advertis­ ing clerk-after, counting the wards. The v in-who had brought in -a small advertisement offering his meat market'for sale reflected a, mo­ ment. - “Just add this,” he said, ‘Reasons for selling, nobody’s busmess.'”- Chicngo Tribune. ' Fo r fuli informa iipn about Home 'tehqrs’ EprciaJ lew limn to points i m Alahymii,-F!oridi»/ CJeorgir, Ken- tueky,- Lbuphitm, Mbsasippi, North nnd Booth Carolina', 'Tennessee and Virginia, apply ' in ticket -agems of Pcqnsylvaniu Linest, 1 • ’ 6 a $ t o (S i a : i " For In ten ts and l fftslfcO it I t e i f o " REViVO RESTOftES VlTAUfir Made a. Well Man .Tm- Me, &3FL’EjtXST<2>3HC TCTiraiiiVF'grfyy iirodaftestlieaboiverosBltsfcn 30 rtat«; Itactft powerfullyand a^ftcfely. Curca "waouill ol^ow till. VcranBfflenwlUittttli, tUSlrjcBt sunbooSvaailoM rosa will recover, tlieisr youttiful vigor by uiloc KEV1X70. OtfcquietlyftnUsurelyrestorO*Herron*. doss , Iibet TCality, Jtapotov;?, NlebUy Eiutoilonx, fcoatgower,Kdllng Mqmory,.^W«tin&J)lse»se»,«Ki; (til effeels ot eolf-abusa or eioeratag indlsoretU®. WtlobunOtflena forBtftdjr,t>uf,lnc»sornserrJiig*. It nOtonlyoureo byirfmttajst tbo serf at dleeue, but Is asreat nervo toplo oaUUtoofl baUdeWbrlnt. ion baclt the pink glow to xiaio cheebs angy*. etoring the firo o f yoatU, i t Worse offInsanity, ana Conautoptinn; Insist bn having JBRVXVO, as other. It can ho carries Jn rest .pocket. By mail, 81.00 perpackage, or els for80.00; wltttWPOSl- tlv« verlttea Knarantoa to eftre or. r«I»Ml * :he_raouey^_Ua«ltnn<t ntiyl»_(.free AddroM 1FA lO-2aPlynieutbPfc» :i Wto, CIHCAQO.IWU, , YEARS* v sbfcAi.v • .Bears' the T rade M arks , - ISESSGNS , C opyrights &e. Anvono sendlnft-nsbetrh r.rtil tloHcrlnUon may Ouli>kly ascerwhi e n r oiftnm free whether no .invention laproh.VifypJUeKfrrtile. Cowmunlca. . .tkmsslrletlyconaaenUo!, HAtIQDOBK on Patent* . sent free, Uldoat liceneyjforfteouriotr patents, Patents taken through Jfunn & Co, receive «p«,(ut«o(icc,wHliout clmrrro.ltltho ■ ■ . SciettllficBmerican. . Ahatidsomory illustrated weekTy. Unreest c l i ^ ’ ^ i'ftlatwmwt.ftnyscfontj'ie tu-iien'. Turing, ts a yeart four tnoiitha, SI. Sold hrull tiewsfloalOE*. ■ IV 1 UNN&Co^K^NewM . Druuch Officii i25T? Sfc«YTnslHnfftOu*DvGe 120 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. m m RMKMi On the Yellow Springs-pike - three- fourths mile from Oedtimlle.; This farm is nicely located, being le^s than one mile from college, churches 'and high-school. Improvements are good. Land . produces good crops.' Nice young orchard, bearing excel- JenLfiuit .-Never fiiiling.-spi'iiigainiL A Compliment. ........... w w farm. I f interested, cull oil or M;S f«iu Alfia f t f e i i i m i ‘ ffelM s I p e e i l - * mk SOUTHERN RAfiETV . SBRVicOmi ernes mu cm k ’ LANS, vppyq ROUIC; PSI’KOST Am TStGShJ .0. fit DA ^UfMam R’/,; TO JlAeKSCf-iVittR ,//iS Sl\ ABQIfSTlMg. - S R ^ Ft ® i S 8PlNMJiT!J®ChATTAKSdCA,ATtftNtd, BKtMlNG- HA^SWsVEPORT.NEWORLEANS^AClSatJyiLkE^LAlfaUSTIflE. Also Through Fullrfian Service W- . * . Knoxville, Asheville, c'mmrsn?.??, Okhdofcton Pintot? and Observation Cars on AUThrowah T ra in s/ 4 Winter TcarWana Variable Route Tlfiketft on $a(a at REidfied Rates,'. Sfe-WaratitioUoildtco tiaSSW. 3EU,, JD.P.A, 40 ,a.n^jRscoSta.Cili; ■ rMatteser, ' '-Oenct^reeSwr^w'nJ, , ■ .i . ctttfcterNfAODi. ' Om ^ B r Fine Art Ware And Jewelry of Every Description Are here in exquisite profusion with variety of style and purpose to please the most exacting buyer. today. Mi b S’Rhinoceros—Hope you don’t, associate with people of that stripe ! Miss Hippopotamus—Indeed, and why hot ? He's as good as the best. He looked at me so admiringly! Then he said, “I congratulate you on the fact that beauty i3 skin deep.” h a sn ’t that sweet of him? -Boston Transcript. R.’ F. D., 2, Feb 27,1905.. Gedarville, Ohio. A G reat Scheme. AThat was a great scheme Shrewdly worked.” “I didn’t hear of it.” old F 4* v We are now prepared to handle vomkeorn The I). S. Ervin Oo. PILES i*I h»v« »uffflr#d yrlth pil«c for thirty-*!*years, OnoyasracoiMt April * botsn t»klu*C»ic»ret* f;ir«qn«tl_p*tioo, In.the soursoof *week 1 odtlcrd (New Line Fine Hand Painted China. If itfs price you're particular about you will find satisfaction here for, qualify conslderedy we are die lowest in the city. Do not wait until the Holiday rush is on. .Select your Gifts now before the best are gone. I f your’c not prepared to buy'now, let us Jay your selections away for you. W e are only to glad to do so. C . Freid & Son AND SILVERSMITHS, 6 E a s t Main Sh* Springfield, O. Tied should have his ‘entire fortune. “What was the result?” “Eleven elopements in one night. They can’t determine which one was the firsts bo Shrewdly gets rid of the girls and keeps the fortune.”— Liverpool Mercury; A Civil An*wer. The news butcher, a box* of chew hag gum in his hand, stopped in front of a rural passenger. 1 “Chewing gum, mister?” he ask­ ed, sticking the box under his uo.-c. The passenger addressed looked at him solemnly &moment, stroked liis beard, expectorated a long stream of ambia on the floor and replied curt­ ly: * “Naw, ferbaccer!”—New Orleans Thnes-Democrat. Little Rath visited a largo whole­ sale grocery store with her aunt, While there a clerk gave lier a smalt sample bottle of catchup. That evening she tasted it and Seemed much pleased, “Oh, auntie,” she exclaimed Some time later, “when yon go to. that store again, please tell the clerk I would like another example of catchupt”*“-Littie Chronicle. B est For The Bowels i nmuu ei9 ^ taimxma CAHCryCATHMITK! • T H E WORLD'SWORK T h e m a g a z i n e k&tbich ta lL t x f t h e p r o g r e s s o f t h e Zetortd t h r o u g h t e r o n & e r f t i l p i c t u r e s a n d t e r s e a r t i c l e s * DOtJBLEDAY, ‘PAGE & COMPANY : New. York ; n . b .~Annas# canscoin myss “i ftbt the wokuj ’ s woajc *wiu»mwa” ■ l&dp '- ' S tKp J f e iure a CoM fn One Day laTwi^ri, f a m W m i m m w M h p m Id f i f e / / « s lgm tu r® , PATENTS I t o i a t wi t t ***Mve t HAf e Fee*, / w vrhhJffcflaJ *«*», nmaM*»<;iS|Mt«»UI>l«.*r.w* irte-wH; MtuiOi QitrfwMtawtiUiMtnitUiwfbri-il. i h ^ ^ w sm s s ^ j s \ O.A.SNOWA-OO, •ol .................. .......... ........ ...... 6 «(r«cteedtoear*o, your ttonay hutk. BterllhgRemedyCo., ChkfteoorN,Y. $93 mUmUEi TENMILUONBOXES I Tell us your Good Wants and tell us if you are from Cedarville W e have everything you want for the Holidays, IF you want a Ghaf-' log Dish, come here, ‘ If you want Chafing Forks, come here, If you want Chafing Spoons os Baking Dishes, come here, We have Alcohol Flagons, Platters, Solid Coffee and Tea Pots—‘beauties. *^847* ‘ Rogers Ware—Wm . Rogers Be . Son’s ware—Knives and Forks, Tea an 4 Table Spoons, Fancy Pieces. Skates—soo pairs, Sleds and Tricvdes, Steel Wagons and Tricycle Wagons. Carving Knives, Table Knives, Scissors, and Shears. Best line of Pocket Knives in Ohio* I | THE SPRlfiGFIEliD HftRDWRE COElPfiNV