The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

p i fflr *' - N mn 0 POWDER AbsolutelyPitre HASHOSUBSTITUTE tOCAL AND PERSONAL. * Granqille votes ou local option Dec, J7. A natuber offriemfe gave Mr, Ell­ sworth Dowry a surprise last evening. —Qyater, sweet potatoes, cram ber- ris oranges etc at Oooper’B. ■ ‘The capital stock of the Oeclaryille , Telephone company has been increased from $15,000 to $40,000. . Alra. J , B. Winter- was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. J . M. Bull |o f Spring- field several days the week, ' • * J~- ‘Now i$ the time to renew your sub scriptious/ Subscriptionsjtakeu for all newspapers or magazines. , ' . ' , ’ T, N. Tarbox. ,Mr. . and Mm. J . IX Williamson entertained the lecturer Mr. G. E. Gqwdy Wednesday. Mr. Gowdy is a brotherdn-iaw of'K. D. WilliamH<)n The Mayor of Spring Valle j hasde- sided that it no-longer necessary for the barber ‘shops of the town to be open pu Sunday and has taken steps to keep them closed. '• Miss Amanda Duffie’d and sister Effie returned to Dayton with these Brother the last of this week.. ■ ' A.meeting of the stockholders of the Cedarville Horse company is Called for Saturday afternoon,. Mr. Robt Bird and family attended, the reception at the home te-Mr. and Mm. J . W. Stevenson Wed. evening. Airs. Geo. Hank-s joined her bus -band this week at Arizona, where he has gone For.the benefit of his health, , Mr. Will Miiburn of.Ffp/ey was called to Cedarville of account of h is i sisters,death Ada Duffield. —F or S ale .* Farm of 82 acres. Inquire of J , D. Williamson, Cedar- ville. tfoodi r aVoaing mm the regular" meeting of council bat owing to yaly four member* tetng present the meet*" 1iug wa* adjourned to- this evening. ’ j Aim. W. ir . .Barter, Mrs, <*. M .; (Venae, Airs, J . II. Andrew, Airs, L, j f G. Bullaiid Mi» Lula Barter were t entertained at tbo home, of Sherifl’and j | Mr*, Tarbox, Thnrsday, in Xenia. j Mrs, J . II. Miiburu, who has been 'visiting her sondn-iaw, Mr. Will Crawford and family .near Vernon, | Texas, returned homeAlonday, Aire, Milborn reports that.the Green Coun­ ty people in Oklahoma and Texas are- in good health and doing well. While there the south bad about four inches j of snow, some thing unknown in, that section of the country. A first class beating stove is for gale and is just the thing fora small store room dr for a dwelling, I t will he gold at a price that is so low that any one | needing a stovh cannot afford to let the opportunity pitas. ‘ For particu­ lars inquire here. Reports have been current the past Week that a gas line was to he laid through here from Columbus to Cin­ cinnati. The Ohio Fuel’Supply Com­ pany of Columbus, through the gener­ al manager has given out such a state­ ment. Another report i6 that .the line passing through South Charleston was to be tapped and run to the Queen City, Nothing has been done Ufc the present time to indicate that there gas any ways,soon. Tim State •Register, published at Washington C. Ii., .in an editorial, aud upon information, which it is in- ferret), came. from Howard Dietz, who .Was official'stenographer the Dowlingioquiryiugin Columbus, Baysj that the Board of State Charities will probably not make aUy report as to itfe findings until after XCw Year’s. I t further says that regardless of the na­ ture of the report of the hoard, Gap trjn Dowling will sever his .connection with the Board of, Trustees of the Hofne.. Sopertintendent McQrea of the. Pennsylvania railroad, who is located in Cincinnati, bad an express car droped off here the first pf the week to be loaded with straw and hay.• The! straw was furnished by the Hargar Straw hoard and Paper,Company, while Mr. A. O, Bridgman furnished the hay. . ’ - Mr. Uud Mrs. J . C. Barber enter­ tained the following persons to dinner Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs, Robert. Towosley, Mr, and Mrs, John Natb Air, and Mrs. John Feurle, of. Xenia and Air. and Mrs, O. R, AIcMillau. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stormont enter Inin a number of friends and relatives to dinner today.' mm BANCROFT’S Fur supremacy was never-so thoroughly established. WE'RE PREPARED to-make the next two weeks a fitting ejimsx to by far the Tjitet sueeessful year we’re evpy had in business. We never sold so many furs; wenever sold sueli high grade furs, The telegraph and express enble us to show' you now as great an asort- pient as at any time during the whole season, This cannot but ap­ peal to the holiday bupers, used as they areto picking from '’ ‘what's .left,- .Remember, this .is a complete fur store, and whether it is sable ? or coney you wish to see-whether it is much, or little you wish to spend-we are ready-. Today .we mention merely-a few striking things that may serve as an index t§what is the. most elaborate display of luxurious furs you have ever seen. H P * M3 L- Electric seal double scarfs, full 80 in. long, 4 tails, cord fastening, $3 value..... $ 1 .4 8 Brown marten double scarfs, 80 in, long, 6 tails cord fastening, .$5 value....................$ 3 ,2 5 Genuine Isabella fox straight scarf, 55 in, long, & with, natural brush tail at each end, a $6' value............. ................................ $ 3 .7 5 Oyer twenty styles at $5-^We only mention two —brown cony muff scarfs; entirely new. Isa­ bella or sable squirrel double scarfs, with silk cord ornaments' and fox tails, $7,50 value 5 .0 0 Stunning “four-in-hand” neckties in natural or ■ blended Siberian squirrel, 55 in. long and satin ■ lined; $10 v a lu e s ...... ......................... $ 7 .5 0 Blended Australian opossum flat stojes, 100 in* • long, cord ornaments, Gfull fox tails and lined , with Siberiansquirrel; $15values,........$10.00 ; Misses' and children's fur sets in reliable, durable furs, that will not shed; $2 to.,............$12.00 Large flat pillow muffs, in fox, $10 to $20; in brown marten, $5 to $7.50; in nutria heaver, $6: in sable squirrel, $10 to .......... . $15.00 Isabella oi sable fox two-skin scarfs, double length, large brush tails; $18 values... $13.50 Fuis make ideal remembrances, because they so successfully qom- binie the useful and the beautiful. Extra quality two-skin fbx scarfs, any shade, $25, $20, $18.50 and..................... $ 1 5 .0 0 Natural black marten stoles, with marten or • satin lined tabs; rich, lustrous fur; a $22,50 value,........................... . .............. $ 1 6 .5 0 Black lynx, flat, satin lined stole, with cord fastening and shaped to neck..... . $ 1 0 . 0 0 ' Genuine chinchilla “fbur-in-hand” tie satin lined m worth $45, ... $ 3 0 . 0 0 m § KW? .Genuine royal ermine stole, trimmed with six , ermine tails........................ $ 3 0 . 0 0 Natural mink scarfs in various shapes, $13.50, $20, $25, $40 and..'......................... $ 6 0 . 0 0 ‘ Genuine fisher sable flat stole—by far the hand­ somest neck piece shown in this city. $ 9 0 . 0 0 Best electric seal coat made-correct in every ' ,. w a y , , .....r - , $ 2 5 . 0 0 .. Genuine neavseal coats—perfect, fitting,, $50, ~ $ 4 0 ; ........ .......................i.... $ 3 0 . 0 0 ( Genuine seal coats, $300, $265, $235,-.$185 . and..,,,..,,......... $ 1 3 5 . 0 0 -.j*. T " ' Ray after day we're told how much lower our honest; plain fig­ ure prices are than the “confiden­ ts! prices” of other .stores. Christmas Gift List. i f had not Fo, <u m ntnl , ^ t e o n ,0 , iu «nrf lo t cotue Pm \ m° ‘‘how ^ r vj tyWe!i mind the 'ot‘ saw will tlino h A eitt e h titty, bring r bitthy to bnvfyn w Ht ttlteollltu; trelltis a t m * * ' * D iamonds W a tch e s Jllngs Chains Fobs B rooches S c a r f P ins B race le ts Lockets S tuds Dress P in Sets S le e v e Links • H a ir Brushes Cloth Brushes H t Brushes M an icu re a rtic le s S tam p boxes M a tch boxes Combs Scissors B lo tters Umbrellas Fountain pens Cut Glass S ilverw a re S terling Spoons Clocks ‘y . r y p - ' f «i/iinortt£s ever v~~ 01“S ° oW“Ue “n4 < S . W'a00' * % » # * * * ' :; M M c C o l l u m s , „M..JIrnnse.-..\v..'.a-in..Cntnm bug - h Wednesday on business. 't»a^iiWHWid»ir,^f"MrriaB'd"Aifg Jas. B, Thomas, Saturday. Miss Bertha Mitchell of Dayton was the guest Sabbath of her mother, Mrs. Wm, Alitcbell, . Rev, McKinney, of G|uciunati was herein the interest of the College this week. Air. aud Mrs. A. McGiven aud fam- iiy have moved into their property, purchased from Airs. Wm. Alitehell, Mr. Clyde Isenbarger and Mr. Geo. Sullivan of Dayton aud Frank Burnes of Cincinnati was in attendance at (he funeral of Mrs, Ada Duffield. —For holiday goods such as china: Wire, child’s dish sets, dolls games and toys go toCooper’s. ‘ Air, and Aire. John Marshall sur­ prised thier little daughter Mattie on Tbtirday evening Dec.8, it beingdier tenth birthday, by inviting ft number,: of tier little girl friends. Games were played, refreshments served, and all ] went home wishing Miss Mattie many happy returns ofthe day, A few friends of Mr, Offa Daniels gave a very pleasant surprise at hi* home Friday* Dee, 9, in honor of Iris 10th birthday. ^ The firm having the contraclfor the erection of the fire escapes on the opera house have teen, at work this week and will have everything com­ pleted in a day or two. Mr, Riley Stormont, who has been visiting bis daughter, Mrs, Rife m Kansas for several months returned- home last Friday. We sold more beets, shoes slippers and rnbtera last Saturday than iaany one day in our business experience of twenty-two years. This means some­ thing, Call in and see. ( Holiday slippers from 25c to IS.O’O. Men’s fine band sewed shoes $2.50 to $3.50. No equal inline country, work­ ing shoe* for gentlemen and Indies 75c to $1.95. Rubbers and felt boots and eumki" nation a t wholesale price. Nu 'WoMor everybody goes to - * « ■ Btarkey’s Arcade Hhue House. . ftprmgfisld, 0 Spriftgfield’s Greatest Clothitig Store, I9-2I-23 So. L imestone St,, Wr:en*s Old Stand, Offer the following suggestions for suitable . Christmas Gifts for Men and Boys, j any one of which will be appreciated nnd you arexure to find the largest assortment aud get the beat value fo.t the least money here. Su its, Hats, Gloves, Sw eaters, Shirts, Caps, Tie P ins, Su it Cases, Overcoats, House Coats, Mackin­ toshes, Underwear, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Watch Fobs, Leather Coats, Rain Coats, Bath Robes, Car­ digan Jackets, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Night Robes, Cuff Buttons, Corduroy Coats, Xcousers, Fancy V ests, Jersey Coats, Suspenders, Mufflers, Trunks, V a lises, Collars and Cuffs, You’ll find it easy and economical and 4 pleasure as w*ll if you buy Your Christmas ; ■Gift*'at ;■ KAUFflAN’S , Springfield, 0. Judge Setoggy on Tuesday sent­ enced Albert Green of Xenia to one year in the penitentiary for grand larceny. Alisa Edith Neeld of Xenia was a 'Uestut the home of Dr. and Mrs, E. tk OgWMxm, eoveml days the first of the week. Raymond Garbold, former student and graduate of the college here sail* 14th of Feb, fiom his home at Venice 0 „ for Japan, Raymond accompanied by hi* mother was the guest Saturday of his many Gedarville friends, The following teachers attended -jicacfceffr.ttwtlngatXenii''Saturday,: .. . f n jLunette Elcm*t, Effie Conley, Frof, Mr, and Mrs. 1 . 11, lurnbull mm jJ^udall.• Alattie Crawford and Mr, in Dayton, Monday, ;Alexander. « Mle* >Mn* Townsley was In field Friday, Mr*. Hugh Htorrnmit is with the work a t the Post Office tw* week, Mia* Mahte Grindlt sufferisf an attack «f eysipcla«, Mr. aud Mr*. Cha's. Gilbert, I’r t ^ i Hill, Mr* Joseph Vatahmn, atid Mr* Walker from 5fo«ih (!httrkston dtfd the fimeral ofMr*. Wm. i",J~'tslMiiifl'iilr l 'p(r Fxiclkl h -will rV .fr « ?f ‘t u v tfl SUIT FORj J.tbii Widiamsj - p;e t i,utt of Cmf {he AiH’lmr FircJ {•’iiH’ipnotij to vo| amount <*f$500 o! ^rvilh'j conrirtingj which, on Set wli-ily destrayed.j .jjlfsm-taioed a k the amount of tl» tioir iBsys that through tbe fioral Fulton, but it J?Mupa»y, which! 'tbepLinrifftfm at taking out its petition enyr that an interest in the) oertain mortgage " up the Jimor that the amount, nj himout of the iunj . plaintiff. ’ The post office v| from 10a* m, till] AMATTER] jflfjsoim HAS msi N ew Stiff, Soft ail vanee .Sfcyle| a PF ft PF f T BtttcHZiM&M VIRl JH IM ! r * »re, I d S t rirtment at Daps, i, Mm f, W obes, F s , N Trou . Mufi fr Ciiristm [' ¥ Is Townrifi'i gbSfwnm rkatth«I iMabhsGi ’eyripalaa* k?Wf,Cfta*. wepkVattl s 5 *utbCi trsIwfMft,