The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

It (DHLCOLEGE (Coetiausd from I*t,.pag«) ¥** «*»P«* *»4 enough addi- w»»*l toad fur all outdoor sport* «u»d •kwantary agricultural experiments. There shocM b« endowment sefft- eimt to establish chair# in Religion, Stf****, IfethnwaticA, Philosophy, Jswtwry, Education, Ancient and Mod- fm Languages, and Oratory besides ftavia to maintain physical culture and Wfooid# scholarship# for needy and went and opdowttfint could . shed » a community like this, where expenses of material and living approach a minimum a t a drat cost not to exceed $350,000, CodsrriUe College, with its present endowment and huildings, represents $150,000, must on such a calculation raise $$00,000 more than it now has. This amount would provide for the necessary enlarging and remodeling of the present huildings, the erection of J’ e other buildings needed, the endow- section or1eendition.' 1$ la bstacested fin tha dreams' and dsrekMN* the v»- ions of youth. I t encourage# laudable ext>eetoLiotyi im I guidAft wotUiV’ &S&* and’ supported by sacrifice; and l o n g 9 S g * W«K after this generation shall have run Sf°vl5v*. Iwr tuoir^ activity „*ad eaidnn, Its one response must bs, that by Goa’s grant it will. CedarviUe Collage was founded in prayer, has been maintained in ri'.ith, it# race, CedaryiHe Collego will live to enrich the nation, gladden the church, and bless the world; and with the years it will grow in material equipment until it becomes the joy of this community and is numbered high among the favored colleges of our country. To bring Cedarville College up to this ideal is your work and mine. We receive the greatest benefit from it; 212 dkWiStai MftatiiN mm* nisitiiawii»aiwa* growth. It taxes youth as it finds them, shapes and molds them for use­ ful manhood and accomplished woman­ hood, It inspires to pure life, force­ ful character, and capable and willing j service, _ t ■ [ The ideal’college takes nothing but ; wliat should be taken away from its * students but rather enriches them and , fenders them indispensable to the com­ mon good. The ideal college Luis ideal students, A .’college with and, therefore, we should render* the; students. They are in college for a ‘ - * * • most to it. What we do, we should w b ie purpose. They.prove themselves ent of chairs at present not provided for, and the support of worthy stu­ dents not now pared for. Cedarville College representing in buildings and endowment the Slim of $156,QOQpre­ sents a splendid nucleus around which to build up, a strong and 'useful in­ stitution, I t affords nn, inviting oppor- ■tunity to this community to invest some of its material resources in a cause which' will result in inestimable returns far and neat and through un­ told generations. Though; only twenty-one years old. • Cedarville College has graduated nearly* two-hundred ybuag men and . women and1given partial preparation for life-work to upwards of two- thousand others* -These are • «U honorable pursuit# and in every part o f the earth interest in the ad­ vancement of the general good, and . rendering commendable service *ir—4- . of them have come from the and villages of-this community, __ * represent In.their own temporal worth - many times the “money, value of Ce- darville College, and its grounds; while in -training and character their nrice *is beyond all human reckoning. Much Of what.'they represent and are -.they owe directly to Cedarville Col­ lege. What they received from Cedar- " Ville College has not only helped to make ihem what they are but has given priceless satisfaction to their parents and added incalculably to the welfare of humanity. In view o f all this, Cedarville CoJ~ , lege is not only an opportunity to the ; people-of this community to invest ' material resources, but it also places - ah obligation, up,on the- cornmuhity to do So; and, m.return for the bless­ ings, which Cedarville College has , • brought to the community, it is among the least returns which the • community can render, to co-operate - in .speedily raising the. sum men­ tioned as necessary to give the col­ lege. is -rightful place and power. • The past liberality of this community,. , its present kindly spirit, and its hopes and desires, “for the ‘success of -the college give assurance land ‘encour­ agement that greater things are near in store both for the college and The t; community.' « w * * Will the $260,000 be secured? The ts Tari do now. The next few years will de­ cide whether we are worthy longer to be entrusted with its welfare or railing to do our part it shall pass out of our midst to another place and people who will .welcome its. coming and make of it what wc ought to have made of it, . Kay, le t us not dream even of such a day, for Cedarville and Cedarville College are too closely identified and cqo much attached,to one another; and this community is too wide awake io its,, best interests, that for the sake of hoarding a few dim^s and dollars for each citizen, such an irre­ parable loss should, be suffered ttf overtake th e ’entire community. To­ day, rather let us resolve that we shall consecrate ourselves and.' ours unceasingly to the task of building Up a greater Cedarville College, an ideal college, in huildings, equipment, and.endowment,' • - ! II. Along with the material re. ources considered, there are per- onal elements which enter into the answer res largely with, this com­ munity, When this region of fertile farms far-famed for agricultural pto- , duel# and Jive stock; when this com- mlirnty of happy homes and prosper- S people; most of whom are- native ricans descended from the sturdy Scotch Irish; when this community ‘ distinguished in peace and in war, and within whose confines have been bom and reared some of, our nations' most illustrious, among' whom Was one of the first citizens, of our country, and whose ‘likeness graces this hall, and Whose memory js ' dear and revered, your own distinguished - Whitelaw Reid. When this community with its boasted schools and churches is asked if’it can raise $200,000' to endow and perpetuate an institute in its midst and for its own welfare, there can be,only one answer and that is, i t can. ,, . , When it is asked if i t will, In the light of all that the college is and has done and what this community is and deserves to dd for its own sons and daughters there should be but One answer, i t will. recalls the goodngss of God throughout all the years and reflects that this college is his call and chal­ lenge to this community to maintain ana perpetuate higher Christian edu- ouigent and earnest in their studies. They are thoughtful and considerate of the right# and feeling# of others. They co-operate with the faculty in every just 'and" reasonable •demand.. They manifest an interest and as tp S ah possible take an active part iff ait the affair# of college lire." They evince their loyalty and devotion to their college by rejecting every pro posat that wilt embhfro## or compso- mise it and by enthusiastically sup porting every measure that will ad Vance It. Tuny aim seriously to maintain it# reputation for,scholarship and character. ; 1, Cedarville College is1’not noted *br the number of its. students but i t hi# an enviable reputation for students of commendable endeavor and Christian character. Its- chief ■ asset is ipr thq young people who recite in its class­ rooms., They come from good home# and bring the blessing of their Chris- dan training and influence With them It is not .too much to say th a t their Ilives are an inspiration to their pro- make-up of ap ideal college. (1) tfessors and instructors. I t will ever 'Among these* is- the Board of True- Ibe. our supreme purpose to see to i t tees. To them is committed hy civil I that along with' the mental culture authority the charter of the college; fund, social development which they re and they are charged with the e'xecu- Jceive, the BtudeWof Cedarville Col tmn of its provision# in .accordance I lege shall retain the Christian integ- with the- law# of the state. Their jrity and truth which they bring with , teachings ■ shall be .T , ...,—_------- strengthen'and establish to themselves that tljeir consciences I them in sound Christian faith, approve thCir policy; and to God in f The Meal crtiw „ ha-? *i hmiv nf tO^vvhom^hCV^ust^in^fvidtiaffv rerf r 0yal ^ Spiteful alumni. Their de- der acreuS^ fS ^ r otjoa and .gratitude to their alma rheirreSronsibiStvis^eat a n d th e ir Ware born while they were stuT abilitv^todfscharee thefrduties most l f ent3: They drank at the fountain of h e 1 IEarning, grew Strong and wise fori their T n t S t v ^should^be ^sucb ^ a U du?ies °.f lifei a#d got the inspira- ■hevwni wannirertie l twn wluch the motive and blessing m f L r 'l i t h th f sarne d e S tc h S d P f their m within the halls of thei? ™ aIma, mateT- M they aire «oMe and Iworthy sons and daughters, they ap- nrehetiSd '-n v ^ h V r - y i e i f ? B ^ ‘ Jprdciate what their college did for rnmds^ PThel?fnolfcdv s h o u ld ^ ^p‘ I them; aiid they, though knoiving its void 'of favowtisnf Them snirit Iweaknesses, do not magnify them and jmurmur about them but direct their j attention and powers'to help remove rhei^watchword ^ ou lT te miiciencv-’ ftheir1,, They realize that their altna S ' S S l S i ’ ^ + S mater s worth and work are bound uu theirs^so that its good name is,- S o W o s t m l k a S a h l 4 the c o l-te a .sense» theirs; and its strength lese that its \vork shall reflect s hkewise theirs. CedarVdle College •lefr medit andYts ren4ation enhLce I V s no Teason- to- be ashamed of its •heirsThefr^ideal ^shou!d°be a coPl-l? I!im^ but’rather just cause to t&- Nolce hi tjiem and their prosperity. wmthv°and imiduaMe^ahd wflftmrreL T^16 ah*mtji*whom a college de- T 1 ^ o n « m e n r fo + w ^ to honor, are those who have t h o u s and,toil. : m a tS re th e l ' (2) Another personal element is the faculty. The ideal college has a facul~ J -SiSSf f n f ty, whose scholarship is marked for ,Pe^ ds - accuracy, compass, and thoroughness.!"^* ft 5 j„e3r are exealPlaYy> faithful Its habits are .clean, wholespme, and 1 °"™^° »e-V ’ . . , . .. exemplary; Its influence ■ is far- j . .The last personal .element of the reaching and commands respect. It# j , £ C$®K® m 8 commimity m ahtlity and success in the daaa-room j)?^ich the college is located, While are unquestioned and enviable, its 1the community is not directly connect-* spirit is progressive and sane." Its{aa witn the eour .tirwu attc itre n g th e n in g ^ ^ ^ ^ e v o tio n ir con- Jfaik « i. o i .a depends largely laracter is 1 tried 'proach. It# and beyond i ^ j the other persona is. tender and | « » nevertheless tl in the sense that factors mentionet he success or the /WAULST,,OMSITEOF :«l » (ftth© financial resources of Hie Fed- Bred government ere e x e m p M e d tn NewYorfc fey the activUiesj within fhte matfwfioent bunding at the head of Wall Street Jhtidh Hi«f0aihe way the iuciiuic^al reeouro«« of thie community are -.ex­ emplified fey the work and activities of this feaah. Our deports represent the thrift and prosperity of the;people'of ’the com­ munity. and «Way also represent the confidence of the public in thesafety and responsibility of this institution. t|'Ow wish is that all of the people of' - the community may fee numbered amend those whose savihft# are growing with ua. the saving hafeit U •your best insurance poiloy for the years to coma 1. g£ 61 art a Jbanh account with us today, F h i l E x c h a n g e B a n k . HCDAKVILLK, 55npi) . • stan fand true. Its purpose is •pure upon the community around it. If the. and practicat, and itsPideal is Cfaist 1^community « sympathy with the iQwin :«uixiiX!<iibiQf| wuQ Uiopirt, emmui i * *,., . ion,- The personality of each should Jperpetuity, be Strong enough to impress itself in- | le8e* ielibly upon studehta and rich enough | . When a community; like,this dis- io create h it1' minds of stu ideal college....................................... . _ ................................. , Great teacher that their live# reflect churches extends a helping hand to -lie and their influence, like his, up- the college and welcomes its student# lifts and abides. Iand create# about them a Wholesome ’.rigs are erected, equipment is provid-1 thus extends free of cost its own rep­ ad, endowment is secured, faculties (utation and enriches itself far beyond are maintained, curricula are con-Jail that it# material resources may structed, bureaus of self-help and em- Jcount for. * . uloyment are formed, plans are pro- ’ I t is encouraging to take up -thfe jected, ideals are set up, social cen- presidency of the college in this com- ter# are sought, environment is ere-Jmunity so long established, so Ameri- ated, hopes are entertained* sacrifices can in character and spirit, so devoted ire made, and prayers are unceasing-j to the highest and best, so interested ,ly offered, primarily for The students, Jin the Success of the college, and so The ideal college knows no class or | expressive for its welfare. Citizen# | of this community, he assured today [that fori the land word# Which you | speak, generous deeds which you per* [form and liberal offerings which you [make for Cedarville College, the col- [lege wilt reciprocate your good Will, cherish your noble spirit and co-oper­ ate with you for your best mutual in­ terests, Finally, Ideals are essential to the make-up of an ideal college. The ideal college must and will nave the highest ideals. Among the manyIde­ als which might he adopted, citizen- shin is an iffiportant one* The ideal college in a republic like ours trains Its students in the fundamentals of good government and endeavorsto fit them for worthy citizenship.! What­ ever course of study they may pur­ sue, whatever calling in life they may prepare for* students in an ideal Ameriicatt college ate taught to believe that the adventures of the colo­ nists, the sacrifices of the patriots* the aspirations of the fathers, and the devotion of our countrymen In peace and in war have been the' deep­ est expression of the natural, imper­ ishable, and just, desires of human hearts for the rights of mankind and the freedom of the race. The principles of democracy are held second In them sacredness only to the- tenets of the Christian church. The problems individual and, social, political and economic, material and moral of the nation are made clear and the student Is presented with so­ lutions Mitorieal and theoretical for their adjustment and is made to feel that it Is his imperative duty so to ■ prepare himself that Be may render : the most effiekmt service in meeting and helping to adjust the questions ‘ of his country. He is made to under­ stand that the nation does not call for young men or for old men but lor prepared-men,: ’ - : . p ie advantage* and attainments of college men are supposedly sunerior, and consequently the demands are greater upon them, ■ It is expected, that they measure up to the needs, of the hour, hut if they fail it- is dis­ couraging s.nd little short of humiliat­ ing, Inspired by the ideal that his country is to he freed from error and redeemed from vice; enlightened in ithe principles of equality, justice, and truth; prepared to apply courageously and wisely What he has learned, the * college'man ihunld enter his eonatry’s • tasks a fit lnstrument to wriorm them, faithfully and auccissfuilv. Gotleges have j ^ e tw their felt duty, to ttmir •, C S P R U C E V F ” XXXXXOOQOQOOOOOera I am operating a modern up-to-date French Dry Cleaning and Dy­ ing R an t in Xenia and am serving a host of patrons to their entire satisfaction. To introduce my service in Cedarville and vicinity for abu tted time I will make special low prices. Fo r 75c I will French Dry Clean equal to new any Ladies' Suit or Long Coat or a Man ’s Suit or Overcoat. The work will be done equal to my regular charge* Just mail them by Parcel Post will cost about 6c a suit. I will pay return charges and immediately on receipt of your goods I will mail you a postal showing that I; have received the work, W rite your name plainly and address all orders t© 39 Green St, Xenia, Ol| Y. M. C. A, BUILDING NOTICE;—There are two Dry Cleaners on Green St. Get the right place. My place at the Corner Market and Green. OF WomensSuits,Gowns,Goats,Waists, FursandSkirts W E A R E R E A D Y with everything that is fashionable in Women’s and Misses' Outer Garment of highest quality at popular prices. The styles and varieties are more varied for this season than ever before and we will add more fame to our Ready-to-Wear Departments. Women who wish to dress w e l l .on a small outlay will find this the -best place to buy their garments. Best ,of Service Guaranteed Fu r Trimmed Suits VALUES $ I 7 .5 o to $ 3 5 Made of black and navy serges; full silk lined, also white chinchillas and new sporle with belt# and pocketB. Splendid­ ly tailored in new lengths. «- ShapeRetaining Suits $26.00 Made of tine broadcloth in Russian grsen, tobacco brown, navy and black. Box ooat styles with brai l trimming, fur oollar; silk lined. Hew style skirt. Real Fine Suits $37.00 to $50.00 G reatest display of stunning tailor made suit*; also semi-annual suits for women and- misses. Fur trimmed, braid, or .plain tailormade, Equal to custom work. Newest colors." Shapeliness in Corsets Insures Perfect-Fitting •Garments Milady cannot be too careful In selecting the proper corset as a foundation for her Autumn su it and evening gowns. In fact the corset makes thelines. We show a complete lino or the new American Lady, Walnes, Gossard, Frolaset and other good corsets. FREE FITTING SERVICE. $2.00 Sm art Fa ll Coats f o r . • $12 .50 If you.want exclusiveness a t tins price, come to Hutchison & Gibney's for your suits, lQO different stytes of the newest modols'df t he . season; broadcloths diagonals, whipcords and gabardines; also fur trimmed velvets.______ _____ . FUR TRIMMED COATS tn broadclo'th ^ 1 V K f t Black,Browns and Corduroy w * * "Navvs. Grev Navy#, y New Fa ll Dresses [ . F R O M . . -?** ♦ $15 .00 to $37 .50 Made of Georgette crepes, satins, char- mouses, serges,' and, and ssrge com­ binations, in black, navy, Hunter’s green and African broyn in very no\r medels. Afternoon dresses and evening gowns— all the la test ideas for the fall and w inter season. Made of rich Chiffon#, laces, oharmueses and velvets; a t $25.00 to-$37.50 S ilk Waistjs In Georgette Crepes, Chiffons, Taffetas, Plaids and Stripes from $3.50 to $12.50 HUTCHISON d GIBNEY X E N I A , . ■ - O H I O . rvr country1when tliey teach tbo princi- Ics of civic righteousness, and send orth their products in the form of clean, honest, courageous, patriotic and practical manhood and woman­ hood. t ' ; Hand iff hand with the ideal citi­ zenship goes that of character. Ib e two are inseparable. The one is, the other does. The one is the active and the Other is th« potential clement in personality. The call is for .men> and women' of unquestioned and irre­ proachable character, character sin­ cere in motive, simple in, manner, 1 . e . ti m 1. . fi;_ . ______ _ college m m sympathetic in nature, stable in prin­ ciple, and safe in Christ. The ideal has for its su­ preme mission the molding and estab­ lishing of character. Material re­ sources precious for source and mag­ nificent in extent, personal factors, numerous, qualified and essential a# they are c<Hapferale to the truest end and shine out with the brightest lus­ tre only when they become the flican# to develop, c h am is r to it# full orb. That college and? that faculty are rendering the greatest service to hu­ manity and bringing the highest glory to God that dre" along with the strengthening of the physical powers, and the broadening of the mental faculties, developing character which will ring true to principles whether it I ks popular or unpopular, be itself be­ fore the mighty and'in the presence of the mean, feel tenderly for the out­ cast as well as the respected, endure through adversity and remai** un­ moved by prosperity, and crown Christ over ail that it is and does. The motto of Cedarville College is “For Christ’s crown and covcnant.’M t was first heralded by our forefather# of Scotland and Ireland as they suf­ fered persecution and martyrdom for the crown right# and royal preroga­ tives of King Jesus. Ah I they were but men with the frailties of human nature, but they were men of force and character, unsWcrved by the threats of tyrant# and undaunted by the power of king#. Tliey espoused the truth, They believed God*# word. They defended the church and they handed down in their own blood, Sealing their testimony in many in­ stances with death, the happy herit­ age and precious privileges which,We today. of ^tiiest efltet, but for » , v „ , , Patent influence so holy, rational, ser- Blessed be God that, wcoable and devoid of^selfish nuitow* .AIWA w ttn ta lth a t it shall Uplift felloW- mPn K *a’ea^iea upan them it# beneficense and #0 continue, after <mr work is done, to cany its blissful charm and. power to coming generations. enjoy ....... ................ , ............... here stands a college whose mo to is theirs and whose purpose is not only to perpetuate their precious memory but to keep to the forefront tile un­ dying principles which they received, and cherished, and suffered for in order to transmit them to Us. " Citizens of Cedarville and communi­ ty, Board of Trustees, <Alumni, stu­ dent, and faculty, let us here and now dedicate ourselves anew, with the like demotion which characterized OUr illustrious fathers, to co-operate with one another and to toil with faith In God and with a view single to hi# glory of the upbuilding of Cedarville College that there may continue through the coming ages a Christian; institution of higher learning ift our midst to train our youth, enrich our nation, and make glad the church of Christ; and in doing #0 we pray not for lighter tasks but greater strength; not for conflicts to be Shunned but for courage and wisdom,to meet them; not for passing honor, whose getting NOTICE *4* Sealed bids will be received by the Trustees of Cedarville Town- a t the clerk’s office, GedarnlU , O*. until 1 $ o’clock noon, December i« 1 » 1 S fer the furnishing *ftd dalivere ing on the new Smith read about *00 yard# of gravel mors or 1 «««. Byorcter of tb s Trustees, ANDREW JACKSON, C lsrk, awililii'iirn *».«*«* ant mm mm