The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

M pmmer E SALE!j out , d tfshinga at 1 per prices. c of Two at Lebens- bclaim the | Itu'ounding £ Ity. Prices ^ Inent, from Jhave been jot for one m fhis Sale •#*»*** INow is the piible dptyv [Sts,t Springfield the si I W I T % I 9 O 4 , Oersfiotud know fe** ®. .ance Cold Water SW** ;bey will A»ve n*t *rtt stick* totlieriron,H* ago contain 10 ofc~-a®* e ail other Ctold Wat# p in %‘poma T^Jft - ie satae, id cents. Ipa* anCeStarch lafive fa* la. If roar grocer^#* ickageitisbeca'^^"* Wch. hewiSht-sWdh^O" in Defiance. He too#* cfahas printed on at*?? titersAfldfffcnre# and ear* ranch loyatiCcf of the I tmw<t*" - ersticks. N ’T B E IN D * ft a# n interest,* t# wblob proud*** good, #y#Wgkt» cheap' 10***, ib« deM*# »b «a> i* * ? sadaibcroi# $.t t -fiirt*** T A f f ^ ;t,r Ouv ,‘ftiL ? vV-.-t’K w?J t*«rt»prtn* wUli I ihsti/i'uuy ntbvJvjirm.. » , I 4 ' ' ■ * '.....* This, item when inaiked with m 1oae*,4ea ae|that your sub*'rip- is j.aat due aiut st KHit’ ment is cajreatly desired.......... .. rWKf!TY‘ SEVESTH YI’AR NO. 51. CEDARVILLE. OHIO. FifDAY. AUGUST 12,1904. PRICE $1.00 A YEAR. -MOSQUITO” LAKE. Xho ln*-»l B»*rd ef Health met jj juiiay .evening i» ri*oMayor’s office, •:*nd with them were Dr. Frank Warner, of Columbus, and Dr, Byron ffwntoo, of Cincinnati* members of the that®liiMrd of Health who cams * t-j investigate die reservoirs iii the Pi.p\?r Co. The gentle* weii were brought here In response to a. peti-m (hat was circulated and filed fct summer. .. At the meeting were a, number of persons who gathered to hear what vas.tnbo done. The; doctors - medical college in Jus city. Dr, J, O.^ Stewart v ;as a former student in fhis college, Mr. J. O, George is attending the same institution. Dr, Warner la h prominent physician and surgeon In Columbus. THIEF CAPTURED. William Anderson, .59, white, who said hia homo la in SprmgfioldVwaS caught at noon Friday, by two farm­ hands at the home of David Dixon*' Clark’s Run neighborhood, as he were emerged from the window of Dixon’s taken to. the lakes in, the afternoon hotae with his hands filled with-booty and brought hick some o f the water he had stolen. The family was not that isRaid to he (he cause of so many at home at / the ' time, and Charles' ' rooftpiiu®. They hold that the lakes McGee, who /is employed about the. or reservoirs are breeding places for place, went to the house from the . mosquitos,-and if the wasteWater from barn ,to get a drink of water. He 'themill was allowed to flow down the f noticed the glass in a window broken, streamwithoufc-hinderance tlmre.h’QuJd mid the sash raised. Suspecting that there was a burglar in the,house, he not be the odor there is at the present time. 1 ' They were questioned »3 to wllat was to he done in. other towns and notified another farm hand, and the two awaited outside the window untii the fellow emerged. He showed no cities where there ?are strnwboard teigns of resistance when they took that having >plants, and there answer was •every town in the country Eacha plant had more or less trouble. vTlwro seems to be no remedy for the ' purification of the water, after' being Used in one of these plants/’ was the statement made by , ope - of the , ‘speakers, .The only recommendation that;was made by' the committee at the present, was. thaL the reservpjrs •should be opened and allow the water to flowout. They will send a written report in ti few days. , Ampugtue local speakers was Mr. .’.Robert -Hood, who' has, taken great interest ip the matter.' He stated in his remarks that ,,thermos,quitos were bred by the millions in the ponds and •that the'water was very posio'uous'and daugeroua to good health. He stated, . further that Mr. John 1Stanley died from fbe effects of the stagnated water asdid two of Mr. Samuel Haethcook’s, children. Mr. Hood says that, lie catnehere from, Hew' York state to reside and enjoy good health'but .that ' thestench from'the paper -mill is. so offensive that it is detrimental to good 'health. He' thinks - that the plant is Of little good’ to a community as the farmers are foolish 'enough to sell straw when it should be retained on the farm,a., ‘ ‘Unless this nnsiance is done away with I will hava to close my dwelling-and leave these parts”. Wasthespeakers closing statement, Mr,H..M.,Barber:beiug:.pmenk itpokc for the eompauy as to the low- him in charge, lu the two' packs be was carrying from the house were an overcoat, a suit ot clothing and other article of clothing. A. telephone message was sent to the residence o f Mr, O. E, Bradfute, giving news of- the capture* and Mr. •M.' H-dPhillips, herdsman for Mr. Bradfute. went across and aided in looking after the man, afterward tak­ ing him . to Xenia, where, he / was turned to the police. ^ - Mrs, Elizabeth Haley, who resides on the Yellow Springs pike, upon re­ turning home fromDayton found that some one had. Entered the ,house and taken a diamond valued at $35, some cuff buttpns, a ring and $7 in cash. She telephoned to the Xenia police, Who .found, that Anderson had prop­ erty of this description on him when arrested, The ring wasindentified by Mrs.-Haley’s son, Timothy, who lives in Xeuia and has employment on the Pan-Handle,. 'Anders,u denies, the crime.-He.waaarrainged before Mayor Trader o f Xenia on Saturday and plead guilty to petit Iarcency in hav­ ing entered the- Dixon home, and wasfined $J.QQand costs and commited to the workhouse to work out the fine. h — "i — rn . ' A • ‘ Still More Evidence. Bay City, JR,, August $ (Special) ■Mr, X . F. Henley of ihis'city adds his evidence to that published almost daily that a sure cure for rheumatism -ismhW“ hefery^he-“Americair-peopln' TWIM'A T. ■Dlir™ STUNO BY BEES. Charles Crouse, jr., had a novel and yet dangerous experience last Friday morning at the home of Mr* Ed, Corry, north of Cliffon, He had hitched his horse to a post while he delivered Bqmemeat, not noticing that a hive, of baes was nearby. When he returned he found the hive upset and the horse covered with bees. The animal was suffering intense pain RsVas evidenced from the moans it uttered. Mr, Crouse, thinking that he might give relief, managed to get it unhitched from the buggy and in so doing the bees turned on. him stinging, him in a frightful manner. By this time the poor horse was so jll it could not get away and it had to Etand the trying ordeal, -Mr. Crouse soon be­ came deathly ill himself and was not able to cpme home until later in the day. The horse, which was only two years old, was left with Mr, Corry until i f recovered sufficiently- to he brought home'. S ' CENTRAL OHIO’S GREATEST CLOTHING STORE. . 2 Retailers the W orths jBest Clothing, fiats and Furnishings THE'BIGSTOREWITHLITT l EP8JS2 A R C A D E , SPR INGK IEm t), OHIO-. OUR TENTH: Our Advertising is Honest. W e Never Magnify. East- Friday afternoon Mr, C. W; Grouse lost his driviug horse. He' had hitched the animal in his sou’s stable' at the rear of themeat store and whs engaged in some work when his attention was called to the fact .that the - horse was . acting in a queer mariner, The horse had suffered what was supposed' to have1been a hemorrhage and bled to death before medical assistance could be rendered. It was,not known to have beensick at the time it was put in the stable, Challenge Sale WILL POSITIVELY CLOSE SATURDAY, AUGUST 20th. Don't miss getting your share of the World's Best Clothing* Hats and FUmishings at from 1 20 to 50 pei* cent less than regular prices,. Make Th e W hen your Headquarters during Fa ir W eek . your friends /here, have your parcels>checked, etc.................. CONVENIENT TO ALL RAILWAYS. Meet JOSHUA BARNETT. Joshua . Barnett, county commis­ sioner, died at his home in Xeuia at 1 .o’clock Friday morning, ,after a long illness from lung trouble. Mr. Barnett was born in Spring Valley township, this county, Octo­ ber 15,1852, and was, therefore, 52 years of age... Until he was elected to the office of county commissioner he Jived on his farm on the lower Bell- brook' pike.’ At that time he removed to, Xenia. Mr, Barnett was married to Miss Caroline Simison in Spring Valley in 1877. She survives him, with ,the following sons and daughter: Samuel D., Ohmer J., George, at home, and Mrs.-, Ethel Turner, of Bellbrook.. Edward and James Bar­ nett, who live on the Bellbrook pike near Xetiia, are brothers of the dece- deht. A siBter, Mrs. George Niswon- THE MAYOR'S COURT. „ f ^ F * l V ^ T Lee KeyeB, colorei, was' caught stealing corn about 3:3Q Tuesday morning at the barn o f The D. S. Ervin Co. Officer Xennori and Frank Grindle, were in biding- at the.Jjarii most of the night, and wefh;so'ce?H3tul in ' getting the. right party. ' Xeyes works for Mr, Eryin and was to le~ave early that morning with a-load of lime, He had hitched,.,pp the, team and put threo sacks .of^own cm tlm wagon before he was placed under arrest. He appeared before. Mayor McFarland, plead guilty anfi/Was LODGE PICNIC. Thejoint picnic of the X , of PM I. 0 . 0, F. and Jr. O. U. A., M. lodges was held at Camp Sport, about two miles/west of Clifton, .Thursday. There were nearly three hundred per­ sons in- attendance. Three large “ straw wagons’.’ carried a large part of the lodge member* and their famil- i ^ ^ d f friend*,. .high xloon- the fedi^ Spread one.of the most elabor- -ate lunches that w* over The New Jasper band o f .eighteen pieces furnished the music for the occasiou, and were highly comple- fined $20 and coBt and given 30 days, meuted on their numerous selections, l»ing that*, on last Thursday night muskrats bore through the bank and l .„'A uer su'.iering / OT sixteen years if . . . ® , , , , with rheumatism and usiug numerous Tl I IA- m A i J > *ltA IlKtA ^ n «*. A 4 -K «M AH 'K ' M M A V 'A- 1 . > ~*L ' ' .A- i. A ■■ . ■i . .w . ,■ says of the result: “ fter suffering for sixteen years |L If. ullowed the water to wash a hole that lowered the water in the reservoir. -.Itwas repaired as scon as possible. Upon' Mr Barber’s invitation Dr. Stanton visited “ the bottoms” Tues- flfty morning in company with Supfc. Smith of the paper mill. He made fartherexamination ofthe filteringpro- cesspnt in by the conpnny at an ex­ pense ofseveral thousands dollars, Dr. Stanton has served ou the state board of health since 1892. and is professor of gynecology in Miami medicines for rheumatism and .more medicines prescribed by doctors, I at last tried’ Dodd’s Kidney Pills, with the result that I got more benefit from them than all the others put to­ gether. “Dodd’s -Kidney Fills Were the only thing to give me relief, and I recommend them to all suifering from acute rheumatism.” Bheumatism is caused by uric acid In the blood. Healty kidneys take all the uric acid out of the blood. Dodd’s Kidney Pills make healthy kidneys. ger, .lives on the upper Bellbrook denly in a field at' his homo near Xenia last fall, wsb his brother. Mr, Barnett served as a member of the State Board of Equalization for the-counties of Greene. Clinton, Boss, Fayette and Highland, and secured a reduction of assessment for all these counties and a reduction of more than $1,000,000 for Greene county alone. He was serving his first term as county commissioner-.and had he lived until September 15 would have occupied the office a year. The funeral services were held at the home Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock. He was given'his freedom on the payment of part of the fine and the promisie to pay the remainder within 30 days.. * ■ * it ’ -TwowemdeutirofXeniay'Haniekirad v two were intoxicated and $5 and costs each. were T O fined ,The afternoon was enjoyed in danc­ ing, the playing of games and numer­ ous, other-amusements. A cake-walk lly some of our society young* people was a feature. Bay Hitchcock was GENU INE BARGA IN S Just at present we are selling men’s; women’ s misses’ and children’s Shoes, Oxfords lafict I-: • ,€>trsfp;_-SJippei;s^'^t t^ v ,’*. * yvCV .V- a Z* WONDERFULLY LOW FIGURES Not a piece of shoe, making but what will stand the closest scrutiny—all perfect and good4while the prices are as low as shoddy Shoes are sold for 7 Maih Street SPRINGFIELD, Q. YOUNGSNISLEV ' A Mr;. Bruce Collins and wife who have'been visiting hip parents Mr. and Mrs; J, Hale Collins, left Tuesday morning for Sunbury, O., where they will visit relatives fora few days. They will then stop at a number of places, including the World's Fair, before returning to Mrs. Collin’s home in Colorado. Mr. and Mrs Collins are the Phlliptnes to take up their work as teachers, the firat of December. N EVER in all the thirty^three years of our | business career have we offered such exceptional values in Men’s, Boys’ and Children's Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valises, Etc. As at the present lime, / An inspection of our stock will convince you of this fact jSC jSC JSC Springfield's Clothing Store 19-23 Limestone St. Wren’s Old Stand mm mat m flttsailanss^ was one of the vmost enjoyable ever held l>y the lodges, and too much praise cannot be given the committee —Elmer Owens, Claude PhillipB, A. C, Owens, I, F. Puffer, Ohas. Cres- weiland J. E. Peudlum—for their j successful efforts. The Herald returns its thanks for the splendid serenade given us by the hand. FOLEY-TARBOX. ^ A quite wedding took placeWednes­ day evening at the H R * parsoriage when Mr, John C. Foley and Mite] Lyda Tarbox were married by Bev. 0 . H. Milligan. The news of the I marriage was quite a surprise to the many friends of the couple. The groom is foreman at the Becord office. For tho present tho couple will'reside at'the home of tho bridewest of town. Both Mr, and Mrs. Foley are former members o f the Herald family and we j wish themall happinessand prosperity* Mr. J. W, Pollock fell from i load of hay, one day last week, and was fortunate in escaping with but a few .slight bruises. In some unknown manner he fell from the top -of the load between the two horses, and was kicked by (me of the animals and the wagon prised over hiri left arm, bruis­ ing. it considerably, The horse, in kicking him, threw him to one side. . Had it not been for this the wagon whee’s would probably have primedover his body, crushing it. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT* Xotidd is hereby given that tte/ undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as executrritrix o f the] late Samuel X. Mitchell estate* Elizabeth Mitchell. August, 18, 1904. For Sale or Trad* A good house o f five rooms and one acre of ground, nea Cadarville; _ _ _ .all in good condition, For partem* 1TV lateapply to Frank Jenkins or 0 . W, IteMt1Drifts#* ' AyerkPills Ant^dteectiy ba the llver. They etire constipiation, , bniqusnessj sick-headache. Sold for 60 years. Want yourmoustache or beard R|| i[iNfiHAM’Q HYP abeautifulhrnwn nrHnhMai** n«w» S nw ! abeaatlfalbrownorrlchhlack?Use H ving brien unavoidably detain d I was unable to be at my studio last Friday, J. J. Downing* Miss Gertrude Gregg, sister of Mrs, J. S, Brown, leftTuesday for Birming­ ham, Ala., where she has accepted a position as telegrapher. The fame. of Mr. J, 8. Brown’s Jersey cattle brought him an order Thursday, for a male yearling calf, with a check $50 enclosed. The annual meeting of the Cedar* ville Bible Society will be held in the U. P. church, at 1.80 P, M, Tuesday,' Aug, 128, Bev. A, B. Henry will make the address. < The races at the Jackson track Wednesday were quite interesting, C. G, Weimer, Thrio Voglesberg, John Laughead* Thomas Mitchell and Mr Clark of Bomb Charleston had horses there. An election Will take place to­ morrow for election o f school directors of the special district, 0 . X, Jobe and O* F, Tindall are candidates for the short term and A, FL WiWmatJ, Mrs. Jennie Parts and grandson, Carrol St.John, of Dayton, are visit­ ing friends* The Crouse family went to Xenia, this morning where a surprise is to be givenMr, Conard Gillaugh. MasterHerman McFarland is bc^e after a two weeks visit with hisaunt, Mrs.'Samuel Bonham of Dayton, Mr, C. C. Weimer and wife enter­ tained Mr* Earl Clark and Mr. Ben. Springor, of South Charleston, Wed­ nesday evening, Miss, Merle McFarland is rusticat­ ing in the country, spending a couple of w#eke with relatives near rielma and Springfield. Mr, and Mrs* Will Spencer.enter* telnedw number o f friend# at dinner, Thursday, Mte, George Gowdy and Mies Anna Gowdy of Xenia, being present* Too many event# the same day was responsible ter a light attendance at the oil and gas picnic, Thursday. A band was present to enliven the ocoriJwion, and a ball gam# proved to bo a strong attraction, Tit# company hi drilling about 80 feet a day. Thr»® a W, A. MoDorman, andT.D, Calvert present took oonriderahls uf interest for tbelong term, in ft# tesrL w . /*