The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

I NmB-WW - - 4 $.Sifc*-■* 4 O f tM U . F . * Church Chime*. nit wiiKSMMWF it Bate - j ML i-classTrapeze DH iloman Ang ferialists, Acrobats. Fanny Clowns anil World'sWisastTraineii Animals BlueRibbon Performing Ponies [fag's Famous Comedy gears Wonderful Original ActingDogs Acrobatic Equestrian Monkeys Sir RoyaC the ta in -like Gi­ ant R h e s u s t a k e * inlm- petsonations... FR EE B AN D CONC ERT before —— —performances.--------- POSITIVELYONE DAY ONLY 2-*£<mtpfete Shows Daily—2 Afternoon a t 2 and Night at 8 UNDERWATERPROOF TENTS fpeoial BargainMatin«e*t 2 p. na„ L *d fea20 c , CHUifr*iti0& N ight Price* 250. Children.under OYr*. 15c. Smith’s Lot, CedarvHle Tues., Oct. 12 A Cotl«8« LMtter. -OW Man Bings haa beon liragglng that his boy he sent to’college fa go* Inc to make a noise in the world." -le he showing any signs of doing -Oh, yes; he’s leading the else* ooi- isce yell*” October is the finest month of the year. —Forest: Miller has started to CedarviHe College. . —Students who are wise will be­ ware of functions that result in late' hours. —Light, love and life are ‘ three marks "of a growing church. - -Efficiency is the watchword today, and the way to spell it is l-o-y-e» • —Paul Ferguson is enjoying his student life a t Monmouth. -Sleep is nature's sweet restorer but in the case of students, she re­ quires a t least eight hours in which to do her work* ? —The pastor requests th a t each member of the church s during the month of October pray fo r a special manifestation of God’s blessing upon the congregation during the coming evangelistic meetings. —Rev. E. W. Naim, D. D„ an evan­ gelistic preacher of great power, is to be in our pulpit fp r two weeks, No­ vember 7-20. . -Light is light which radiates, love is love which circulates, life is life which generates. —The Thanksgiving service of the W. M. Society will he held a t the church Saturday, October 16, a t 2 p m. A program will be rendered. ‘—Harvey Finney a t this' writing (Tuesday) is a very sick child. The prayers of the congregation, are r e quested for him by th e family* , —Mrs. Gordon Collins started last "Wednesday fo r a visit with her brothers a t Anthony, Kansas*- Mrs. Lydia Corr^y will accompany her. —The usual, autumn communion has been postponed until the close of ou r evangelistic meetings, so tha t it will come November 21. —Mr. Allen Ferguson is, our dele gate to svnod which this year meets a t Hebron, Indiana. -We earnestly hope th e congre­ gation enjoyed the meeting of Pres­ bytery. Brethren, you get out of all spiritual privileges just in proportion to what attention and thought you give them. -The Christian Union SabW h evening returned to the ‘‘upper room. * An especially helpful meeting follow­ ed. We are sure the “gathering to­ gether;*' the "assembling of Our­ selves” brings a more certain blessing than, to scatter out over a large room. t—Bible memoriring leaflets will be given out Sabbath morning to1 those who may desire them. Suggestions 7 to 12 fo r n e s t Sabbath evening. . Natural* Indlgnatlon. A cautious German, who keeps * pawnbroker’s shop In Sydney. Is Inthi habit of leaving hit daughter fit charge While attends sales to>pick up bar- gains. A Chinaman entered the store the other day to buy a watch. The girLplated four on tbevcounter, and, while her back waa turned, John changed the places of the highest and lowest priced watches, He then said he would take the cheapest-on*,- for which he paid and departed. It was not until he was clear away that sbe discovered the fraud, about which, on her father's return, she told him with many tears. “Never mind, never mind, mine tear,” he said; “dose watches was ail de same price. But vat a irmundrel dot Bhlnamon must pt>. ion'd h e r WMoftman a t th i Oatrieft F*f* Thinks He Asee fiirflar# at the Window, ■fitting alone in tfr* ogles' of the Beptiey ostrich farm at Malrosa tbs other night, A, Walters, night watch­ man, looked up from hip papar and was Startled to *«• two faces pairing at him through a window. “Burglars!” he gasped, and drew hit revolver. He seat two shots through the window, and then pqr sued two Seeing forms Into the dark­ ness outside, firing as he ran. His ammunition exhausted, he hastened back to the office and telephoned to the police station. 'T’ve just shot a burglar," be maid. "Two of them tried to break into the Office and lchased them. 1 killed one. and the other owes his life to the feci that 1 had no more bullets. Come quick. You may catch him before he get* away.” A posse surrounded’the .big farm. Triumphantly Waiters led the ser­ geant to where a dark form lay hud-, died in a heap on the ground, a testi­ monial-as to his marksmanship. A policeman bent over the form. “Why, it’* au ostrich!" he exclaimed. -Ban < 7 randsca Chonicle. . The Sacred Czar. It la not only the Russian Court journal which has a circuitous way." of referring to the -.ssar. Even in con* veraation’.Russians never call a czar a czar. Il ls not incorrect to. use the! terms ' czar,' czaritza and czarevitch,- hut In practice they are beard only in the JJturgy of thg Orthodox? church* and sometimes from the lips bf people* of revolutionary views, In ordinary* conversation the czar Is called Gozu-*' -’Pr, a word which means Lord dr Sir.' in the Court Circular it is the prao-'* tlce to term the Sovereign Cosudar Imperator*. the Lord" Emperor,. No­ body ever speaks of .the czaritsa; she Is dlwaya Gosud&rtnys, the Lady, or GosUdarinya Imperatr'tza, the Lady' Empress; On a Pinch," Rivera (erasing something be h*» Written)—! want to speak of a bald* beaded man and 1 don’t want -to Us# the billiard-ball comparison. -Can't you think .of something not quite so hackneyed! * , Brooks—You might say he's as bald aa an eggplant ! Rivera (rattling away on hit type* writter)—Thanks; that’ll do fairly well, J .... *..Il..... ELEC TION NOTICE. ftm w * w AWW-WiUWMW. «s< 3fc CedbrviileTownshipRuralRcbool District, GreeneCounty, Ohio. To the electors of CedarvHle TownshipRuralSchool District. Yon. are hereby "notified that at the Genera!Election, tob* held oa Tuesday the 2ndday of November 1215, there ,will be elected by the electors of GedarvRte Township Bnral School District, Greene •ounty, Ohio, two ( 2 ) membersat large of theHoard of Xdueatioa of saidSchool JDiatriotfor the termoi Four (4) years each, beginning the firstMondayin January 1916. • Said election w ill be held a t the usual voting places Of the School District, between the hoars of 8*.«to a. m. and 6:80 p. m. Central stand­ ard time. * Terms ofA. 55. Smith and A< G- Collins expiring. ANDREW JACKSON, •lerkofthe Board of Education of Gedarvllle Township Rural Ichoel District, Greene tfounty Ohio. • , Schmidt’s =Groceries These two te rm s have been used together for so m any years in Xenia, :of O rre r ie s* always been th a t you can’t th ink of H. ©. Schm idt’s Store w ithou t th inking G oceries. Then , toe, for variety, quality and p r ice Schm idt’s has ~1’— «• u“ ~ th e leader. Specials for Thursday* Friday and Saturday BREAD 3 10c Flour is high bui we still sell at the old price* Tomatoes, per can .So Corn, per can,.,;1.....................fie Lehoxsoap, I b*wfor.. m Ivory Bonp, per bair. Itfc v Not over 6 bar* toa customer “S ta r” Tin Csns Par D o z . . . . . . . *32C Mason Jars Quart Size, pa r $ 02 . 48c Centract New andGet a 31 Piece Sterling China D in e r Set FEE* for $50.00 in trade Don’t fail to aeleet from the temple* what you want when eur men dal! on you. Pure Cane Sugar * SI .38 Sugar Cured Hams 16c. lb. Breakfaet Bacon * 18c. lb. 2 Cars of FINE ELBERTA PEACHES iM a H. £• Schmidt 6 Co.; Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 SouthjDetroit Street, . . Xenia, , Ohio. h WP W ILLNER ERO S . A CO, C o m .r 4 th I M « i« S iM .t , PA Y TO N , OHIO , DISSOLUTION SALE 4 " . . Disagreement of Stockholders Which N ever Exhisted Before Has Brought on This Critical Financial Crisis Store Closes D isagreement between the Stockholders, created a "•"■*'' ' 4 ■ . • a- condition which had no t existed before. B u t we will m ake a bold effort to w ard off the c a - . lam ity th a t now confronts n s by heroically sacrificing our magnificent $ 70,000 stock of Clothing, H a ts and Furnishings*' a t p r ic e s 'in m any ins tances th a t are le ss th an you would offer yourself if you were asked to nam e your own price, because circumstances force u s to convert th is immense stock into cash quickly, regardless how g rea t our loss. So the People May Know We are now facing the crisis of our "Business Career, T h e existing c ircum stances have created a . con­ dition which we neve^ dreamed of, and has resulted in th e w ithdraw a l of some of the Stockholders of th is company, w ith a thorough under­ stand ing THAT they a re to receive ALL MONEYS D U E THEM w ith in a very short time. W ith the major p a r t of th e /cap i­ ta l of th is corporation now tied up IN MERCHAND ISE , the rem a in­ ing members of th is organization are confronted w ith a serious problem—in fact, it has created a ’ f r e a l calam ity. T H E U RG EN T NEC ^S ITY O F CASH to p ay the outgoing members of th is firm, compels us- to *take unprecedented steps . of slaughtering th is magnificent stock to meet the prevailing conditions. The enormity of our stock, the v ita l danger and burden it implies a t this critical financial stagnation, FORCES US TO RA ISE TH E NECESSARY AMOUNT O F CASH AT ANY COST. It’s Up To Us To save ourselves from financial ru in , we a re com­ pelled to resort to these heroic sacrifices, * IT seems a p ity th a t th is disturbance should arise NOW—after so m any years of active and honor­ able business career, bu t these a re th e conditions . th a t stare us in th e face and w h ich W E MUST overcome. • W e sincerely bode th is sa le will raise the • i required amount whereby we m a y continue in busi- — A ness in D ay ton and we » * s now go on record as saying I F slaughtering of prices w ill raise th is am oun t our continuance is assured , • A T 9 A . M . Ju s t th in k of A tterbury and Renw ick System Clothes in a ll the la test F a ll and W in te r styles; w ide lapels* to f t roll; p la in o r pa tch pockets, merclessly slaughtered , right in th e h ea r t of th e season, BECAUSE Cash Relief I s Our, Only Salvation. , MOTHERS—Our en tire stock of Boys’ and Children’s Clothing is a t your mercy. You w ill find in ou r m ammoth Children’s Department, only such w orld renowned m akes a s M. E . F . and Sm a r t Set Clothing in all-wool serges, worsteds and cheviots, made up in the very la test Norfolk and Bulgarian style w ith mostly a p a i r pan ts . * * Sensational Bargains In Men’s and Young Men’s Suits and Overcoats All our $10.00 Suits, Overcoats .... $6.45 All our $12.50 Suits, Overcoats and Balms- (£ Q A C c a a n i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 0 * 4 0 AU our $14.50 Suits, Overcoats and Bal’ma- (PQ A C Alllour $17.50 Suits, Overcoats andBalma- { A C caans, .................... . aP Jl 1 *TCt/ All our $20.00 Suits, Overcoats and Raima- <& | 4 A C _____________ - ....... ....... All our $25.00 Suits, Overcoat# and Balma- caans .. . . » .......... .* i D h i + Mackinaws A ll$7.45 Mackinaws now ,.$4.95 All $10.00Mackinaws now. .$6.45 A ll$12.60 Mackinaws now. *$8.45 Raincoats All our $7*45 Raincoats now $4.95 All our $9.45 Raincoats now $6,45 All our $12.50Raincoats now $8,45 S TO R E C LO S ES M OND A Y & T U E S D A Y , OCT , 1 1 t h and 12th Special Notice R A ILR O A D F A R E S PA ID ON A L L ROADS W ITH IN 50 M I L E S TO P U R C H A S ER O F $ 1 5 . M O R E M E N ’ S PA th fS One Lot of Men’s Working Pants. .79c O u r $2.50 P an ts ............. .$1.85 Our $8.00 Pants*...................#1.85 Our, $4.00 Pan ts ............... .12.85 Our $5.06 P a n t s , ............. .,*.$3.46 ~ H A T S A N D C A P S Choice of any J . B. Stetson Hats; Values to $5.00...................... $2.45 D R ES S A N D W ORK SH IR TS 60cBlue Amoskeag Work Sh irts .. . A 27c Men’ s *and Roys’ Underwear Extraordinary; Values in Boys’ and Chil­ dren’s Suits and Overcoats Ex tra Special $2.00 Boys’ Worsteds do | A A Suits .............. ..........d > l « U U All our $2.95 Boys* Suits; many styles and * BlZGS, #■ -* 0 *■ « • M m 4 0 4 • • «I $ 1 . 6 5 All our $8.95 Boys’ Suits; many with 2 pairs of ( t ' J pants............................. $ £ « U U .......... 9 • « ...!"■11 - « All our $4.95 Boys* Suits and Overcoats.. , ................ $ 3 . 6 5 All our $7.45 Boys’*Suite and <5*4 A C Overcoats. . . . . . . . . . . d ) 4 * U 0 All our $0 95 Boys’ Suite Overcoats. . ................. $6.95 Furnishings 10cWhite Hemstitched Handkerchiefs...................... .,3 c 15c White Ilematiched Handkerchiefs........ ....................7c 25c White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs............... l l a . & Co M o s * Cohan’ s Did Stand U . B . Building , 4 th & Main S t s , D A Y T O N , O H IO