The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

‘ M M S t a lt t a iM t 0 « f J«fc W«f>k wife compare ijfth * &f any o tb ir firm.,.., *, % * *WWWW«MI'< f W- This Uess whewm*r)fc«4 with m l«* dex,dewotesiitot»y«f's subscrip­ tion i* put due and * prumpt *gi> dement It earnestlydosirad., . * H-VK*V*OS TH IRTY -E IGHTH YBA.R NO. 60. CEDARTOMB, >AY , N O V E M B E R go , ' 1916 sssis igwOggra PR ICE , 11,00 A Y E A R Another Suit W ed In U. S. Court Jndge Safer sustained Attorney garner by his decision last Satur­ day When, the attorneys for the Geiger-tfonw* Company asked for an mjanqifon against the attorney general rendering an opinion on the “ blue iky” law. Hall waa re­ strained from revoking the license until the ease is heard upon its teants on Saturday, Nov, Sft, when three U. S. Judges will »lt in Cm oinnatl. Judge sater. held that any damage that might fall against the company through publicity or a hearing in courtwouldstand against the company, they being the plain­ tiff's in the suit. •The company also wUaefcs the 1‘blue sky” law a* unconstitutional and will endekvor to breakdown the law that,was passed to *eem> pur­ chasers o f stock, For years#Ohio wasafertllr 'fleid for the sale of worthless Stock and to protect In­ vestors the bide sky Jaw was pasted and has been in force about .two years. ' Monday a new suit was filed in tbe V. S. oourt by Don't). Coultrap, pi Franklin, Pa., whoasks that" the attorney general be restrained from giving snob -an lopiniop as men­ tioned in the, first suit. ' .A ll others alegations are about the same.. I t is thought that such a suit was necessaryon the part o t the com­ pany as Ooulfcrafc is an agent out Of this state. • The attorney general contends that the company bad no standing In tfce F« y. court; To get around this an agent out of the state brings a similar suit on the grounds that) he in conducting an inter-stftte business, * Coultrap is a brOtber-ia-law of E-. fe. Long, o f Layton, wbo Is first vice president of the company. He has residedin Franklin aboutlS months. The decision in this case is being watched cldsely not only by clients pCthe Galger-Jonea Company but allthefinancialand business inter­ ests o f the state. I f the law is held unconstitutional speculators ffee to do as they please and in­ vestors will he n't fcheir mercy. LECTURE COURSE. -»’WrJgr* The Lecture Course committee an­ nounces the silt of season tickets Saturday, November S7. -The-tickets will be sold thisseason on the same plan as last year. The canvass will be.made in one day when the whole community will be asked to purchase tickets. Have yopr money ready when the solicitors calif so that youwill,not keep him wait­ ing. A day orsoprcvisous the booklets will be mailed so that everyone will be familiar with the course. If you should not receive one call at Richard’s drug, store, ■ „ ■ . The first number comes on Dec., 14, the American Male Quartette. The other numbers are as follows:. The. Raweikinatlves ’of New Zealand; Miss Beryl Buckley reader; Dr, ‘McKeeve'r, lecture; Scbijdlcret Orchestra; Dr, Brad- ford, lecturer. •l Tickets are as usual $1.00 each, af­ fording a winter’s entertainment for anominal sum. Every .home in, the owUshipshouldbe represented, CARD OF THANKS. “ inasmuch as ye have done it un­ to one of the least o f these ‘ my brethren, ye have done ft unto ms,” Is the only word, that Can in any measure express our feeling, toward the people of Cedarville, and -the Cedarville charge. - . * Affectionately, Mr* and Mrs .1 J.W,Patton and Helen The Statesman’s Twins. “How many childrenhaveyou?” ask­ ed the reporter, - “One, a daughter,” replied the states- .man proudly, , - "But I heard that you bad three,” protested the man of letters. “Oh, two of them 'are twins', and .they’re paired,-you knowl” explained thp representative of the people.-fibil- adelphla Ledger. - Liberty Bell Attracts Crowd. The Liberty bell being returned to Philadelphia t .er being on exhibit at the %an Francisco ex­ position attracted considerable at­ tention as the return tripwaa made.’ I t was well into the night when the ^special train arrived here but. the crowd braved the raw wind and waited patiently until about 10:80. The $» ot Y , band furnished In­ spiring music and kept the crowd la good humor. When the train- stopped there was ■-* mighty ways of cheers, Gov, Willi# and his staff aceofhpauied the.special across tbe state, Th is'Is-the second or third time .the bell "has passed through here but the .first time a stop was made, - The following facts about the bell-will be.of interest; First cast-m 1761 from a model made by order ot Henry III., In the century, In memory of Edward the,Confessor, , Is made of bronze. ,{ ■ Recast in Pbilndelpbio m MBS* W eight, 11,080pounds, ' Height, four fSet;, . Greatest thickness, three iuchcs. Circumference at crown, seven feet, she inches,. Circumference at tip 12 feet, •Diameter at lip five fdet. . ; Clapper, three reel, two inches long.. \ First ringer, Andrew McNair, Last ringer, Thomas Downing. Cost about $4,150, - p i - Pay# f i r ^ l ■ f e e ” , will be tbe ajfrriwitu&p H ta Fairbanks Theatre, Spriifira ^K-6n Wedues- Uay, DjBg»tpb»r S m ■ p ? ’ p rm agent puffing wifi b c . « « $ r y to Incite interest ia t&ht-M Rveryone whoreotiB H | e » and nfiws- papers ba» he*™ ■p-^t tliepfecc, which, had a r 9 ■piraaking run for faroec* at BEprc M, Qohen Theater, New « ■ Bikr* «nd is now' enjoying K f tnamph ii, Gbieago. - , a | ^vr*. The title is true to .buslnees e^pe Wm Hb' as the play its self i# hrfiAsM Here .is a rich, rosy E|eing farce o f rapid-fire ac%j^j Mm epnistCntly amusing th rs -i^ l E I t is the .sort o f play that wgBm Ri^kn enjoy and appreciate, feftlbjB Kk iy brim# with fan and laofhsaB ^i'<flmostirresis- table and spon i^ ^ t s o r t , UNIVERSALPEACE He Let It Go. « u r c h 5 P Y k ; e . J .W . Patton, Pastor. Sunday School at 0 ; 8 Oa. m. Preaohiug at IftsBDa, m. Epworth League at 6:80. ' You are cordially Invited, Faultfinder fin front o f dairy .res­ taurant)—I notice the Word,dairy oh' your new sign is spelled d-l-a-r-y. -Pro- prtetoo-'f know It Is, I wpa going’ to haye it changed, but, the palnter -con­ vincedme his way.of spelling the word was mote, suggestive. Fattltflhder- Mor« suggestive? Proprietor—Yes; he «Ud it tconveyed the idea- of putting things aowmrrdudge, ‘ ‘ R. P. CHURCH (MAIM 4TR6ET) Teachers’ meeting Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. Rabbftth.&Chool Sabbath morning at 0:30 o'clock. . , Preaching Service 10;80a.m. C, E, Society 5:80 p. m. Preaching at 6:80. Preaching services at the La Vlpia Theatre Sabbath at 2:80 p. m. A ll hovers of thefSospel are cordial­ ly invited to attend. Key. S, B, Btinley will paeaob, WELL DRILLING. jl have purchased the Well drilling outfit of Johnson Bros, and am prepared to drill We)la On im­ mediate notice. GEORGEH, IRVIN &SON, NOTICE Sealed Bide will be received by the Trustees of Cedarville Town- m the clerk's office, GedarviUe, O*, until 12o’ clock noop, December 18, 1216for tbe furnishing and deliver­ ing on the new ‘Smith road about #00 yards of gravel more or less, Bvorder of the Trustees. ANDREW JACKSON, Clerk. Stop your t-ad Unite •with tit. ktt*r keatlib* «r*M*rf* men of the highest tan . j A#? It is inflicted wUh tty, frequently sous to reb]i#rthe almost a cripple for life.' The la thrown upon his. face, and e&(*h fpotis passed through a loop, of strong Cord attached to a pole, which1# raised horizontally by men, who, twist­ ing It around, tighten the^ropes and tefider the feet irnmoVableT Two exe­ cutioners then strike tho .soles alter­ nately with switches of the pomegran­ ate tree.well steeped In water ,to ren­ der them supple, The punishment fre­ quently lasts for an hour or until ,the unfortunate victim faints frompain. o jo | o *o »o »© to 4 o to *o| o io to fo £ POULTRY NOTES. - O I f you intend to bulld a .poul- ♦ try house for winter use the £ sooner you start it the better so £, tiiat it may be &ood and ready o when the chickens are ready for it Don’t forget to have plenty of grit for your fowis. A want of It bring# pn Indigestion. Charcoal is ah excellent thing to keep before the Weds. It ab­ sorbs the gases and-is valuable £ in bowel disorder#. It will help •« to sweeten tbe crop that has be- ° come sour, ' o Early hatched pullets Should o beplaced in pens for the winter “ q long before they settle down to *«* laying. 2. It pays to buy good stock if 2 you are contemplatinggoing Into £ the poultry business even as a 6 side line. A lot’ of poorly bred q birds are worth just market » price, ^While pure breds are 2 worth many times the butcher’s £ _ prices. o o jfO fofoto io io$o4o|o {fo|o (o|o K 0 ALUM-NO PHOSPHATE Hade from Cream of Tartar AXKBHMidyPtwe . ■ nm This,nation fs now to tho midst of a controversy as 16 how best to pro-' mote universal peace.' That question we will leave for diplomats to ells* cuss,'but'peace within nations Is no less Important than peace' between nations, and’ it*la heavily laden with prosperity, for- every citizen Within our commonwealth. Many leadingpoliticiansandofltlsnes politics! platforms have .declared war upon business u d no cabinet crisis Over resulted. Many,men havestood in htehplsoeeknd hurled "gasbomb#'' palitiatl aidttbcB spyhfg through th« afikirs of bustaea*. and.political suh- matinea have sent torpedoes crushing into the destiny of commerce,. Don* log; the past quarter of a century we have f 0 ught w»ny a duel with prog­ ress, permitted many politicians to carry on a guerrilla warfare against civilization and point a,pistol at the heart of honest enterprise. < . No man.should he permitted to cry out for universal peace until his red- end hiss been searched for exploisivea, for no vessel armed or laden With munitions of war should be given a clearance to sail for the port of Uni­ versal Feace. Let us by all means have peace, but peace, like charity, should begin at home. Every hn>. bought an at! a safety pin $> i Will get do>et Pay# to Act* The corntRani lit S p r in g® ^ ! each iiumbeRofi pari6natiy'’.^itJ The protUro: original N «W l complatd aud = tali, . “ It pays the the»ati<j«| should riot bo/' THUBSil ' ; " MAU3 On Thufsc America’ s, besbl popularactipeskrt will appear-at ddy, shridgfii tbs mhXfc erne ucceijlidl Minister” , fu l play . o| Adfinis achieve snbeese aka e tf Thfsaeason, ] vlvett “ Tnyur wherever “ LadyB* broke Hit!d Cthies|kr [ “ i.whp'hae ever article, from * tying piano, jjbs from “ I t will be seen elienfc, one, ra* WeKcted ion himself.' r 'exactly 4:he fork City; one in every ,de- 1 * 0 ,” is ope,Of which Si&, 2nd- IMS ^ ' “fj iidmlber 2nd, , an d most faudeA^artis, MakeTaes- _ ing one .of o f her many ^‘The Little is dellgbt- •' that Miss firs trgreat’ ' t- ’tv 'A lg hhs re-’ stor” , and '0 fhAv* raise, of *P* * Rattening Foods. - White bread I# fattening because we rarely digest It completely. Starchy mode.are.quite unaffected by the gas trio juices„.which digest (he meats Their'digestive ferments are obtained chiefly from the saliva in the mouth, which therefore should be thoroughly mixed with each mouthful before swallowing. But white ffread is so soft and lacking In substance that we un­ consciously swallow it,long before it has had g fair chance to become suf­ ficiently fermented with the digestive ssjiva, The result la delayed diges Uop {If digestion takes place at #11), and at the heat the starch is very apt to-be Converted Into disfiguring, un­ wanted and, unhealthy] fat. /"The Elder &JohnstonCo.- Christmas Churchgoers Near Panic* “ An extraordinary panic, occurred re- eantly In st, V^oolas church,,Newport, Monmouthshire. England, when,- dur­ ing the- regdej-ing of a sacred cantata by the choir, the electric light such denly (ailed and IhO building was plunged in rfgfktfess. • The startled gingers, Were silent, Then women screamed. ■with alarm, and made for the doors, . A Serious panic seemed likely, though the vicar assured the1 congregation that .alt would he right, Within a few minute's. The fears,of tbe peopjo were finally quieted by the chdlr beginning tq Sing again' through the ddrknesB the old hymn,' “Aberystwyth.” , MeanWhile church­ wardens groped their way to the emergency gaS'bUrhers, and gradually .) ope by ,pne, lights sprang-into bright- { ness, and the service- was quietly re­ sumed. ' , 4 ■j Y e s , indeed , and it ’s not one nunute too soon to th ink o f Christmas shopping Invite You! T h e E l d e r & J o h n s t o n C o . 4' (Dayton’s Shopping Center) . . This month’s Butierick Patiitris are 10c and ISc^none higher. $ 1 0 0 O f f O n A l l C h i l d r e n s C o a t s O ii DO LLAR P A Y WE W I L L DEDUCT $1.00 from th& Price of anj\C5had| or Misses Cofit in our Souse on all Cloaks including sizes 4 to 14 years. These Coat fire priced regularly from ‘ . . , . > . $ 2 . 9 5 t 6 $ 8 . 7 5 ; . DOLLAR DAYPRICE WILL BE $1.00 LESS ,1*. ■’ 2 “l^ v 9k' - ~ u ' -v ■*^-"1* f\ * , V _ t - r W o r n e n ’ C o a t s E * s p e c i a l l y P r i c e d F o r • - v .’ ‘ • . D o l l a r D a y '•! , ; ' v LOT NO. I. . Women’s all wool Coats in Mixtures Checks and Fancies Regularly ’ $10,00, $12.50 and $15.00 "LOT dollar Day Price $ 8.75 6RASPIN6 AT THE SHADOW No man—especially if he is mar­ ried—would deny woman any right she demands, Take the earth and give us peace, hut why dobs woman long for the bidlott when all is skid and done, 1# not the selection of the butcher more Im­ portant to the home thantheelection of a mayor; is not the employment of the dairyman a far more important event in the life of the children than the appointment of a postmaster; la not the selection of hooks for the family library more important than voting bonds for jail and court house! Why does Woman lay aside the im­ portant things In life? Why leave the substance and grasp at tbe shadow? 'fie it said to the credit o? woman­ hood that It Is not, ae a rule, the woman who rocks the cradle that wants to cast the ballot; it is hot the mother who teaches her children to say “Now 1 lay me down to sleep" that harangues.the pcpttlace; It is not the daughter Who hopes to reign a# queen over a happy home that longs for the uniform of the suffragette. It if, as a rule, the woman who despises her home, neglects her children and' scorns motherhood that lead# parade# and smashes windows. Advocates Silence. Silence la the element In which great things fashion themsel .’ei to­ gether, that at length they may emerge full formed and majestic, Into the daylight of Life, which they are henceforth to rule. , . . All the considerable men I have known fofe- bore to babble of what they were creating and projecting. Nay, In thy own perplexities, do thou thyself hut hold thy tongue, for one day; on th* morrow bow touch clearer are thy purposes and .duties; what wreck and rubbish have thftsa tnuto workman within thee swept away when futm* slve noises were shut out.—.Maurice Maeterlinck, * Allans* A man’s world always, this has bean —everything arranged for man—abd the women ate foreigners. T«&b*i the aeoSofU K m Adt Iras never than in~ftThe Springfield’-* pl*y has beeq. tion ftt ihk Fa Adam’# engagement. iteveufcof ■vejy personality mptra m evidence fli llfafiife#!, and rtUfikte that tbfs -for prftSQQtft- atjdfis during Miss _—Foft S alv about200sho » - O a ilm n eM * s^W o rtb^h e money ofei o f corn near, Cedaryille. LEGAL notice . firobate Court,Green* GOuiity, Ohio. Rawlin P. MoLaftn, Adm'r of the Fajtftte of John p. Carrol Deceased, ’ ’ Plaintiff, ■ VS, ' The Unknown Hslrt of J. P. Carroll Defendants. « t ft!., ■ ■ The Unknown Hejirs of John P, Catroll, (ate of Orsona County, Ohio, (isoalMiad, wifi take notice that Rawlin. P. McLeant adminis­ trator of the astste of JTobn p. Car- toli, d«o«as«d, on the 18th day Of November, l»iP, filed hit petition In the Probata daart of GreeneCounty Ohio, alleging that the personal estate of said deoedentisinaufficiont to pay his debts and the charge# of administering his estate; that he died seised in fee simple of the fol­ lowing desonbed real estate, to-wlt: Bituate In the County of Greene,- State of Ohio, and in the Village of Cedarville and bounded and de­ scribed as follows: Being Lot No. One (1) In Jaoob Miller’s Addition to the town of Gedarvilih la. said county ot Greene, and more fully described In tbe plat of said toWn, The prayer of the petition is that D, B* Frvjn be required to answer, setting forth the particulars of his. mortgage lien thereon, and -that said property he sold to. pay the debts and charges aforesaid. The Unknown Heirs of John P. Darrell, deceased, are hereby notified that they have beenmade partles-defen- dant to said petition and that they are. required to answer the same on or before the let day of January, 1010. * R AW L IN t , McLRAN, Adtninlstratorolthe Ratate of John P< Carroll, Deceased* Howard, Atty., Xenia, O. As Me Understood 1L A Bible teacher among the south­ ern blacks, desirous of waking the dormant power# of a scholar, asked the question: “What are we taught by the historic Incident of .Jacob Wrestling with the angelf Tits cau­ tious reply cam*: Thtnne 'sactly, but I s'pose Iwss to teU us we mustn’t s m*+* /ere Beat ffttfi Models'Coits that 1 Dollar Day Urlce $15.00 i C E . N I * C OHiot THANKSGIVING SALE Women’s Fine Tailotetf Sutts A ll Fine Tailored Suits for Women/and. Misses Reduced to * about one Half former Prices, Representing the Newest Styles Latest Materials, in Both Fur Trimmed and Velvet Trimmed. Sizes 16 Years to 45 Bust $ 9.95 o , 20 Fine Poplin, Whipcords, and A ll wool Mixture®, Suits that sold regularly up , to $20.00. •A ll priced for This Sale, • . . $ 9.95 $ 15.00 More than 25 Suits including Finest quality Broadclothe, Whipcords, Qabar- bines, in Black and all* the good selling colors, Suits that were regularly up to $30.00 sizes. A ll prices In inis sale $ 15.00 $ 19-75 . *» 25 This seasons finest Suits very hand­ somely trimmed in Fur and c Velvet all colors Suits that were priced, up to . $35.00 a few higher* A ll priced in”this s a l e ....... ............................. ................. $ 19.75 TRIMMEDVELVETHATS $1.95 A ll new shapes in fine Velvet Hats some trimmed in Ostrich’ Plumes. In our Thanksgiving sale at, * .......$1.95 atari <mmf* FINEVELVETUNTNIMMED H*T$ $1.00 Mere than 200 fine Black Velvet Un trimmed Hats Manufactures olean up all new Shapes and excellent quality Hats that were regularly $8.00 In our Thanksgiving sa lt......... $1.00 Jobe Brothers Company XE.N1A, . *• OHIO Mtan mmm