The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

; F o e Q m JH t ; W m hm & m m & m W k x a y o th ir i m . *Geda t h ir t y - e ig h th YBAR NO. 37. CEDARVILI/E, OH File highest earthly enjoyments iur« but a shadow of the joy l find in leading <3od.’ftword* —Lady Jane Gray. WHY JREA CHUBOH MEMBER? * 1. Because Cod baa instituted the church, 3. O(torch membership will do you. great good, \ 3. To live apart from the church 1 to nsn your way, not God’s. A, Your neglect may grieve the Spirit. : ■■ : ' * : 6, Neglect tnky cause the loss of /our soul, anti that of others. ^ <5. -Because the church is your ipirJLtual soother (Fal. 4i*d) and it is shameful to neglect your toother; 7, The Apostle says “ Forsake not the fiBSemblftfg of yburselyel together, Us the wahher os aorai is,’* ■ &> Is there any -valid reason why you'shotild not?—Selected. ^ CHURCH SERVICE. Cliftoa U. P. ChurchChimes. Rally now, for the autumn work! The church building is greatly toptoredin the interio appearance, Mr. George Britton Is confined to his bed and gainfik but little, Plan to attend Presbytery meeting September??, “ I didn't raise toy boy to bus . soldier.’ ’ - ; Miss Emma Bull ^ras a weledm«j caller at theManse recently. 4 GarayR. Ritchie leftforGustavUs, Ohio, where he will teach during the school year. Mrs. W. B,, Anderson, who ha» been on the sick list is improving. ®T.wnd Mrs. Ritchie were guests at the Ritchenreunion lastTuesday, OberlinCollege is limiting its at- tendance to 1000students. It seeks quality rather than quantity. The Misses Harley, of Rome Georgia are gUestB ip the*hgmo of r Mr, Turner for several jiaya, , Miss Carrie Rife was the guest recently for some days of Miss Edna Stormont of Cedarville Com- . rauaifcy. I ' The Unionmeeting of the young pebple of the two churches last Sab­ bath evening whte.Very interesting and also profitsote to those In at? tendance. , . David and Edwin Bradfute were _ „_............... ......... recently atLdndonexbjibifcirtg their R«yJw, j ” Sanderson, fat oatfcje and enjoying an outing,' 1 Arcttlatlhg library books should all be in ready 'for; distribution by the first Sabbath in September, < To sandwich the day’s duties be- tivsfeninomirtgandevenfngworsbip is the secret.° f blessing on all who dhgtige therin. , About 30members,of the churches gathered last ’ Wednesday and steaned the building very thorough­ ly throughout. It w*Ba long bard days work but gladly done as all our Service is for the Masters saks. goae over it most irsqusntly is the!DAYTON FAIR surest of finding new wonders there, —J. Hamilton. This itna whenmailed with m im dex, denotes thata yew's subscop­ tion is past due and a prompt set­ tlement is earnestly desired, . . - i 0 AY, AUGUST 27 , 19151 PRICE, 41.00 A Y E A R SEPTEMBER 6TO 10TH. j MEM80K NEWSTATEBOARDOFAGRICULTURE R. P. CHURCH (MAIN 8TREET) Testators’ msetihg Saturday evening at 7 otejoek. t Sabbath School Sabbath’ morning It .9:30 o’clock. - Freanhingservlce at 1G;80 byRev . R. Galbreath. of Union, 27. Y. O. E. Society at fl p. m. Prayer meetinjg Wedheftay at 3p. to,' . ■ ■ - R. P. fO. S.) CHURCH Preaching Sabbath evening An uA«du«atedj»an earns *18,000 in t o years, a to*u with a High School eduesMon vHn aarn *40,000in .................................. •'■&*&■ UNITED PRESBYTERIAN. Sabbath School at 9:U0, ** ‘ Preaching at 10:30 Y , P. C, U. at d:00- Prayermeeting Wednesday at 7iod Last Thought WSs His Mother, To prevent bis aged mother fudto being shocked by his terrible injuries, sustained in an accident, John Grady ,of.Belfast, When carried to bia^boih* the other’ day,- began to Sing with apparent lighi-bsortedne*#. He fwA* a lineman, and while' repairing seine wires a current of 1,000 volts was ac­ cidentally trfmed into them, Beth of' Grady’s arms, were homed off ,tba elbow, and ooa-teg was b thi ’.JxkjHr befompM wsa “ Never in its history has Mont­ gomery county had a fair such rur it will enjoy this year,’’ declared Secretary I, L. Holderman, in re­ viewing the plana that have beep made for the entertainment of the people during the 1915 ‘exhibition. In number end excellence of exhibits, this year will be ahead o f all others, he asserted. Featurea have been arranged that it 18 expected will boost the at* tendance at never before. One of the best days of the fair tbj|,yefit Will be Wednesday, the secretary said. Several special features -have bseh scheduled for that day, Amorig them in the Roys Hye stock judging contest, at »:80 a. tm In which a half hundred, dg' more youths from a ll .parts o f the county will take part; the whits* baby shew, in wh ich ' numerous entries have already been made; childrens ahd soldiers day. This day ail children Of the courtty dndef 15 years o f age will lie fi'tJmittedJreel to the grounds,, A ll soldiers Will' also be admitted free, both -to ttteh grounds and to the grandstand and I other concessions under direct con* Urol‘of tlie board, ’There* will be a special tent efedted under which a program suitable fo the day will bb rendered. Bectofary Holdermfin Will ’’give an . ebony, gdld headed cans to the oldest' soldier present, whlie President 'IB, B . «, MOBby will present a silk umbrella to , this youngest civil war veteran present. Thfeebsrness racesand a running race ,wl!l be th e , features kof the speed program.of Wednesday after-* ndon. Music during the” day 'wilt be furnished by ‘ the BroofcviRe hand. Ode Of the gfourid attractions that Will be seen all week. Will bathe perpendicular track motordrome, arolmd'the sides of which ihe riders w lllgo at'an angle of 9ddegrees* Judging of stock will take place Wednesday to the1, center Of •‘the field inside the race track. Entries already ‘ made in -the horse department, more than two week* in advance o f the openings! thsfai's have taken practically all the atable apaee available. The ' lem .nbw pipsentlng itself to the ' lafinw bnear* for these I b i d e m * i n the Gme Mill re-' mm i w .; 3 ■ r 1 im ten men,'! . ';twe,:sa-i ., from"left to' ri " First roi tint; ..Tohn Cadis&NewCc . In ntakii _ leaders of tbCi aierlrtiltoral. such heard hands-will T JUDGESFACED BYHARD TASK . .r,< Schedule ToBe Observed in Weekat StateFair. PROGRAMOF BIOEVENTS »n to the above picture, have b^en selected by. Governor Willis ,as tbe first state board of agrl- t*h»S by tbc"Mallow law, passed by’ the recently adjourncsd session of the legislature. Reading t, the, members in the picture are the following: ' rff. Bfye’rS, Akron; Donald R. Acklin, Perrysburg; C.. IC. Pate'rson, Piketott; D. D, Snider, Gra- [ColUtohuB'Grove. Rear, row-*T.,D. West.Perry; Dr. J, W. Kirgan, Cincinnati; C, A , , Rrap|on, Bunnell, I^htmon, and'R. I^.-Wflliamson, Xenia. se. selections Governor Willis took counsel with the otHtiers of the-State Grange, with - the *y .organizations of Jarmers and stock breeders of the .std.te, and men generally prominent in' in the state. The board will have larger powers and greater responsibility tlian any other V*r held office under the state government. The first great task to devolve upon .its direction of the State Fair. - ’ ; til*Xenia htoqut^Tor soiqieweeksI <k W«itAW(tW»MM la ^ . ___________ CMUltJUUWOW m pBi most hiu, and k* i* recovering from her .operation ahdi gaining urtYength as fast a* could be expected. Mr. Albert Ferguson has " tbe Sympathy o f the congregatlbh to Ijfis < ktoforoed absence froto church due ’to a severe attack of sciatic. Robert Harris is one of tbe soldier boye on the New Hampshire - ^ v, n ,,, ^ battleship re'cbhtly ordered t o L ^ * ^ 8 ° et,8rvlUo^ :16 •*m’ Au^* to her nheerUy that he hod been slightly burned, and spired her the shock ts much as he could. He died a few hours later. STATE FAIR TRAIN SERVICE TO COLUMBUS . ,Mexico, The word of God*, will stand a thousand readings; and he who has 1, 2, 3, 4 via. FOnn sylv&nia Lines. Returning lettVCs Columbus 6:30 p. m. X>r. Jlllw’ Anti-Pain Pill* for mil pain n The Elder &Johnston Co. A P E W M O R E D A Y S — Finish August—a “new September^ in sight ends vacations, and “hints” of home journey- ings and school Openings. “Milady” finds bapphicis, at this time, getting the first “peep” of Autumn Fashions. Wonderful new creations for every need are being revealed every day, and every de­ partment in this great, big store is being filled with best merchandise—whenever you're 'ready. • \l W 1 * -hi Nstice, Take W arn ing If Interested IraSaving ? CAPPEL’S \ v AUGUST FURNIT 0 RE SALE ‘ e n d s - j v\ TUESDAY, /AUGUST) 31rti *x*ft Hattwesy a Ohio ! iWlHiM 1$ FIT TO Tbs Omnium AIw*y* 1* an Imp&ulbH Ccmmturm Whb'MVN* Family *nd FrlmncUi Wrmtchmd. One vof the atnuigest signs of the times JV,our Uifirenal adfiilration for geniuses^ yet a genius, no matimc how you viewmini, is. always an impossible, creature. He Isn’t fit to live with. If he lSrso unfOTttinlrte a* to marry, he makes?,life miserable for fits family, if he doesn’t marry, he la a Care to an his'friends. Atfd the probability is that no tnte well appreciate him lu his own age. - It8* when we'bear that such and much a one Is a genius, we experience an lhstAnt feeling of envy. Host of Us Woafd’ llke to”bo a genius, if we could have,' along With it. “olxr own steady triffts. Wo moulda’t give UpOur regular IhctfMe, -butilUwe could be a genius with’ It. wo should Tlks it very Well. Louibrbio dealgtetr thatgeniuses are bnormSt—dSgefierkt* types. Scien­ tists term them: IQ' biological words "spOrtV’—tllSt Is, Iher ore exceptions to a rule, Tbfcy'ate nupposed tor see things straight, ‘ Whereas everybody else Is abnormal. ”B'emkrd Shaw eays that Is what i* the matter with him.— • Thomas L. Ifossotr In Llpplncott’s. dash .SllUngs, ' The quaint spelling that helped (0 make ’“Josh Billings" famous was nat­ ural cto him. "Josh" was not an edu­ cated man' in -th$ academic sense, and was a pobr speller to tho last, When he started out In the humorous llp6 he observed that the way la whlch be put together hi* words—a style that he followed'simply because be knew no other—tickled the people and helped to4 sell his writings, and like the wise, sensible man that' ho was, despite his literary deficiencies, ha stuck to It to> the end. Of course, had there not been the keenest, wit, humor Aid Sat-j (re behind the "outlandish" spelling, he would have twisted the king’s Eng- j lish in vain. LEGAL NOTICE, Common Pleas Court, ‘ Greene! County, Ohio. (film M. Best vs. Charles H . Best, Charles H'* Best, residence un­ known, will lake notice frafc June 3bd, 1016, said (filio M. Be*t filed in anid .Courtlier-petition, foo divorce agalnet film upon the gwmnda of gross neglect of duty, "habitual drunkenness and .oxtroirto cruelty find that tit* same Will bo ¥or hear­ ing at the court house In Xenia on August 19,1915, fit 0 fi. ni., or as soon thereafter nstho satnecan ibo heard, by which tiino defendosit tohst answer or demur to said potltou ot judgoinoitt may be taken against, him. Qitie M. Beet, Plaintiff. —Bring your buggies and carri­ age*! in now tohavo theto painted. A t Wolford’ *. Event V i TO BEDNIQN Feature of te Pair. Several Nattcuai Otftcers ot Organlza- iiora Will Address Ohio Mepiber*. Govarnor' Wild* Win Also Spe»k, 6 i|k fiannsrs To Be Awarded ' Grange* Showing Largest Attend­ ance at Big Gathering Sept. 1 * 2 . The State Grange has arranged for * reunion at the Ohio Statu Fair this year covering two '.daye--Wednesday und Thursday. Sept, 1 and 2 As is well known, new life and new blood liftvo been Infused Into the grange or­ ganization in the state. For several years the membership nas neon' mounting op and it Is now an' im- yorUuit factor to matters agricultural to the state, with which wide-awake mid aggressive farmers are anxious tc become identified. Hon. L. .f. Taber, tho master of the State Grange, has issued a call tor the rcunfon.'und tho management of the State Fair has en­ couraged it by offering prizes for larg­ est attendance. There are three such prizes offered. For the largest at­ tendance from any local grange in Franklin county a.sUh flag Is offered. Franklin county granges have an ad­ vantage due to location; that, of course, puts them in a elans by them­ selves. The second prize offered Is* nlsd a silk Pag 10 be given to the grange in any other county within fifty miles of Columbus that records the largest attendance. The third io in silk flag, to bo given to the grange lo­ cated butsftfe the fifty-mile limit from Columbus. Registration will bo the test, amlT so all visiting members of tho grange should be sure to register their names and the named and num­ bers of the granges of which they fire members in the book that will be pro­ vided at .the reunion headquarters. Actual- registration Will decide the on invitation to attend the grange re­ union to speak. A score of Ohio fifSd workers will be called into action at the- reunion. The reunion is to bo held , at Grange Hall on the fair grounds. Members of the grange who visit the fair are urged to find their'*! way to this hail immediately, upon reaching the ground and make them- stjlvcs known by registering.' * ■ ,Flna PVograim .* 1 A fine program Job the two days has town afrangsd. On the first day,^ the exerakMMbsrinnink afc4r80ip.ini.,* Mm. Bisffifct-DiciuKm, locturar fef ?tb« day. There will he a roun cuaslou of the subject, "The Orange and the Home”—-those taking part after tho dlsijue&iou is open befits Dr- Miry Anderson,- Job®. Cunningham, B. Ai» Kilberry, John Begg, O. F. Green, George E, Scott, George T. Watts and Hi. F. Oran*. The afternoon exercises will be closed with nri address by Hon. John A JlcSparren, master of tho Pennsylvania Sipte Grange. On Thursday, the second' day of the rcnnloa, Hon. L, J./faber, the master or the State Grange, will preside. The subject of. the round-table discussion for this day will be "The Grange and tbo Farm." The subject will be dis­ cussed by F. A. Derthfck, T. O. Ldylln, y*.l B, Smith, ft. W.’Dunlap and Harry tnton. The exercises on the second day will begin, as on the first, at 1:30 p. m,. Hie round-table discussion will be followed by an address by C. M. Free­ man, tbo BCCrctary of the National Grange, At 2:80 p..m. Governor Wil­ lis Is to arrive and Address the guests at the rennlon. The program will bo concluded jvftli the address of Hon., Oliver Wilson, the master of tho Na­ tional Grange. Tho call of the state master for the reunion closes with these familiar words: "As soon as you get oil the grounds go to Grange,Hall. Talcd your friends with you. Feel at home. It Is yoxrs. .Meet and greet old friends and offer the fraternal hand to oUr many new converts.- Don’t forget the good wife. She Is the best granger, the beat half in your1partnership, the best farmer, and will mec the most of ithe fair. But if yon Oan’t both -come, stay at home and send her. "Remember, Brother Patrons, the Earners of Ohio and America mast feed and clothe the world. Tho hand of destiny has opened the door oJ pp- *Go in and possess the EXHIBIT OF, LIVE FISH AND BIRDS, will be exactly alike, of fine quality and similar to the trophy given to the champion speller of the state, as de­ cided hy the State Spelling Bee held a few months ago under the direction of the state Agricultural commission. 1 There will he a number of notable addresses at tho grange reunion—all well worth hearing, and On’ topics of special interest, to farmejro. Master L. J Taber has •invited the national , grand master, Mr.- Wilson of llllriOlo.j and State Master MeSparren of Penn-" sylvania to attend the reunion *and! speak to the Ohio Grangers, and both1 have accepted tho Invitation. The west;; program ever presented by the granfo, at the State Fair is now assured, Mr. Tabor, the master of the Ohio Grange, Will be in charge ef tho meeting. > In his call the state, master slfiteS* that the last six months have const!-,! tnted the greatest period of gtongo1; fciowth in forty years. In that tiiiife, sixty-six granges have been ealato! fished and more than six thouoapflj farmers, their wives, sons and daugh­ ters have become members. w n j r.0rtunity. ’ awards of the flags. These trophies fjntid.’ Tbe first move is to boost tho * . -it _ riijtu, >....... . s„ .... . • Governor Willis has also accepted - appointed. Slate Fair and flic grange reunion. If Won make it the greatest in the his­ tory of our state, it wifi prove that yciu are fighting for agriculture and humanity.” ------- ——------— • IP * WORK IS divided ! ^ Members of Agricultural Board to 8u-' pervlso' Departments at State Fate, Tho state Board of Agriculture has made the following assignment of members to be in charge of the ten departineuto into whtleh the State Fate' fo'-dividedi*. Horse (Department—-Don ft. Acklin. Speed department—G. E. Patterson. Cattle- -C, A. Branson. Swine—New­ ton t). Bunnell. Sheep—Et. D. William- flon. ”'Agricultural and Horticultural Products—'T. B. West, Machinery—J. t, Myers, Women's Wd/lt and A r t - Dr., <T. W. Klijgan. Poultry—D. D. snider. * Each member in charge! will have a superintendent <of tho department un­ der him, but these liav,e not yet been . An entirely ,new feature 'pi the State Fair this year wilt be an ex­ hibition oE live game birds' and perhaps also of live fish. Secretary Dunlap hits made arrangements for such' interesting'•exhibitions' through General John C. SpCaks, state fish and game warden, whose work is now under the •direction of the State Board of Agriculture. Hitherto such - exhibitions have bean, made of only mounted' birds Is will be shown M progress thas. the” state nsn ai game department is toaktog in the propagation of. gethe birds nml fish will 1*6 shown. State Warden Speak* will ®Tso have on exhibition 0. large minx-, her of illegal devices for taking game birds, animals and fish that" have been found by deputy war­ dens and confiscated. tinder tho law. In tho course of a year a vast .store of such illegal property comes into tho bands of the state, warden—mute ovidehce of the ef­ ficiency of tho, department. STATE FAIR N&TES. ill Band concerts daily. A cattle show beyond compare, Live stock building® unrivalled the world. Beautiful displays of tho fruits of Buckeye soil. Visitors Who Wish To ObtervS Exlfi- bltione of Live Stock and Machinery or Speed Tests Given Information Thflt Will Eliminate Confusion. ’ .■y The following Is the order of exhibi­ tion of exhibit* both in tbe competi­ tive-and non-competiUve departments at the State Fair, which will be a val­ uable guide for both exhibitors and fvisitors at.the lair. Naturally, exhib­ itors for premiums wish to, have their •efferings in the best, possible ctmdi- 'dition at the time of the' showing, and that is tbe best time for viewing them, -, Because of the groat number of ex­ hibits ip the premium classes to be Judged, it,is necessary for the Judges to begin their Work prpmptly°witb the opening of the fair, and to work ,’by schedule through, to the end. The fol­ lowing shows the entire program of- the examinations and the -speed ,teals; >- First Department-—Hor«cs, Monday, An®. 80—Ponies and Pony Turn­ outs, other than Shetland; American Bred Draft, Trotting .and facing Tuesday, Aug. 81—rkfglan, Grade Draft, Trolttnp and Facing RaCes, Wednesday,, Sept. I—Roadsters, SndcfiiSrS, Trotting and Paclne ibices, Thursday, Sept. 3 —Perchcrons, Heavy v , Harness Glasses, Trotting and,Pacing Races. Second Department—Gattle. Tuesday, Aug. to—lied Polls, Aberdeen, Angus and Guernseys. ' ’ * Wednesday, Sept. 1—Holstelns, Ayrshlres 1 /aha Sbcrthorns. Thursday, Sept. 2—Jerseys, •Herefords and RrOWn E'wlss. Friday. Sept. 3—1'offcd DUrhams. Third Department—Swine. Tuesday, AUg. 31—BerJcshlres, .Chegtei Whites and Tamworths.' •Wednesday: Sept.,~ , 1 —Poland Chinas Puroe, Jerseys and Spotted Poland Chinas, « Thursday, Skpt 2—Yorkshires, Hamp- Bhlrea, Mule Foots. „ Fourth Difpartment—Sheep. Monday, AUg, 30—Merinos, Class A, •French Merinos, Class B, Oxford ■ ' Downs, Hampshire Downs. 1Tuesday, A»g. “31—Mertnos,, Classes B and C,,Shropshire*, Ohio Red Shrpp- shlres, South Downs; Wednesday, Sept. 1—Cofswolds, Lincolns, . , Oheylots/ French Merinos. Class C, Thursday, Sept, y—Dorset*, Tunis, Fat, Sheep, Fifth Department—Poultry. *Fiamlnatlons for prramhwn award* will begin Monday, Aug. SO. begin Tue*dflf. Aug, Seventh Department—Horticultural Products. , - Examinations for premium' awards wHl -begin Tuesday, Aug. 31. Eighth Department-Machinery and ' Agricultural ImpfementS. Coqtinudus exiiJhttfons. No . premium competition. ,, 'Ninth Department—Mechanic* and Man- . ufacturer*' Products. Continuous exhibitions. No premium, dompctHIon* Tenth Department—Merchandise, Matte, . . ' . Etc,' Continuous exhibitions. No' premium competition. ■ Eleventh Department—Women’s Work. Examinations Tor .promlum awards will begin Monday, Aug. 80, Twelfth Do'partmehtf-Flne Arts. Examinations for, premium awards wkl begin Tuesday, > g, 31, * . ft . ..... l’*■1 .... " 1 1 Free inBtsuction will be given- in the art of butteFand cheese making i®tbs new Dairy building fit the Ohio State fair at Columbus. ' « m AUTOMOBILESWILLBEADMITTEDFREEAT OHIOSTATEFAIR; PARKAGEPROVIDED Lr^earw*'*fc'.N R HCOGNIZING the general uao Into which the automobile has come an a means of transportation xnd In anticipation that many vis­ itors to the Stat Fair-oven from considerable distances—will this year make the trip by such con­ veyances, tbe State Board of Agri­ culture lma decided to omit this yeai- the fifty-tent ice that has been ex­ acted for the (privilege of taking ah rutomobile into the fair grounds. They will not only be admitted free this year, but arrangements will he made for tho convenient and safe parking or tho cars inside the grounds. Those who use this means of reaching the grounds may Come feeling assured that all reasonable pains will be taken hy the- State Fair management to pro­ vide ample parking space and to police it so that orderly entrance and exit from the paik rhfiy be made at any time aftd minimum danger of Injury to machines and delay in movement, This docs not mean that the mah- egement is to ho responsible for tbe absolute protection of machines from damage or theft, but that reasonable care will ho taken to tnako this sort ot property, when tnhen Into the grounds, safo from tho dangers that would naturally surround them unde:' suefi circumstances, THE OHIO STATE FA IR .*< *#1^ 4 “ *4.. y *