The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

J For Excellence Our Jefe |Workwill compere with ufcfttof *ny other f rm..,.. rsBrsrrag sssgBgg THIETY-BIGHTH YEAR NO. U % hem wfctnjrstitci with srafo<4 de?,dcKc;eas?!Dt» pent a fr.ferrij> f t;eq igpagf Cue nixoa p v n j ! $ ct> | , tlcment i* earnestlydesired. . » * f <pyrt^T5^' CEDARVILLE, OHIO, 3TBIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1915 PRICE, S1.CQ A YEAR NEW u g : it company THE CALL TO ARMS. MAKES A BID. ! A representative o f Use Hun Vapor Street ligh t Co., o f Canton, was in town Friday trying: to interest conn- d l and citizens in general in a new system o f street lighting, The company has what is known as the- boulevard system, singly or in dusters o f three or five lights. Springfield, Dayton, Columbus ami many o f the cities have installed the boulevard system in the business sec tions and it adds much to the appear- ance of the town. Most of those cities use electricity instead o f gas. Cities in the northern part’ o f the state such as .Canton and Akron have adopted the gas system and ‘find at much cheaper. The company installs the plants and keep them in repair, having a man in charge day and night. The cost m said to he about One-half what electricity is. The Dayton L igh t.& Power com­ pany has nearly three years of n ten- year contract to fulfil before council can take action. About half of the village finances has been going for electric lights and council does not propose to make any change unless as good service can be rend^-ed for about half the present cost. One o f the boulevai'd lamp posts has been installed in front of the Ohio Fuel Supply Co,, in Xenia, and was greatly admired last week by citi­ zens attending the Fall Festival. . ’ .. V p, ATTRACTIONS ’ At the Fairbanks Theatre, Spring- , field, Week o f October 48,. The first big musical show o f the season is scheduled, at the Fairbanks theatre, Springfield, when "The Only Girl" will be offered on Tuesday, Oc­ tober 19th. The combined genius of Victor Herbert and Henry Blossom have- entered into the success o f this production and this atone makes it worth while. Tile producers,; how­ ever, have also done their share ,in the way, o f a clever cast o f ^principals, good,, comedians,/splendid scenic pro­ duction and a large chorus for the en­ semble work. Fairbanks theatre pa- Irons have been hungry for la good musical show and wifi welcome Die announcement o f the engagement of "The Only Girl." ' On Thursday evening, October 21, the Fairbanks theatre will offer an entertainment o f an entirely different sort and ,one that will appeal to old and young alike; It i s ' “The Blue "Bird" from the pen of Maeterlinck and tells the story o f two children of a poor wood Cutter in the forest of Ardennes- These children have lit­ tle sick neighbor1who is unhappy and having heard "of a “blue bird” which, i f captured,* brings happiness to everyone, they start in quest of it, Their wanderings carry them to the Vale of-Happiness, but they search in vain for the blue bird: Finally dis­ couraged and weary they turn their ’steps homeward only to find that the blue bird is in a cage outside of their own cottage door. Music and danc­ ing ore a principal part of this Won­ derful poetical fantasy and none should miss it. By Herbert N. Bradford. Arise; arise, yc country’s wise And e'er the new moon lights the skies, • Strike hard the unrelentless hand That grips like iron a burdened land. Fight for the home and loved ones true. ’ Fight fop the Christ who died for you. The foe; the foe, in lines below Have mustered wrong where right should go. The Demo Drink lias roused their ire, And fanned their greed to flaming fire. * To Alcohol, their tyrant king,. The trophies of each day they bring. They cry; they cry, a brazen cry— Come join, our ranks, and . for us die. We offer you a wretched life, \ And every curse to mar your strife, ■ . ■ But in return, .with fife of Hell, We’ll satisfy your passions well. 0 • The king; the king; his‘ subjects sing Of he who welcomes all they bring, Of he who tears the home apart, And laughs to Scorn a broken neafi, f he who grasps the youth in bloom. ,nd leads him to his frightful doom. They come; they come, we hear the drum • Of marching feet, and distant hum Of thousands as they forge their way Of death and misery thru the day. Their banners gleam, and in its glow We read their motto—-Death and Woe. CLIFTON LT, P. CHURCH NOTES. i To arms; to arms, ye men to arms. From city mart to fertile farms. From every side arise in might: To take up your arms to win the fight. , Strike for, the, son they’d take away, And for the girl—their choicest prey. Arise; arise, ye country’s wise, And’ shout the war-hymn to the skies. Go forth to die if needed must be, . To save your land and set it free. To struggle for a nation lost. To fight for God and bear His cross. ADVERTISED LETTERS. Remaining unclaimed in the post- office at Cedarville, Greene Co., Ohio for the week ending Out, 9,11)15. 'List No, "14; Mrs. J. JR Francis.1 James Fogarty. Fred Hilbert, Rev; I, C. Jackson. M, V. Lewis. 1 ■1 Edith Wile. 1 W. A . Turnbull, F. M. FOE SALE—About 25 bu. of good Jersey sweet potatoes. / Will sell in bushel lots or by the pound. ’ Wm* Smith, the trucker. FOR SALE—Clermont air tight hot blast soft coal burner. H. A. Towiisloy,' —For the next few days I will sell the pure Russian Mineral oil at a special price. Imported and Ameri­ can brands.. C. M. Ridgway, . * " 1 HORNER’S p When thinking of Footwear always remember that HORNER a little more QUALITY at the other fellow’s PRICE. Showing of Fall Shoes For Men, Women and Children , i m unitm-1 ...... . n" ‘ni 8 — HORNER’S 33 South Limestone St., Springfield, Ohio GUARANTEED RUBBERS SOLD HERE ■% For Nippy Nights— Ugh! Indeed, it feilly does sound flood to hear the word Blankets now, but it’s better to “cuddle down” among "the soft, * fluffy ones; and the bsst to be found anywhere are included !a , our Variety. Hero are large, downy, all wool kind big enough for the wide double-bed. - And they are pretty a# the feath­ ery, fleecy clouds of rich tints. Prices? you know -they are right. --For CottOfi Blankets of beauty and service— “Beswfi" is the word that satisfies every demand and never were we so proud of our line. '•Ask to see “Beacon” Blankets. The Elder&JohnstonCo. • (D ay ton ** S h o p p in g C an to r) —Clifton church has a welcome for you. —Bruce Andereon is leader for C, U. Sabbath evening, —The- third Tuesday in. October is National Apple Day, - —Mr, E. C. Corey drives the new Clifton School wagon. —“ Character is both taught and caught," —God does n.ot have the same plan for any two lives. —The road to church ought to be kept iso ithat sinners >will like to travel it, —Robert Harris writes that his battleship, the New Hampshire, has reached Virginia again, having just returned from Vera Cruz. —Mr, Georga Britton is sufficiently improved to be wheeled out of doors on a very pleasant day, - .—Have you noticed the glory of the woods, the splendid beauty of the autumnal tints.?-. —Mr, and Mrs, A . It, Hogsett, of lamestown, were visitors at Charles Finney’s home last week. —Fortune, knocks- once at every nan’ s dooi‘, but if. he happens to be mt she doeU not go hunting for him 'n a saloon. , —Mr. and Mrs. William Smith’ presented the inmates o f the Manse vith a fine'lot of «weet potatoes last ■veok; struck our fancy exactly. . —Wonit you,join bur Bible class iri he. Upper Room at 9;?0 a. m. Our notto: “ We Mean.Business.” A live ounch, fine fcllawship* practical dis­ cussions. All may' participate, none obliged to. Come and see, . —The Women’s Fresbyterial o f Xenia Presbytery meets- at Columbus, October 21, in the First church. Our delegates ai‘e: Mesdames B. W, An­ derson and Joseph Waddle; altern­ ates, Mrs. E: C. Corey and Miss Etta Bull. —The next number of the Lecture Course will be Emma Dee Randle, mono-dramatic entertainer, and Will be given on the evening of Novem­ ber 2. . —Mr, Willis Crafts, a third year student, of Xenia Theological Semin­ ary, Will preach next Sabbath in the absehee of Dr* Ritchie, who is assist­ ing Rev, H. J. McClure of DeLancy, New York, in a series of meetings. Mr; Crafts .was- a member of the Sec­ ond New Concord congregation for a number of years- during I)r* Ritchie's pastorate. —The- mother who allows her son to grow up careless and disorderly in his habits, .is making trouble for his wife when he gets one. —“How do you like your teacher, May?” She was .asked after her day in .school, “Oh, I like her- right Well, but I don’t think rise knows much, for she just keeps asking ques­ tions all the time." —There are people "living in big houses, finely’ furnished and with all modem conveniences, who are not baring half the pleasure they did * they had * three-room house, — ,-ey Finney, six-year-old son of Mr. ani Mrs. John Fitiney, died of heart- trouble October 10, Harvey was an interesting, bright little boy and wsill be greatly missed by . his family and .playmates. This is. the first-death among the young people in four years, in the Clifton congre­ gation. '■ Death Of Children’s new fall footwear. The greatest children’s shoe department in Cenaral Ohio. Nisley's, Spring- field, 0. ELECTION NOTICE. Yo4ng Son. Death, has hrna*^ sadness and Inauguration Of Dr. MvChesney. grief in the home John G. Finney by claiming their Harvey, October IQv.l was short and hit done, He was bar) t m He had be#n in ft the last Omonths in dropsy pf the very bright and obi endured hia suffer! It was only nine his grandfather him to his Heavenly The paront# have aeon, Walter* Ti were held Monday home at i ;30, The charge o f the pi Ritchie, The lb was covered with Burial took place tory. Mr. and j^Irs. ie death angel Jeremiah l«S . His life ork waB soon October 29tli, »ng health for leh developed He waBai ful child and; with patience, tlm age that ney * preceded home. e other child, uneral services moon at the rvicea were in , Rev. O. M. white casket ufiful flowers* Clifton ceme- ■ * * j WILL BRING BODY jUAINCS" TRIAL SET I TO .SPRINGFIELD. ” FOR NOVEMBER 10. CHURCH XL E. CHI H. :fK>a. m. m, s m tl Quarterly Sunday School Preaching atlO : Slpworth League I Prayer meeting ,, . ............, Conference Wednesday evening at 7:00 p. m* - * Rev, W. D . CtU.fD* DM w ill be present at this seri&ce. A11 mem hers of Quarterly D e feren ce are re­ quested' to beptoee P. CHURCH («®MN STREE T ) Teachers’ meeting faturday evening at 7 o’clock. -' -Sabbath School Swbatb morning qt 3:30 o’clock. ' preaching at I0:f Evening Service l * 6 :80. O .E . at 6:80. You are cq td ia lly fan ted . See J , M. Wille and vegstableaef i Men’s fall sho*&.j buton and. blusher i and heavy weigh' Nisley’s, Sprinj " Owner of-*.- rbby for frulia pklndg. jlislt, lace dr Light dress |2.50 to $5.00, Newest fall footgear -for ladies. Button, Military, lilce and Gypsv styles at $3.00. to $6.00. Nisley’s, Springfield, Ohio, On Friday, November 12, will be held the ceremonies in connection with the formal inauguration of the Rev. -Wilbert Ropwicfc Mc- Cbesnoy, Pb, D,, D. D „ as president of Oodarvillo College, i t is ex­ pected that this w ill bo the biggest day in the history of tl>6s|nstltution. A full day's program has been arranged, Jtn the morning there will ho short speeches of greetings from citizens, students, alumni,t trustees, faculty, and General Synod. Tin# session will c I obo with an address upon some interesting phase of education,, by a dis tinguisiied speaker, whose name will tie announced within a few days, as soon tvs arrangements have been completed. Atmoon there will be a big picnic dinner in the Alford Memorial Gymnasium, m which the whole community is to be aBked to par­ ticipate. ■ In the afternoon the inauguration ceremonies proper w ill be held. They will begin with an academia procession o f students, alumni, faculty, trustees, and delegates from vlsiting.iusfcitntions, irom thd College to the Opera House. , A t the Opera House an address will be delivered by Hon. Frank B, WRlis, governor o f Ohio. Rev; David McKinney, D. D., LL , D., therstiring president will then In­ augurate the new president. Dr* ilcChesney will then deliver his Inaugural address. 1 The day will close with a big banquet to which visitors and town folks are invited. A large number o f alumni, former students and friends ot the College are expected to return to show their loyalty to their alma mate! and do, honor to their beloved friend and teacher, Dr, McChesney. ' Other colleges, universities, and theo­ logical seminaries will undoubtedly Send a goodly body ot representa­ tive#, , . Personal invitations .w ill not be sent t o any individuals in this com­ munity, except to alumni, because the whole community is cordially Invited en fimsso to all o f the exercises o f the day. It is hoped' that all will respond and make the » msnior#bie on# to- the village lege. A fuller announcement of the details of the program w ill be made later. The body of John W. BeoI:r;a!tc>r, who died in Italy, September HO, is to be brought to Springfield for burial. Col. E. J. Shinn, a nephew, who has charge of tho Boolnvaltcr ranches in the west, wap with hip uncle at the time o f hip death and started Monday with tho remains:. No funeral ar­ rangements can be made as the body will not be due in Boston until the 22nd. Lewis Haines, the Yellow Springs murderer, will he tried on November 16 on a first degree charge for taking • the life o f Denman C. Duncan of that • place. Domestic trouble is said tQ have been at lha bottom of- the affair. Attorneys Ryle and Williamson will represent the defendant, A special jury will be drawn Saturday morning. Ur. MHcn’ Antl-Pajn I’illn tor Thpi!in:itt3m —For window glass, pH sizes, go to C. M. Ridgway’s, OPEN FOR J, IN THE CROUSE .ROOM * ! - f ts ■ PHOPOSUD ' AMENDMENT TO TUB CONSTITUTION OP OHIO, EXEMPTING PU6UC BONDS FKOSI TAXATION. Cedarville TOivushlp Rural School District, Greene County, Ohio. To the elector# o f Cedarville Township RuralSchool District. ■ You aro hereby notified that at fhe.Geueral Election, to he held on Tuesday the 2nd day of November 1915; thera w ill be elected by the electors o f Cedoyville Township Rural School District, Greene County, Ohio, two (2) members at large of the Board of Education oj said School District for thO' term ot Four (4) years sach, beginning the first Monday in January 1010. - Said election will bo-held, at the usual voting places o f the School District, between the hours o f 5:30 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. Central stand­ ard time. Terms of A . 55. Smith and A. G« Collins expiring. ANDREW JACKSON, Clerk of the Board o f Education o f Oodarvillo Township Rural School District, Groone County Ohio; c ■ * . LEGAL NOTICE * r i -••»»*■T -r*-— - Common PleasCotm , Greene Cdunty,0.ilo. Lily M. Ofiite ) - vs. > Legal Notice • curtisC lino ) Curtis Udine, residence unknown, will take notice that said L ily M, Olltie has filed m said court her petition against him for divorce upon the ground of groB# neglect of duty, and thafeiiio same Will b* for hearing atthe OourfcHouse|in Xenia, on OetobeB2oyl9 i5 ,’ by which time defendant must answer or demur to said pet! film Or judgement may be taken against him, . Custody of children, with order for support and maintainauce also asked. L il t m / cb ine . —FOR SALE ;—Two second hand storm buggies. . Ralph Wolford. NOTICE Dead Slock Wanted;- -Tho Cedar tills fltortilifcor Co,, will rctaovo all dead stock Immediately by calling G, (h WEIMER D« it resolved by tho General A^ombly of tho Stato of Ohio; Section. 1. A propositioneh,nl{ho oubmiltod to tbc ejectors of tho Stato of Ohio, on tho ilraj Tuesday after tho first Monday in November, ISIS, to amend Article XU of tho Constitution of tho State Of Ohio by the addition of Section 12, to road as follows: JOINT JIESOEUTOIN Proposing a supplement to articleXU ot tho constitution of tho state cf Ohio, by tho addition of a section to bo desig­ nated section 12 cf snide XII, relative to thoexemptionofUondsfromtaxation. Be it resolved by.tho General Assembly of the State of Ohio, Three-fifths of tho members elected to both housesoccurring therein: . That there shall be submitted to the doctors of this state in the manner provided by law, on tho first Tuesday after thofimt Monday in No­ vember, 1015, a proposal to supplement articla XII by an additional section to bo designated section 12, article X II ot the constitution ot Ohio to road asfollows: Section 12. Bcndi of tho stato of Ohio, or of atiy subdivision or district thereof, authorised by law to issoo beads, issaed on or after January J, 1910, shall bo exempt from taxation. Bo it further resolved, That Ot auch election above referred to thissnppbmcnt shall bo placed on tho ofTieial ballet, its the manner provided by law and designated as follows! "TO EXEMPT BONDS ISSUED ON OH AFTER JANUARV 1,1010, OP THE STATE OF OHIO, OP* ANT SUB-DIVISION OH DISTRICT THEREOF AUTHORIZEDBY LAW TO ISSUED BONDS FROM TAXATION," or-in other language- suf­ ficiently cleat to designate it. If mloptcdl this mtpplcraOnf shall toko effect on tho first day of January, 1010. CHARLES D. CONOVER. Speaker of tho House! Of Representatives, J C. 3, HOWARD, ' President pro feu of tho Senate Adopted April 2?. 1915. United States of Art)'rica, . Slate of Obit) Office of the Secretary of State. t, C. Q. IIILDEBRANT, Secretary of State of the State of Ohio, do hetchy certify that the foregoing is an exemplifiedcopy, carefully com­ pared by mswith the original rolls aaw cn file in tbisofficeatid in niy Official custody as Scctctary of Slate and found tabs true and correct, of a joint resolution,adopted by the General Assem­ bly of the Stato of Ohio, on the IStU tlfty of April, A. D, 1910, and file in- this office on tho 2Stb day of April A. D. 1915, entitled "Joint Resolution to Amend ArtklsXHof tko Uonsti- totior) of Ohio by the adoption of Section 12, "in TestimonyWhereof. I h»vo hereunto shb scribed my narao. andaffitedr.iV official teal at the City of Columbus. Ohio, this 25th day of Juno, A. D. 1015, C. Q. HILDEBRANT, SecretaryofStato, 1Goal| AUTHORIZATION OF PUBLICATION Department of Public Piir.titig of Ohio, Publication of thcrabove prapastd amendment to the Constitution of Ohio, under Scctfcn 5 of an act entitled, "An art relating to certain pro posed e.ri;:;ftdmeat3 to tho Constitution cf Ohio Mnl. tho publication thereof," passed by tho General Assembly of Ohio, April 29, 1015, ami hsasnofitlcd April 25,1915, is authorised by tho Department cf Public Printing of the Stato of Ohio. JOE n CROSS, SupOttfitKtOfPublicPtiiltiftjf, PLANNING riOUTE FDR BRYAN Heavy Tcmiieranco Gun# Now to Bo Trained On Oftior Toledo, O.-1—(Special.)—-A commit­ tee o£ leading Ohio Democrats aro ar­ ranging the tour of William Jennings Bryan, who will spend the week be­ fore tho election in Ibis state cam* A>aigning In behalf of the statewida. 'prohibition amendment, ‘It Is expect*, cd n special train will be provided and that Mr. Uryau will make many short addresses each day. That a meeting Will bo arranged for Cincin­ nati ia certain. He will talk In a num-. her of the larger cltleo as well ao in many of lhe smaller places. Ho will be accompanied by prominent Demo?* crats, ao well ao by Republicans, Governor Hatfield ’of West Virginia : expects to fill a lew speaking date3 for Ohio drys, as does his commla- Blotter of prohibition, Hon. Fred 0. Bine, ao well no other West Virginia officials. Seme otiiero who are al­ ready in the state, or who are coming to campaign against the saloono, are Captain R. P. Hoboon, Major Dan Morgan Smith, former counsel for the Model License league, and ex-Con- gressman Landis of Indiana. DRUNKENNESS AND CRIME Show Big Increase With Saloon# Back Jn Belmont County. Bellaire, O.—-(Speciiil.)-—That ,the saloon has Increased drunkenness ana crime in this city and county io prov­ ed by the official recordo. After nevCD yearn without saloons the Home Rule amendment brought dram chopo back the first ot last May. The last four nontha Bellaire was without saloons the total number ot arrests waa 239, Of which 93 were for drunkenness. The following four months, with saloons, tho total n'um- bor of nrrostO was 72G, of which .198 were for drunkenness. The last four months Bridgeport, this county, was dry there were 23 arrests, Of which 7 were for drunken- tecs. During the first four months after the town became wet the total number of arrests was 150, of which 114 were for drunkenness. From May 1 to Oct. 1,1914, With the county dry. there wore 454- prisoners in the county jail, of which number 47 wore charged with vio’ation of Honor laws. For the came period in 1915, with the county wot, there were 077 jail prisoners, J04 of whom were chaii-od with Hmor Violations. . W AN TJE .D . . i*a Apples & Potatoes Set us if you havo any to sell R. Bird&Sons Co. With a full line of merchandise all new goods. Best brands. We strive to give -you the best in quality and service at the lowest possible price, Highest Prices Paid for Produce-; GOODS PROMPTLY DELIVERED PHONE NO. 217 We assure you any portion of your patronage will, be greatly appreciated. It is never too much trouble to accommodate you at our store. Ru fusMcFarland, Mgn. PRICE WRECKING l\ -<1 Most Wonderful Sale of of the Year. $200 .00 Worth of the Most De­ pendable Merchandise Offered You for 15 Days At Prices that will Puzzle Even the Best Judges of Values. Postpone all engagements, drop work, leave everything behind and' attend the biggest and best sale ever held in Miami Valley. « Everything for Man, Woman, and Child, to Wear, at the greatest price redactions. See DaytonDailyPapers for Particulars, ■... .i The Fair 28 & 30 E. Fifth St., Dayton, - - Ohio.