The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

mrn F»-«w* Tv^WJF— Removal Sale BARGAINS Extraordinary Prices On Wash Skirts . Just receive today a large shipment of Wash Skirts that we were able to hay at a very low price. » White Gabardine Wash Skirt* for.................................................... $1.69 This Skirt 1*worth at least $*,5Q. ■ White Gabardine Skirts for. $ 1.00 We sold these earlier m the season for $8,$o, Stylish New Waists, - . i- • ,—j % ■ • ■ ■- • • ■. .i • Both Silk and Cotton in Short Sieves. Excellent Values. Priced at .89c These Sold formerly up ta<$1.6Q. Laciies’ Union Suits ,At Attractive Prices mm ,t t o Sait, Tight Rneo .......... ................. ..................... .... ,.*?..... ...............45c 60c Sait, Tigl|t Knee 89c 40c Suit, l ’lghif Knee........................................ .............. ...... ................ 2% These are excellent values and were not on sale until today. Buy Your Domestics Now! W » have place'd prices on 6ur Domestics fo# quick Clearance. Although, all Cqttott Goods are advancing, ws are giving you prices which you can­ not afford to pass. '*■ ' 86 in..Bleached *Musliu, ................................6c yd. 88 In.Brown,Muslin, ..... ................................,.6c yd, i 811n. Bleached Sheeting, excellent quality, .,..,... 22 j£c yd. 81 in. Brown Sheeting, excellent q u a l i t y , * ..... 20o.y‘d. Sheets, full sjzea, Bleached...................... .... *........ ....49c Sheets, seamless, Bleached........ ................. .......... „.:.,69c. Towels, Turkish, ^Good Size) ................... ....... .6 for 49o, 1 Towelst’Turkisb, (Extra, H e a v y )................... ..0for 81.59 A ll Percales we are selling afe».w.... ..................lie yd. *“ ' , These are only a few items from one department. We . , have everything reduced.. **,•* Palm Berch Suits • K " j . „ sv, j -l *- * a*,,.* * , i, * «> . if. Suits for '(Formerly sold a| $lp.ot>' to $15.00)............. ...... ... ..............$7.50 Hutchison & Gibney, Xenia, O. D irect to th e F a rm e rs ‘ . : ", ' • ' . . • • . - o ' * # , * We w ill furnish direct to theTarmers of Greene county the best serum and virus on the market at £ cents pet C. O. for serum and virusi 2QO. O. serum and 1C. 0. virus w ill immune fat 100 lb. pigs their natural life. Pigs three to ten days eld can, be Immuned their natural life with*10 0. C. serum and 1 C. 0. vliu*. We will send you an expert to teacli you how to vacci­ nate your own hogs. REFERENCES ‘ t FhoUo O. A. Dobbins, Oedarville, O., References South-west national Bank ot Commerce o f Kansas Oity, Mo. Order your serum from W . H. Embry, our agent, Stockyard*, Cincinnati, O., or Inter-State Vaccino Oo., Kansas'Clty, Mo. D id you F ree? g e t on e Thisbeautiful oil puntingrepro­ duction of the largest horse In the world, in full Colors.size 16x20 inches. We only have a few left; and they’re free to the first comers WhotttU kSour store with thisadvertiiemSnt. This picture is a beauty—you’ll regret it if you don’t gskUne—So call r.d a y . Bqy Remedies that have a proven repu­ tation for results. Dr. LeGear s ,Remedies have been used 22 years—guaranteed to do the work right. R IO id iD S ’ DRUG STORE TRY OUR JOB PRINTING Independent Jobbers of Petroleum Products High Grade Refined Oils and Gasoline - All Grades of Automobile Oils and Greases. SteamLubricating Oils of All Kinds. Delivered ByTank Wagons To All Parts e ; of Greene County. PlIONfc YOUR ORDERS TO BELL 476 W, CITZ. 102. ______ Patronize Home Industries. C. E. OWENS, Proprietor Iso lated a t C. H. & D. Stock Yards HILL ETRE1T, * - XENIA, OHIO GARDEN ANTS HARMLESS. ] Da Not Injurs Plants, and Neats Msy I Bo Ecsiiy Destroyed, j (Prepared Vy ted States flepartmeefc : - of mrleclturo.J 1 An unusual number cf complaints I have been received this year by the' i department of agriculture from per. i sons why cay that ante are Injuring their lawns and gardens. Vs a matter of fact, these anta do ljttlo barm, and the injury that H attributed to them is usually caused by sometiling else. In large numbers, however, the email conical nests which they build on lawns arc somewhat unsightly and ,ou this account it may be desirable in some cases to destroy them. Where there is only a small area to be covered the simplest method Is to drench the nests with boiling water, Another simple remedy is to spray the lawn with kerosene emulsion or with a very strong soap wash prepared by dissolving any common laundry soap in water at the rate of one pound or one-half pound to a gallon of water. Such 4 peth 0 ds are particularly well adapted to small lawns and for the or­ dinary little lawn ant, 'For liirger uut colonies of other spe» ties, bisulphide ot carbon, a chemical Which cun be. purchased at any drug state, will be found effective. This substance can be placed in the nest by means of an oil can'or small syringe, the quantity required, varying from one-haJf ounce for a small nest to two or three ounces or more for a largo one. An oil pan with a long spout Is a convenient instrument, as it can bo inserted into the nests and the liquid injected without its being brpught close .to the operator’s nose, for the fumes of bisulphide of carbon, although not poi­ sonous, ore nauseating. To facilitate the entrance Into the nest of the chem­ ical, the ant hole 'can bo enlarged with a sharp stick j>r iron rod. After the bisulphide of carbon has been Injected, the opening should be closed by pres­ sure of.t'.c foot in Order to retain the bisulphide. Thte will, penetrate slow­ ly thoughput the underground chant riels of the nest and kill all the inmates. It is important to remember that while bisulphide la perfectly harmless if kept away from all lire. It Is very inilamma- ble. and may, under certain circum­ stances, explode When ignited. Except for the unsightly appearance of their nests, however- the lawn tints do no appreciable harm. They enter houses very rarely and, on the whole, may be Said to do no harm of any kind except in so far ns they lessen the at­ tractive appearance of the lawn. On the other Laud, it quite possible that by bringing up from the lower depths sand and earth they may distinctly In­ crease fertility by forming a top dress­ ing oVsoil mulch, and ut tbe same time permit better aeration of the earth. *>. To Hang a Gate. . Talcp a locust stake -3 by 3 inches in size and 18 inches long and drive It into the ground until only three inches *ro left above the surface, Bore an auger hole in the top of the stake and put an Iron bolt in the hole;, then bore ■-•Ms n hole the same size in the bottom-of the gate post and place It over the bolt, ns shown, in the cut Fasten the gato at the top with a piece of strap Iron bent and bolted ns shown.—South­ ern Agriculturist Potato** For Stock Feed. The heavy production and the low priceof potatoes have directedattention to their value for stock feed. Hitherto this subject has not received much at­ tention In thig country because under ordinary conditions other feeds are un­ doubtedly mnch cheaper and better. Some estimate that even at 15 cents a bnshel it is more expensive to feed po­ tatoes to stock than It is to feed silage. While on the other hand it is scarcely probable that the farmer can raise po- atoes for much less than 30 cents*a bushel. Their actual value for feed de­ pends upon many factors, but it Is bet­ ter to make some use of the potatoes on hand rather than let them rot. In- Germany, where the potato crop is proportionately far greater than in this country, the question has been ipore thoroughly studied. The tubers mny be used for feeding cows, horses, sheep and pigs, Tbut they are best adapted for pigs. To secure the best rcsultB with swine the potatoes should 11 rot bo cooked and than made into a thick mask mixed with the common] or other grain. I f sldinmllfc is added the value of the feed is milch Increased. In feeding potatoes to daily cows from one-haif peck to one peck should 'Bo fed to start with. They Should be given raw and should be run through a root cutter to prevent choking the cows. An excessive feed of potatoes to a dairy cow Is liable to cause scours, but as much as one-half bnshel a cow a day has been fed without bad re- suits,. In addition to the nutrients con­ tained potatoes give, succulence fo a ration, u factor of importance in feed­ ing dairy cows. . - Tho Germnn experiments with pota­ to flour for bread during the war Ulus- irate the food value of the potato. KIEH1T WHT1HBIMILE1 ViolaCream po*Wv*Hr eradicate* frtcJfl**, mole*, blftdk hMft*.H lU tt fttitHna, rentori&K d&iuied, * * *u > * l* « W I B W B f . blntoSW,ronab and ally ^A-*—-**^ * *kb* to tho <M unm and aelkMr/efyMHfc. There tono ..otseUteteft* thigm pm ftM M t lewprepMrtkm. Th»lift**cr*toflb « wnrM’* fc is m «ttb*«t»tof toMj wfer'___ ‘ l « o t fth ’l lint kStotv—w«r»Had ----------- ‘ CITY PcOPhE AND FA3U INft. The fatal mistake of r-icpy cVjr people taking to farm life w a rush of enthusiasm' l ef ,*"o prop, crly planning the future life. They give up good scant o f mraiis, im<l perhaps tb-cyovcr- invest, depending uptmUw-b? now efforts and resources to meet ex­ penses that should have been o j previously provided for. There arc many thousands of o city wage earners who could H vastly better their conditions by Q having their famlllra on cm,.11 q farmo of ten, fifteen or twenty o acres properly prepared for pro- « auction by soil improvement he- Q fore actual settlement. Farm £5 and Flreglde. SAVE THE WATER. K*ep th* 80 II Supplied With Hupiu* and Mulch th* Surfac*. ■ By saving the water from the early rains crops will not suffer as much later iu the glimmer if drought occurs. Usually more water is lost from the soil by evaporation—that is, drying out from the surface,' than crops use. There are two chief ways of helping to prevent this-naipely, by keeping the soil well supplied with, organic matter, or humus, and by maintaining -a soil mulch over the surface. This soli mulch or layer of- loose dry soil forma q blanket, preyeating the-’soil water from reaching the surface where evaporation is so rapid or windy weather. Every gardener should start water saving at once. I f the newly plowed land Is disked thoroughly- the same day it la turned over there is less chance pf the furrows drying out badly before the land .is planted. Newly spaded land should be raked oyer the same day tho soil is turned; After planting the' use of a weedet breaks up the surface and kills many weeds. The cultivator ought to be started as soon as the rows can be seen and used often enough to keep the sur­ face fine, loose and dry., Every rain or shower packs the’ pur- face soil, and' unless broken up evap­ oration Is vary rapid from this com­ pact, .moist surface. As' soda as tho fields, can be worked afte^ a, rain the .cultivator should be used to ce-estal>- llsh thft soil mulch. Tjils frequent cul­ tivation not only saves water for plant use, but also is an aid to plant growth and a benefit to the aoil, * - Never be satisfied with cultivating enough to kill the weeds. Cultivate often enough to .maintain throughout the seafton a lopse,' dry layer of soil at the surface. Start a soil mulch now and maintain Jt all .summer, i t pays, for It means mors water for the crops to use. I have 400bushels of corn for eale on my farm in Clark County. Ad­ dress box 891, Osdarvlllo, 0., James J?, Finney. “ ■ ,' . LOST—Black lace Scarf* twq yards long, betweenXenia and Selma on Co­ lumbus pike. Suitable reward. Ad­ dress Dr, Felix G, Cross, Cincinnati, Ohio. CASTOR IA TorInfantsandChildren, , Tin K M Y n Han A lw ap Bought Bears Die Signature of The Surprise Store’s Public Benefit Sale . . . Is Attracting Wide Attention W e SellJust as Advertised No Disappointment Here Perfection Clothes * c-* i for Boys ■ 4 ^ , Beautiful in make and. give the very best service’ for dress or school wear. $10.00; $S.t50 andr, $7.50 finest suits reduced to— S5.55 ■$6.50, $6.00 and $5.00 finest suits reduced to— ' $ 4.55 - ■. ■and •* $ 3.55 . With 2 Pair Pants t Men's Silk 4-in-bands beautiful patterns and colorings. Sale price 25c Regular 50c kind. SHIRTS Now is the time to buy, all styles big tine;. ; Sale price 25c, 39c, 48c and 69c ;A‘- ______ ‘ MEN’S SOCKS choice selection latest f colors. Sale price 6c, 10c, 15c - and 19c. I&c to 35 q Values MEN’SODD TROUSERS Right now you can -huy $1.50 values fo r .. .$1*19 $2 00 values fo r .. ,$1.59. $2.50 values fo r .. .$1.9$ UNDERWEAR Union Suits and seperate gar- me <ts. Sale prices v 19c, 39c, 62c and 77c. The Selling of Hart Schaffner & Marx and Frat Clothes, at these-reductions: j should* cause ev§ry man to inves­ tigate at once. - $28.00, $25,00, $22.50,, $20.00, $18.00 and $15.00 finest suits reduced fco-r- 15 .45 arid .45 I Any Straw Hat I id1the house Half £ Price. Manhattan Shirts at . • n f ° . . , Ohildren’i ..Wash Suits, reduced price to YouJ( Chpice, Aug. 21. 5 0 c , . Men’s and Boys’ Bummer Headwear, at l>rices that wilt astonish you, I s t S > THE SURPRISE STORE Et DAYTON, - - - OHIO > ’ '■ , 1 , - / v f v„- ' 1 H > m tI . • 1 ' , . „ ' ‘ - ' ; H ’ i 'f * r<. ' S, ' £•< ,f ^ , OURPRICES ON PRINTING 2 C X ,v ' •r - , T W- - - '- -' \:.• •* .'1 i ’ . .’, ■-• ■ ‘ r: -\i.- : ’ ; * ’ \ ' ’ *\ . ♦* i.w'$a FOR INU IGKST I0N AMO &V 8 PEPS IA . WOKuannh* s o u r s t o m a c h * s e l c h in c . S . C . D * W l T f B B‘*° CP^trT in r 6 " 6 tfT '. > C O M P A N Y . DAYTON, OHIO 10 per cent to 25 per cent Off Cash Prices Without Exception the Most Comprehensive and Varied Assortment of Good Furniture in the Middle West Let nothing deter ydu from profiting by the almost UNLIMITED CHOICE, Excellent Quality, Superior Workmanship and Low Prices now being offered in this August Sale. • ■ *■ E Regular Rural Free Delivery M & . Cappel’s F e lt Mattress This Htndsomfe $15.00 Wing Back Rocker is made of solid quartered oak, in ft beautiful nut browh fumed finish, with carte seat and back. Fits splendidly info almost any li­ brary, living room or bedroom fur­ nishing. August Furni- t j l OR ture S*ie Price.............. w * { <Aif Arm Chair to match at same price. BEST ON EARTH, FULL SIZE, 45 POUNDS. Pride Felt Mattresses for ..a...,.,....,.*,,,,a..,., Ideal Felt Mattresses for ...................... Peerless Felt Mattress*** PQ f in for Supreme Felt Mat­ tresses for •a*********•»»*•*«*«*. $ 5.40 $ 7.20 $12.60 Odd China Cupboard REDUCED IN SOME CA8ES TO v NEAR HALF. t $34.00 Quartered Oak I* ft China Cupboards.......... Ws.o>iUU $38.00 Quartered Oak • I C Of| China Cupboards.......... $ I U iOU $30.00 Quartered Oak China Cup-# s, I - — board , four styles $80.00 Mahogany China Cupboards Brass Beds $9.75 Colonial Brass Bed, 2-inch posts1. £s-inch filler tods, bright or satin finish. August 0 7 A $ Furniture Sale Pnce.......„.,.pf »*ru $32.00 Colonial Style Library Ta­ ble, quartered oak, finished golden, 28x4B-inch oval top; large drawer; OU t turned pedestals on massive shaped ‘ base. August Furnh O ft ture 8ale P r i c e . , I Ui f aU J Pedestal Table * Quartered - sawed Oak, finished golden and polished; 48-inch top, extends 72 inches 'when open; turned pedestal and shaped base as shown in the Illustration; SJ .100 $18190 value, August Furni ture Sale Price. This $13.00 Solid Oak Chiffonier, to match dresser ihown else­ where in this adver­ tisement; 1a r it C and roomy drawers,’ top „0 inches; French plate, beveUd mirror JO x W inches. Awgust burnt- Oak Dresser f $ 9.90 $13.00"Solid Oak Dresser, like cut; US-inch’ top, French plate beveled mirror, -18x24 inchest August -Fur­ niture Sate Price lj*{jj g|| Is . 311 should invas- '>22.50,, $15.00 ^,lly Trip c mprovmj Mr. G* hi* bed a Plant* Bapteuib' , “J did aOldier.' M i«s£ caller*t Oaroyl Ohm, wb the acho M r * V been on - Dr.'an afctheB. Oberli tendanc quality 1 Tl>e JL Georgia' Mr. Turi - Miss < « recently Edna St> ■mtimty. The Ui pebple o: bath eve and alsi , taudauc David recently Tat cattl .. ' ArcuU all be in the first To san.•- ' tvNen m is the se eugrige - About . gatherei cleaned ly throu _ ouraerv An u$ in 40 ye N T School r ,y% r4AL4 G»e*am f ■j ■- . ' I th i Xen r ' x la r e c o ^ - fe s j^ ; and ga'- ■ iaw M lg g * «k)uld b< ' Mr. > . aympatl enforce*: to a sevcr« KMDti' m t * llobor soldier l- H irsa iU Tf battles!; Mexico. The w> rc; thousanc' inent 1JJiL"1 E ! 52* ^ • ! 1 i »rary Ta­ ti golden, g drawer; vc shaped ! 16.20 m m e r T J , like cut; ■c beveled tgiast Fur* * $ 9.90 _ m ~ 13 EHISBwl©